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My sister 03/13/2025 (Thu) 17:38:20 No. 14782 >>14786
I got this one pic off a friend but this is my sister I wanna fuck her so bad
>>14782 me too!
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This is my friend that sent me them she fucked my sister
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That's not your sister you dumb shit, those first 2 pics aren't even the same girl. Search whoisshe9663 and dozens of that first girls wins will show up. And the blonde girl isn't your friend, I found her wins all over the place too. Stop larping neckbeard
>>14816 This is your sister and I secretly want to fuck you too. Get naked and come into my bed with me.
>>14867 The 2 pics I shared are the same girl in the first pic that you shared you dumb cunt. I can't spell it out any clearer, you clearly have brain damage if you don't realize how obvious it is that you're lying. The first pic you posted (the bathroom selfie) is a girl who goes by whoisshe9663. That picture has been posted BY HER on at least half a dozen other sites. Again, you're a dumb cunt for not realizing that before trying to pass it off as your sister. The second pic in the red bikini is someone else entirely. Is there anything else you're having trouble understanding? Neckbeard micropenis incels like yourself are what ruins these boards. I would say go fuck your mom but I guarantee she's out of your league.
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