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Anonymous 03/20/2025 (Thu) 18:02:42 No. 16419
Daily post asking sara to post her tits!
i'm bored with sara's tits unless she starts teasing and showing here. no more free channel engagement, it can be a win/win
>>16422 she will, she is an attention whore with daddy issues and is here on this board very often. If we dont lose interest she will do it
i second that if she dont start sending stuff here she needs to be ignored >>16422
shes just using us to cum and we get nothing in return
>>16422 >>16446 agreed. Anon motto. This board is for win, not her praise or attention. If she and simps are too stupid to take advantage of this place to post, then theyre not real anons and are rejected. Other girls have passed the Anonib challenge and wrote 4ANON on their tits, then posted here. But she failed.
>>16449 we already seen her tits its time for more
any one got her snap stuff
>>16463 no matter how hard you try it will never be 2008 4chan again. it's time to move on with the rest of the world man
>>16483 no matter how hard you try it will never be 1968 again. it's time to move on with the rest of the world and stop the cringe jokes boomer
>>16483 Trust me, from experience, the 00s gals didn’t hit quite the same.
>>16483 you could post what you still have from 2008 4chan times
>>16486 you can still find a lot of UA content by looking for stickam wins. never been better than openly sharing jb and pt on the chans without a care in the world lol
Sara just told you all off!
Idk what other nudes were posted but if she never sent any to anyone then.... how would someone have them.
>>16501 she posted them to youtube herself
she is on yt in her most recent short bashing all of us as perves when she comes here and messes around with us uploading videos on her yt and saying she is brush bating. we all need to go call her out on yt comments
>>16503 there were fake SARAs, that wasn't her talking about baiting
>>16506 bro she was here a lot, but there were also fakes. like this
>>16507 right but to say shit like that like she is high and mighty is fucked up like she was never here
>>16503 anyone talking about brush baiting was that one aggressive fucking retard anon, I'm willing to bet it was him that made the comments on her channel that upset her now too fuck that stupid asshole
>>16502 By nudes I was referring to intentional person to person pictures, not the slips and flashes she's posted to her channel.
I'm so sick of aggressive retards harassing these girls all you had to do was leave her alone
I haven’t seen any such thing so I don’t know what she’s talking about. Making shit up for attention
>>16512 Yeah, as far as I've seen the only nude that has been posted here was the flash, nothing else. She's making shit up or someone is feeding her bad info.shes not as smart as she thinks she is, she's quite stupid actually.
>>16512 >>16514 she didn't care about the flashes, she reposted them herself what sent her over the edge was the dumbass making aggressive and threatening comments on her channel detailing her interactions with us, because people she knows irl see her channel there's always at least one retard that takes it too far
>>16509 last clause, how much do you want to bet? Also stop saying fuck to guys, it's gay. Stop acting like a faggot ridditor
she is really playing up this drama and bf angle with the latest short. she actually thinks she's fooling anyone. it's kinda delusional lol
people need to go on there and say shes lying
>>16522 poor old man is falling for all of it 🤭
I've said it from the start...there's no evidence of a boyfriend. None of it stacks up. It's all about attention at this stage.
What’s her YouTube account name?
>>16529 @gofuckurselfpedo
>>16530 @readTheDictionaryRetard pedo means attracted to 10 and under, not girls with tits and hairy pussys. You retards that learn from tiktok feminists are retarded
>>16527 hey moron saying it 3 times doesnt make what you say true. your not the person to help her trying to be a white night when your just another predator. leave her alone sick fuck
ephebophile is the word I think
>>16532 wrong pedo means attracted to a minor, someone under 18 in the usa and 16 in uk. that is the age legally become a adult your a sick fuck predator also bro
The other guys going to say the same thing bc there's pedo ephbo and one more phile word that there is about minors
>>16535 No it doesnt retard. Thats what weve been trying to tell you retards for years. but youre too stupid to look it up yourself, and instead repeat what jews taught you (lied). so STFU and dont cum back til you lookup the word in a dictionary.
You guys are either stupid or desparate, this speech impedimened bitch has not shown any thing that hasn't been posted 20 times over the past month. She is playing you for attention. You gotta be really stupid when a tard plays you for a simp. Move on morons. Yeh her tits are nice, but she is just playing you because of her daddy issues. SHE WILL NEVER SHOW ANYTHING ELSE OR MORE..... READ THAT AGAIN.... SHE WILL NEVER SHOW ANYTHING ELSE OR MORE.... STOP FEEDING THIS TARD WHORE.
>>16554 But she has to eat sir.
>>16557 durrr hurr hurrr...but yeh shes a attention seeking retard, you guys should drop her, it's just dumb at this point
>>16554 this
>>16560 >>16560 You could just not click on these threads.
