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Sister fun Joshua Mann 08/20/2022 (Sat) 19:26:11 No. 3566
Dude using a vibrator on his own sister
Do they have IG?
Shadowheart172001 IG
Mannjoshua273 IG
Video or its not real
Oh no, reverse psychology. What will I do lol. Stfu, I’m not gonna post shit on here to prove a point
Please post the vid bro. You’re a hero.
>>3574 Can you post it out of the kindness of your heart?
>>3574 No one gives a fuck, this video looks like dog shit anyways. I dont give a fuck if its incest I dont care to see some fat nerd loser play with his fatass "sister" fuck out of here. No one is going to give you attention you dumb faggot
>>3581 Agreed, no one gives a shit about your faggot role play
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it is not okay to think this situation is funny and if you do then you should go to jail along with every other abuser my life is hell and I have been depressed and suicidal since 💔
>>3584 That wasn’t consensual?? Then you shouldn’t be suicidal you should be homicidal
>>3586 Don't engage in this faggots role play, mods should just delete this thread
Post the video
>>3587 Agreed. Role playing faggot flicks his dick if you believe him. Mods delete.
Riding my bro
They’re where?
Ok but what if I don’t want to pay for them?
I post them up public. They’re the ones who make them private for whatever reason. That’s on them, not me
>3608 sounds like a cheap fag tbh. You don’t wanna pay for shit, cool. But why come and post about it , fag
Someone please just be a hero and post the vids on here.
>>3627 vids aren't real, this faggot is a scammer
Scammer how , not trying to sell shit. If you can’t find it that’s not my problem. Definitely ain’t gonna share shit now, go fuck yourself
Sister fun
>>3636 >I WAS going to share but you weren't NICE ENOUGH to me!!!!! Yeah yeah, we've heard it a million times before. The mating call of a faggot who was never going to share and likely never had anything anyway.
>>3639 Every one of them thinks they are original, unaware that a thousand faggots have pulled the same shit before them.
Please sir, post the videos here, you will be remembered as a legend. Don’t listen to these rude people.
>>3640 Truth. >>3648 If he wants to prove us wrong, then go for it.
>>3648 same fag
How do you post vids on here.
JM vids sent I can’t upload on here 🤷🏻‍♂️
then maybe unprivate the vids so someone else can post
>>3655 >>3657 >>3658 Gf, af, bf, there's so many ways you could upload, ignoring the fact that this website allows video uploads directly, but instead you'd rather pretend there's no way to prove you're not full of shit.
>3659 asked for help not whining , I already tried and it says file can’t be uploaded for some reason. I can’t unprivate videos that I never marked as private to begin with. When someone actually wants to help me then cool, until then y’all can fuck yourselves
Thank >3659 for fucking shit up for everyone lol, ain’t gonna post shit now , get fucked
>>3662 OK larper
>>3662 See >>3639 >>3660 I did help. I listed 3 sites you could upload to if you can't/won't here. Instead you just proved the latter half of my post correct. I have no horse in this race, I genuinely don't care whether you actually have anything or if you post or not. Taking things too personally on purpose to have an excuse to hide behind for not posting is a very tired stance.
You gave me abbreviations, I’m new here. I was told to use anon file. So thanks anyways
More please
Someone please upload the video here I can’t seem to get it
>>3674 Don't bother, it's shit, the faggot is trying to scam people
>>>3675 you keep saying I’m trying to scam ppl like I’m selling her shit lol. If you can’t find it then that’s your problem. Stop being a little bitch bruh
Don’t say it’s shit and that you’ve seen it, because I never posted it, other ones of her I have but not this one , so suck a dick, faggot
how did it get to brother toying sis anyway?
>>3681 A lot of larping
>>3685 exactly you'd have to be retarded to fall for this faggots roleplay
May as well message me since brother took the time to post My shit on here , number in selfie or shadowheartgirl13 —k!—k-
any more coming?
Just post your stuff on here Jordan
This is definitely real, and if you don’t believe me text that number. That is her real biobrother. And she loved everything her brother did to her.
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aint no joke that is really her brother i checked up on facebook n evryything
Do not - who ever that is it is not Jordan they scammed me for $100 for the vid I did get some decent nudes of her though
Do not - who ever that was it is not Jordan they scammed me for $100 for the vid I did get some decent nudes of her though
>>3764 Post what you got
>>3765 dude you can't be this retarded, it isn't real, this faggot is just responding to his own posts
Bent over
Yeah who ever this is posting it’s definitely not the real jordan. I’ve been in - with her multiple times and she said it’s not her so please don’t give this faggot any money and I doubt the vids actually real
So it’s her in the pix but it’s not her selling her pix? If you have any would you share a few , if they’re not on here already.
That chick is beyond fucked up. Multiple suicide attempts, as well as mental hospital stays from suicidal thoughts/attempts due to her being SA’d by her pos brother. Her parents allow it to happen , they know what he does. Family in general is fucked up.
>please please please please gimme gimme attention reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Selfies she sent out
She is such a slut! she keeps sending them out.
Where did yall talk to this girl at? I hit the socials up but nothing yet
Her insta is : mrsqueenharleyquinn20041995, her Fb is down below
She sent you the pics or what? I'm talking to her now but she's acting weird and talking about she's engaged lol
Yes she would send out pics and vids, she’s living with some dude now idk about the engaged part but she be acting all holy and trying to forget her “past”
>>4408 Kys already, larping retard
>>4433 kYs ReTaRd
>>4440 You sure are triggered online. Good job. End your worthless life.
>>4445 yOu SuRe ArE TrIgGeReD … you’re such a faggot, faggot 🖕🏼😂
>>4447 And you're typing like a triggered millennial to insist someone else is mad. Stop larping and either kill yourself or turn your life around.
>>4448 blah blah blah lol
It's real she talked about it on fb live
Where’s the dude that paid for her shit, drop you kilo india kilo and I’ll send you the vid of me hitting her doggy style. I’ll post the bj vid up on here in a bit. The chick dumb af lol
>>4764 damnn broski cant wait for the post my guy
Yo I was the guy my kilo India kilo is gai_guy69
What happened to the bj vid
managed to trick the bitch into fucking me last night lmao
>>5073 Just let the larp thread die already. No one believes you.
Hopefully she didn’t smell like pee bro, she needed to freshen up but I still hit it and then left lol
>>5094 nah she smelt like wet dog though but still hit n got that nut
Bumping this thread and hoping for me. I know 100% that this is real. I've talked to both on socials, but could never get them to open up anymore about it.
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She is “married” to some punk, she still messes around but only fucks who she likes.
She likes it rough, her pussy tight af, so fuck her hard until she cries and keep going, soggy style and spank her hard too, yeah she’ll cry but she won’t want you to stop. I didn’t stop until she was balled up crying and felt sorry for her, kind of 😂. Only thing that sucks is her needing to freshen up sometimes, a little ripe smelling like pee when you pull her underwear down
>>3664 Look at that ass!!!! I’m in love!
Have several of her, with her toy etc, she loves to get choked, fingered with 3 fingers or 4 sometimes,
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With her fave toy
Texan210guy 💚 lmk
recently interacting with her, she sent some her nudes .
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Post vids if you got em
She is pregnant. What videos do you wanna see?
Any vids
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>>12621 Pimeyes search

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