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Fayetteville/Lincoln County 10/08/2024 (Tue) 18:10:36 No. 45427 >>49011
I don’t see a Fayetteville thread. Let’s start it
Anyone got Bri0nn@ W@ts0n? From Fayettville, class of 22-23?
What about Madel4n P0sey?
I got Alyssa Beckham
>>47704 Would lose my mind if anyone had @ly55a R0l@nd
>>47704 Post em
Mcc@llister sisters. P@ig3, @lex@, Whitl3y
>>48771 McCallister's daddy got a whole bunch of win from Honey's girls I bet
>>48796 dude paid for a BJ with a roll of quarters
Anyone have Kristan McKnight, slut works at Frito
Lexi s0uthern?
Anyone know her I got her stuff
>>48970 I absolutely do
>>49010 >>45427 >>45427 >>45427 Anyone have Dixie McCullough?
Anybody got kaely.n chri$$
Bumping for Alyssa Bekham
Any j3nn@ c0ggins?
that little redhead who owns the movie theatre?
>>47584 her and Nikki together?

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