>>16563 You simps could just not make them too
why is this girl still talked about?? move on
I know she's just doing this for attention, otherwise she would've moved on... But its hot. Every time she come here and mention on her channel, I just end up shooting more ropes to her sexy titties from the old video
>>16573 preach
>>16586 >lk7io if thats gf its already gone
>>16584 >lk7io what domain? >>16586 >>16587 it's not a valid code troll
there aint no summer vid
>>16587 get a life troll
>>16584 Nice try. There was nothing there. Checked the moment you post. Besides, you didn't even post it correctly
Sara if you're reading this, I just want you to know I cummed to your tits a thousand times. They're literally the best tits I've ever seen.
Who is she
>>16621 says the guy who c&p the same simp shit 6 times in this thread
sara deleted all the perv crap after she was called out.
>>16631 we need to tell her when she comes back post here or beat it no more being nice till she does
>>16649 time would be better used finding wins tard
>>16626 Thats what a copy pasta is retard
>>16634 ya, some of us told her that, and simps cried at me. There's no point for a girl to cum here if she isnt going to post. Simps need to learn that this isnt for "cool" talk and worship of a shy nun.
why dont we post wins of sara from snap instead of this dumb sht
>>16665 agreed. I nominate you anon, to start the posts. ty
(9.59 KB 680x168 Capture.PNG)
welp 13
>>16665 there are no snap wins what are you on about?
>>16696 go die in a fire you sociopathic, speech impeded whore. no one give two shit about your rat infested brain. the only thing you have going for you is your tits and we've seen those. you're no longer useful to us.....bye
>>16696 been watching her for ages. Sara is such a cool wholesome girl and gorgeous just kinda wish this drama crap didn't happen i may only be 19 but still got a huge crush on her
What Channel
>>16700 Wtf 19 if you good looking bro get us some fucking wins or fuck off
>>16702 turns out shes been a lesbian this whole time and will only give wins to girls and woman lmfao.... wait.... what if that is the case
>>16703 wonderful, go die in an alley somewhere, no one here cares about you besides your tits...that the total of your worth...so long
>>16707 what part do you not understand? We wont listen to you and dont believe it's you until you post your tits. the real sara showed tits on YT. yet youre too pussy to show here? beta nun >>16709 which hole slut?
>>16709 ok we're making a line. lay back and spread your legs. post your tits and beg
>>16712 Sara, this guy sounds like the abuser. Dont let him boss you around. Hes a beta. Only let alpha chuds boss you around make you show tits. Hes jealous that you get more attention than him. dont let the gay guy win. woman up
>>16709 after how you treated us on yt then come back here wanting to play again. start posting stuff here or fuck off
hey guys when she leaves can u repost her nudes? Ive been waiting to see and suck up to her hoping to get more.
>>16722 who is this sara person?
>>16723 This guy been living under a rock this whole time? how is the air dude? did you remember to wash your underwear? where have you been this whole time lol
>>16724 if there ain't posts with her nudes on here then she is not worth the time
Just admit it Sara you love the attention. Tease us your tits. I know you enjoy it ;)
>>16731 wtf are these links tjeyre everywhere
sara i appreciate you id like to see more though
sara i dont appreciate you until i see more though. youre competing against 1000000 other girls for my attention and cummies. woman up
you see when she tries to cry? she literally can't lol. this girl is messed uppppp. this is all such a game to her. it's fun but like, legit, she's fuckin crazy lol. the hottest ones always are 😞
She's got a gyatt on her too like never shows it off but that onesie... oof
>>16754 no fr tho
she uploaded the summer video but I was too late did anyone dl?
>>16770 She uploaded it today?
she got a premiere going right now title says shower routine but she is cleaning the fucking closet
>>16775 yeah but I was too late did anyone dl?
>>16777 nope and given her trend of mislabeling things or cutting, I'd be dubious until I saw the video anyway.
>>16777 without anyone else confirming it was uploaded, I'm inclined to say you're trolling.
>>16783 anyone?
sara can you reupload the after shower routine please? I was asleep I didn't see it
>>16776 U6Nrub
>>16855 >>16856 Same here; has it been nuked that quickly?
>>16855 reup on bunkr pls
>>16906 blank no file
>>16906 troll
>>16906 guy needs a whole as walkthrough just to post a file
>>16906 bnk or gf? come on
Is it gay if I don't like dudes but like putting dildos up my ass??
>>16927 That's so gay dude get Outta here
>>16927 proof or it never happened
so apparently there was a shower vid that was uploaded but taken down because it wasnt edited?? did she show anything?
>>16933 no there wasnt, it's a troll, fake link, and faggots delete the warning
>>16941 Incredible, thank you!
>>16942 how tf are those incredible? ffs this place has gotten so lazy on what you find "incredible"
>>16941 thank you! shame it was dark
>>16943 it's previously unseen you ungrateful nigger
>>16946 yeah but theres nothing in it. did this suddenly turn into an appreciate forum?
>>16941 I guess it's gone again
>>16948 nothing In it guys
>>16937 She did post a video, I was not awake to catch it but I saw the notification, video was real BUT that's not to say it was the real summer video, it ofcourse would have been edited anyways by this point.
*** shower vid was also one of the notifications

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