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Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 17:54:35 No. 12697
How many military mom lesbian vids are there? I've only seen 2...
Where can we see these videos.
>>12707 Honestly if you didn't know the back story it just looks like a normal set of young and old lesbian sex.
That the one where she's got tye strap on?
Nothing to see looks like a old fat lesbian and the ugly bitch. Find some real wins like Ellie and the shaving video
>>12773 Ellie?
I have only seen 2. 1 in maid outfits and one where they are waking up. Are there more with both of them having sex???
so MM is just Nerdsangle? i thought it was something else entirely
>>12850 where you see the maid one?
Anyone have the maids?
>>12850 Yes, there is also a shower video where they touch each other a bit. Nothing spectacular.
Any idea where they are located? Or can they be uploaded?
Where can we find ut
Where can we find her videos. I’ve seen a few but not the waking up and maids
What site did you see the ones you saw?
Bump for the vids
Weekly bump for this
I know of 2 or 3 sites that still have some of the vids up. Saw that w a p e also had a vid of daughter with a guy but can’t find it again. Anyone know where the daughter/guy vids are?

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