/v/ - Peeping Toms

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(2.31 MB 91AEA5C.mp4)
Anonymous 04/20/2023 (Thu) 21:44:51 No. 12810
Anyone have more of her or know who she is/the story behind it?
those tits are amazing
nice! I love when they check themselves out in the mirror.
would like to know the story behind it too
>>13272 Bump
I know the story… A girl with a fucked up face got naked in front of the phone that was left on and then found it.. her nephew got in trouble. To this day she still has a fucked up face. Poor thing.
There is a second vid of her with a different setup. Would love to know the background story too and where she's from. Seems like she speaks french.
>>18662 you've got a link to that other vid? She does seems to speak french, hard to know since it starts right as she ends her sentence. I think I recognize a jinggle froman ad in the background though, feels french canadian
Yeah her face is fucked up but I still came
Need to see that video.
here is the second video

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