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Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 17:53:37 No. 19779
Can anyone get into a Dropbox account or Gmail account?
Can anyone help. Will pay $
ask for the email/password to their Netflix 99% of the time it's the same
>>19894 Unfortunately that's not an option. He got my wife drunk and took pics of her when she was 16 so he's not responding to me and were not friendly. I know the mother fucker has pictures though
Oh and he was 34 when he did this
>>19903 Is your wife not taking him to the fuzz?
Get a laptop with Kali Linux, park near his home and hack his Wifi, then capture packets to get the passwords for the different services he uses, will take time but that's the only way.
watch the guy see this and drop them here now, hope so
>>19942 Plus he's old as fuck now. These pics were taken in the 90s on a camera lol. They're printed but he knows how to digitize
>>19938 Nah statute of limitations and she just wants to forget it
>>19940 He's in a condo building. What exactly are packets? I'm new to this
P.s she was a 10/10 model from age 16-22. If anyone can help me get these pics I would appreciate it and pay $$. There might even be videos because I got him to share pg videos
>>19963 lmao she's not ur wife
>>19963 The more you add details, the less I believe this lame story
>>19970 She did model. She got taken advantage of by a 23 year old and a 34 year old
My wife told me about it and then I messaged him posing as the 23 year old who's now like 53, asking for pics. No luck
Anyone have any other advice or suggestions?
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get this fucker to send me the pics? I guess hacking is not gonna work
Any other suggestions?
>>20392 You can't even guarantee where they are stored. You have next to zero chance of getting them at all
>>19958 That's 15 year old bullhsit also because the "packets" are part of encrypted traffic that will be 100% encrypted even if you are inside the wifi network.

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