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Katie Lez Anonymous 09/18/2022 (Sun) 23:06:57 No. 6267
Did anyone save the gif’s that used to be shared here? I have some, but I’d love to see more.
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Nobody wants to see this grainy bullshit lol
>>6283 Nobody’s speaking to the retards in the room, kindly take your opinion and shove it up your ass.
Awesome, good job, here’s one I think many of us never got to see.
context? is the full vid out there anywhere?
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Allegedly she's a lesbian who got catfished by someone acting as a girl. They made her then blow her friends on cam
Is this from 1997??
>>6283 bro ain't wrong. This is pre stickam grainy bullshit
there's a couple fags here that can't let this shit go. still hoarding and jerking to this year 2000 content. Let it fuckin go
>>6284 You’re a pathetic retard for even posting this. This bitch gotta be 50 by now. Delete this shit you weird fuck.
>>6315 Oh no, a random internet loser insulted me between marathon sessions of Not allowed off to CP, what a tragedy, lol!! Seriously though, get bent, ugly..
These are gif’s of video’s for those too stupid to understand. It’s not that old, it’s just that the person who posted it originally got off on having something other people didn’t and would only post gif’s. If seeing this makes you angry, then you’re really just too paathetic to live. To the now basement dwelling weirdo’s if you have anything, then please share.
>>6285 Damn I never saw the actual moneyshot Thanks bro
>>6283 yeah I can only jack off if the women's pores are visible
I know right, I’m hoping other people will share too
>>6317 the vids are old, rough guess 15+ yrs, very popular set at the time She has some solo vids as well, bending over on chair showing all etc
These were on Kazaa for the longest time... think I had to delete them off of my 6gb hard drive to make way for an eminem mp3!
She has three masturbation videos on mom less, Unfortunately none are of her down on her knees
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Cock hating lez being tricked into sucking not one but 2 guy friends.not knowing it was being captured! Pretty hot.
That is her friend Jordan who used to go out with her best friend. He was the 2nd guy
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>>6349 code?
There’s a lot more than this. Share them if you’ve got them.
>>6356 2908489 629496E 917ADBC FDC1280
Keep ‘em cumming
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kinda hot, but I'd like to know more if the was really les or not. Looks bi kinda. Was there penetration?
>>6391 There are pictures of her where she appears to be out on dates with women, and after the first video was done her hair style became more and more lesbigay
wow this is really old
>>6471 Don’t watch if you’re not interested. Nobody’s forcing you to come here.
The first guy was supose to fuck her but he came while getting blown then got freaked out.he was just some guy from her college class
The second guy was her besty.s ex bf who said he would be on cam with her.it was only s'pose to be a hand job.but after about an hour of that she got talked into rubbing it on her face n lips then slowly put it in her mouth with thanks to LOTS of vodka.ends with facial.
>>6486 You obviously know a lot about this, why aren’t you sharing?
damn, would have been nice if the dude didn't facial her but rather be her first fuck + on cam
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There's more
Katie Baca from Ontario! Always wanted more of here when I found out she was from here.
>>6519 Yeeee hawww
cant let this die, bump
I don’t have much more, but I know others must, there were a TON of gif’s in the past.
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>> 6585 she is hardvard woman find in goggle?
>>6267 thanks for shatring
Never even know a money shot existed. Found these on my super old external HDD
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>>7048 didnt upload wtf?
>>6267 >>6282 MSN Messenger, theres a dose of nostalgia
i pray there is some video of this and not just gifs lmao
>>7374 thanks! some good ones
Awesome, great job. There were a lot more of her giving head, someone has to have saved them, share all you’ve got.
>>7374 what is the site?
>>7388 g0f1l€
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Is there more of her ?
Bump anyone got anything
>>7809 Anyone have this video
Bump l have a set of another identity crisis lesbian that looks alkost too similar that ill share if anyone knows of or has anything still
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K@thleen another identity crisis "Lesbian"
found more vids with this kelly person all labeled fake modeling, hopefully a good basis coz i can’t find shit lmao
Where at?
>>7407 Re-up?
it's like a bad dream having to see this thread AGAIN and AGAIN. Years and year go by and I'm still looking at this MSN Messenger 8fps confused whore....
Nobody gives a shit about your opinion, retard. Shut the fuck up. Some people haven't seen it yet. Check your main character bullshit at the fucking door.
>>12795 are you gonna cry you soyboy reddit fag? fucking hang yourself.
>>12809 Suck a nigger dick, you dense fucking hemorrhoid. Choke on that fucker and die. You deserve every inch, faggot.
>>12538 on a site called x rares, just search fake modelling tryouts, 2/5 are private
>>12848 I feel like this is the same retard arguing with himself
Bump for reup
>>13883 they got rid of teh good stuff. anywhere else with shit like that now?
Shame the full vids never got released
>>10013 Do you have any more? I had a handful of her clips with some guy like 10 years ago
>>18120 Post it
>>18144 I lost them years ago. There was a handful of videos including the anal beads one and another of some guy recording her consent
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a couple more
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Chugging Vodka drink just to get through it lol
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Oops here ya go.
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Pullin it out for the first time!
Nice to see a little bit more popping up :)
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Thanks for posting more!
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She eventually found out about it I heard 438
anyone got more?
no more :(
