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jerri 06/06/2024 (Thu) 18:10:00 No. 16014
Topless talking to the Guy's
>>16036 Looks tight
Sexy Woman
(176.39 KB 934x1708 My tight Pussy & asshole.jpg)
sexy woman
(1.50 MB 2068x864 .0.0.png)
topless jerri
(277.07 KB 1848x958 5.0.jpg)
(48.28 MB taking a bath.mp4)
Taking a Bath
(9.96 MB jerri.mp4)
(501.33 KB 2955x884 Hot Jerri.jpeg)
hot Girl
(988.71 KB 900x1128 jerri.2.png)
OMG!! No one cares about this girl from Boone. No one saying anything about her should be a hint
>>16548 lol tell us you got turned down by her with out telling us lol OMG!! She seen right thru your pants and saw the button pokin out, wasn't worth her time lol
>>16548 who are you referring to
>>16558 I don't know her for your information and no I don't want her, she's ugly as fuck. You're the only one that posts her on here. Your obsessed with her, there are other girls in Boone that you could post.
What girl from Boone who the hell are you 2 talking about here
>>16565 Dude you're fucked up in the head if you think she is ugly, & you're an asshole by your comments, She is Beautiful & Sexy, face it dude, you have no class or manners. Truth be known, you're nowhere near her class, a Girl like her is a wet dream to you asshole, She wouldn't give you the sweat off her ass as to how you think about her, CLASSLESS Guy's like yourself are left to yanking it on the toilet flushing your wet dreams down the hatch cause the only chick you can get is toothless fat & ugly.

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