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Anonymous 01/21/2024 (Sun) 07:10:59 No. 29173
Any Stevens point/UWSP wins??? pretty sure the old thread got nuked
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K3ls3y Stud1nsk1…any more wins around her age
Any k!mb3rly juchn!ew!ch? Or K@te?
I have some I can post if others wanna swap or post first of k!m
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Any wins on @lys0ndr@ sm1th?
>>29398 Bump
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Look familiar to anyone?
H@na S!ng€r
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Bump for Gi4 M00n
Any jord@n bi@lis she has huge tits!
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Any @m@nd@ h@ns0n? Her shirt it see threw in this pic
Savy Lea Schi*k?? I have hands Jess H*ck, Daley, Carley etc
Bump for carley
Any r4chel Snyd3r pics or stories?
Any A$hley H3id? She fucked the whole football team back in 2016 or so
Got any M@ggi3 C@rsello? Hot fishing chick.
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$uz@na @limi
M1k@y k0l0
@ngie ştahl?
M@ddi€ Mit$i$?
Bump for M@ddie M
Bump for k@1tlyn sc0tt
>>30318 Definitely need that!
Any1 know er1n P1ntar? I found all her wins online.. was at uwsp around 2015
Any wins on gi4nin4 m00n would be much appreciated
Anyone from point got k bezier
K3nzi @11en?
(1.23 MB 1836x3264 Snapchat-2094134175.jpg)
Any one got more of her? Br1ann3 R3h4k
K3nzi @llen gotta have wins somewhere
Ha1l3y k1r$hl1ng?
Sup playas Any marikate Davidson wins out there
Anyone got this redhead?
Anyone have d3si wynn or her sisters
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Either of these two? Er1n or kr1st1?? I have a few of one of them, but need to see if ppl recognize first...
One on right look like Rey C
Nahh.. it's er1n p1ntar.. at uwsp around 2015. Anyone?
Do you have Kr1st1 k0n0???
I fucking wish.. I do have erin though.. her bf from uwsp shared her all over here a few years back and I never deleted them.. interested??
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Er1n.. any1 know her
Sure always down for wins
Let’s see some more er1n p1ntar wins!
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Myah j Heidi w Drop Erin!
How do you know her?!?! She was in my psych class lol. I stared at her ass all class.. so happy I found some of her wins online..
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Who here has erin on insta?? I'll post more wins only if someone posts her best insta pictures..
I don't have insta but we went to class together post the wins I got more to post if you do :)
>>33313 U have her on FB then?!
anyone got uwsp class of 2024-27?
Bump for erin! Yo, post some asap plzzzz
Bumppp I'm not on her fb
Someone post some erin wins ready.. bump
Bumping again for erin!!!
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>>33076 Oh kryst1 pleasseeee
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.. some1 else's turn for erin..
can we get some j0rd@n sh@m!0n or n3ss@ gu!11en wins up in here? pretty sure j0rd@n would sell.
h@!l3y fu113r anyone?
I have n4t c@rl¡son for better er!n!
bump for n3ss@ gu!11en
>>33577 any other girls in or around her class that we want to see?
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Someone needs to post some of her Instagram photos before any more..
What's her insta
Insta is just her name spelled out
Let's see if she let's me follow her lol
I can't get into her insta
any wins of t@y10r t0mpk!n out there?
Anyone have Sarah Agena?
Some1 dear god be following er1n on insta already.. My buddy had a one night stand with her and said there was nothing like it lol. Plz
Bump for Br1ann3 R3h4k
Bump for erin.
>>33629 Did erin accept your request on insta?? Lol.
No she didn't lol
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Last one until ppl get into her FB pr Insta and start sharing her pics on here. Preferably insta. .
I got quite a few from the area I'll drop all mine if you drop all yours
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Someone got in there big bumpppp
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Very good. Send some more if you want er1n.. Here's Erin's juicy ass
Bump for erin... omg yesss... she's perfect..
Whoever follows er1n on Instagram better post some more so that dude posts his wins.. I NEED to see them. Plz
Facts big bump for more erin
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Erin's butt in her favorite bikini.. someone else's turn for erin now..
