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Anonymous 08/12/2024 (Mon) 11:21:41 No. 7417
What to use to get videos from yt
yt-dlp. You can save time if you keep it in a folder with things like the cookies file and a text/bat file with the options already typed out so you can just paste the video url to start downloading. Or you can just use Jdownloader, but getting the cookies to work is annoying sometimes if the video requires you to log in to watch.
I use yt dlp but I forgot the command I enter for Max quality download. I used to save it and just copy paste. Can you help me out
>>7418 jdownloader is literally just install an addon and paste the cookie info into settings. so so so much more convenient and easy to just ctrl-c on the url and linkgrabber does all the work
>>7425 Pasting the cookies is a hassle and it doesn't always work. With yt-dlp you literally just have to click an extension icon in your browser to export the cookies file, then you just drag it to the folder with yt-dlp. If you have a bat file saved in the folder, you just have to paste the video url and then double click the bat file to run it. It's just as easy as Jdownloader. >>7419 yt-dlp -S "ext" --cookies cookies.txt >url< --live-from-start is the option if the video is a live
>>7426 What extension would that be and does it work with age restricted stuff too?
>>7438 cookies.txt on Firefox. I don't use Chrome, so I don't know what extension is best for that. It might be listed on the GitHub page somewhere. Yes, it lets you grab the age restricted videos. It uses the login cookies from your account, so if you can view the video in your browser, you can download it. It works with other sites like Patreon too.
>>7438 Also the cookies are only necessary if the video is age restricted or members only or whatever. If it's just a normal video, you don't need the cookies. And you have to make the cookies file name match in the command line after the "--cookies" option.