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How do you know erin?!?!
K@rl1 p@r$0n??
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Er1n is addicted with bbc
Huge bump for more of Erin, keep them comin
I think we are all just admiring
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Admiring what??
Your goldmine
We wanna see her holes!!!! Bumppp
I have her insta if you have more pics
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Which hole?! And whoever has her insta.. it's your turn.. post another for the pics of her holes.
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Huge bump..
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.. what would you do with her
We would all do a whole lot
I accidentally posted her insta pics on the main thread. But they are there
I got Carley Eid*n and Jessica H*ck for Halle Schi*k or her sister Savy
What's Carly of ?
Carley is tits and ass and a lil pussy slip kinda
What's carleys only fan
Bump for carley
Jus here to bump for Carly of username
Here's Carly for more carley
More erin please!! She sucked my dick in the downstairs freshman year! Lol. Along with the whole floors... lol she loved sucking cock
Nobody has Halle or her sister Savy?
Nah dawg we don't. Just post what you got
Any H@nn@H Sky3 M3yer?
Bump for K@rli P@r$on
Bump Hannah S M
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M3l@ni3 M0rr3@u current sophomore i believe does some nude modeling
k3nz1.a11en on insta gotta have wins out there
Whoever is Erin's insta.. post more dude.. cmon. Then maybe we get to see her holes..
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need to see K@yl@ Cr@m3r’s big tits.
>>34975 Jesus, is she gorgeous - we need more of her pleaase
>>34975 Where are these from? More of her please
g@bby v3c311!0 0F is sweet_virgo
Bumping for T@l0r J3ns3n
Sexy girls shorter. me/chan1
Latina works there, e l 3 n@?
L1z P@cyñ@, @ysh@ m00r3, J@yl3y Sl@t0n, @liy@h da3t3s wins
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Any M0rg@an C0rn3ll wins?
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M. C0rn3ll
>>38988 Id pay to see any of those
I got Ca$$idy who got others?
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Just a peak of what I have.
>>39207 Wow! Hottest Ca$$idy's pic I've ever saw! BTW, I have a lot her content, but she charged a lot and she cheated. A lot of her videos and pics are blurry, not in good quality. So I stopped buying. I got videos of her giving head, showering, and spread her ass checks. Who wants them?
Drop the one of her giving head!
>>39219 I want someone to post C0l€tt€ B€rnst€€n nudes first, then I will post Ca$$idy gives head. She's a BBC Slut!
Nvm then dawg 🤣🤣
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Here's another for someone else to drop something I got more if yall contribute.
>>39222 If u got any nudes, post them.
I post Ca$$idy's nudes, but who kept deleting them. Hmm... no one wants her nude I see.
Ive been posting. Nobody else is. So why would I continue?
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>>39234 My posts of Ca$$idy kept getting deleted.
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>>39234 Smoke Weed everyday.
Does anyone know if M€l¡$$@ €rdm@n have any nudes? She's a slut. She fuck so many dudes and I heard that she also send nudes, too. Right now, she's a single mom. Anyway, do anyone know or have any of her nudes?
Any from class of 2021-2023
>>39237 she still have an OF or anything? last name or insta?
Any of people working at S_entry?
Any wins of G@bby M@s@r!k? Redhead with huge tits
Any wins from L1z P@cyña? That’d be OP
Bump on people we all know, I’ve posted now it’s y’all’s turn. Share or Gtfo
H@nn@h someone else post something
Bumping cuz I'm sick of me and one other person posting.
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Ca$$¡d¥ M¡l0ncz¥k's booty
>>35038 Bump
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Cute little band nerd J0$$ anyone got wins?
Anybody got Joelle Polit*ski
>>39945 Bump
Any l1v ph1@g3r wins? She’s been posting a lot of sexy pics lately…
Bump for more!!
Hal3y 3li$e
>>40211 Bump
Anyone have any of D@l3y? I know there used to be some on here. Looking for more.
I got some…message me on snap alexoliver93
Just post here lol
>>40470 You got C0l€tt€ B€rnst€€'s nudes?
>>39938 Huge bump
Any from spash 2019- 2023

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