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Anonymous 07/16/2023 (Sun) 09:20:43 No. 29990 >>30128 >>38380
Any Westmoreland girls? Looking for M(aca)yla c-l1-ff0rd in particular. Mods, why are you removing this? Notice the tattoos, she is 23, please be nice to me :(
>>29990 Bump
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Know there's gotta be someone with wins out there...-e used to have some stuff on Instagram and tiktok but it's been scrubbed.
Yea a bunch. What you got?
Someone drop something from here plz
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A few from that shithole
I'll drop more? You have to drop something in the first place to say shit like that lol
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If yours get any better so will mine. >>36596
is the better pic for pic is that hai13y d33
who that be then?
>>36604 is that the last one?
>>36617 Well what’s your stack look like? I only recognized one of them. All of mine are pretty big wins. I think it’s fair to drop when I see something that’s worth it. I mean no offense. You could have a gold mine for all I know.
lol yeah im good its suspicious that you cant share "until it is good"
>>36630 Exactly what I’d say too if I didn’t have shit. Which you obviously don’t. Judging by what you posted. And if you could keep up you’d play the game but looks like you just can’t. I said match my post. And you posted who? Someone no one ever talked to or even heard of? If you really have anything decent. Post something better than what I did. I guarantee you I’ll do better when you do. But it’s not gonna happen cuz ya ain’t got shit.
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I have this if that counts for much?
>>36632 Damn. Who dat?
h cr@wf0rD>>36632 >>36634
Got some gallatin if you beed some?
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Who’s got $hania Tidw€ll?
Is there any of Lyn$ey L33 out there
>>36638 This should really just be a 615 thread. Westmoreland is so small idk how it’s getting wins.
>>36608 I guarantee you someone has her no doubt.
>>36691 Going way back for her lol forgot about her
>>36695 I hope so
>>36631 what happened to this dude thought he might have something to post ?
Yall best be posting shit I mean this thread is dead
>>36797 Fake of @utûmñ C? As easy as she is lol. Or maybe it’s not and that’s just not what I expected I guess.
You could be right that was sent to me a few months back so idk if it's real or no?
>>36806 Homie she’s got 6 fingers on one hand I’d say it’s fake lol.
Lol didn't even notice 🤣🤣
>>36808 Lmao it’s all good. Maybe someone will throw in a real one now. I really doubt many people from around that area even get on here. If they do and have something the should SPEAK UP. I’d like to see at least a couple actual wins. Pretty lame so far.
One dude talked some mad shit for a minute then bounced
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I’ll throw in one for the hell of it.
E St@fford
H@ïl G I believe
i got a vid of her to if you got more?
>>36604 who is that
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Anybody have any pics or vids of this chick?
>>37115 good luck she been with the same dude for years my guy
>>36882 Well that’s def not real.
M@k@yl@ P3rry
Any Portland girls?
Only one from Portland I got
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K brooks for whoever asked way up there
>>38253 Woa hey nice man. I’m the only one posting anything worth a damn really glad to finally get something decent
>>38256 You got more than?
>>38260 Yea man a few more
>>38260 I have pretty much class of 14 and others around then. Pretty much to basket ball team. And gallatin and Portland. Wbu?
You got k@ilin W00d@rd
Don't remember the name but party from Gallatin
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M@tti3 B00ker
>>38329 Dude. You’re the king. If you got madd you gotta have some top tier shit. Anything else?
I have some but I'm waiting for at least one of my requests to be here k w00d@rd or h@il3y d33
And here is S@r@ah Whįt3 from Gallatin too in case I need more to hopefully get some one else to share someone good
>>38337 I have a lot of people from that grade and a couple below but no h dee (surprisingly) or kait wood. I saw hailey’s a long time ago. Not bad.
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>>38337 I have one of Hailey but it’s just her tits no face.
That’s chey my btw >>38287
>>38344 You got someone good from 14 class
>>38347 Good eye I figured it out after I posted it lol
>>38348 To me I’d say yea. Most of the preppy girls minus a couple. I don’t want to say exactly who exactly cause that’d give way who I am haha.
>>38351 It's a bit wavy if I say so myself lol
Yea why the question and just why in general. >>38351
Any more? >>38329
>>38337 Britñ h Ab ń Syd fré Chey ál Chapl â Meg mć Dês or älix Dès såm Ëm w Siėruh côt Së@nna m ChA@p @ ??????
>>38358 That's what you got?
God no I wish. But if they’re attractive and not listed around that grade I more than likely do. >>38359
>>38348 I posted Alèx hö btw
>>38360 A Pàçķ Cĥàrłìe Ð Nìƙƙì Ĥ Any of them?
à p yes
>>38363 Please don't keep us waiting then
>>38364 What did you post? Anything to trade?
>>38365 I posted kÿĺèè ķ And k ɓŕòòķs And màďďìè
>>38365 And sàràh ŵ
>>38366 Anything else?
>>38367 That you can trade or post
>>38371 Lol na I'll throw more if I see something worth what I've sent in. I've been the only one to post good shit for the last 10 pics. Between the fakes and the two other good post I don't think anyone can match.
>>29990 >>38345 Any more $@v Ø?
>>38380 Good luck getting them to post anything I threw out win after win so they would share something and all that was said was I posted one can you share more? This post is dead now I'm out.
I got Brianna Johnson if anyone wants to see her
>>38414 Yeah we would love to see her
>>38414 Yeah let's see that shit you can see on her free onlyfans lol
That’s her
Got ràçĥ mòŕìś
>>37540 Got any more M@k@y1@? >>37540
Can someone else post anything? Like at all?
Bump for Shania
Bump for a image of anyone lol
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Anyone have any Charissa M. Graduated in 09
Who was looking for Ɓŕiťť Ĥołmėş
>>38648 Anyone that’s ever seen her. That’d be a a miracle if someone shared her wins.
I got her but my shit gets taken down?
Makenzie mccurry! We need some of this!
>>38664 You really have wins of here? Bro, if you could maybe post it at a certain time so I can be there to get it I’ll post a couple of àłėxîś hôdgè
>>38674 Be here at 915 I'll have you 3 pic and 2 video
>>38675 Okie doke.
>>38688 Hmmm, You really think it’s her? Idk. She had a boob reduction and there’s no scars and before that she had like triple d’s
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>>38691 These are out of school notice no tattos either
>>38696 Alright well word man. Anything else?
Lmao def not her. Nice try >>38329
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Any wins of Summer w@y
>>38253 Any more of K Brooks?
>>38664 It’s does that for some reason. Just resent
Bump I missed that shit again
>>39737 Me too. But what you got?
Na I ain't done posted in here to much for so little in return
>>39747 Bro Same, if you want me & u can just trade
I hope someone has some of her.
Tel @TheAtomic369
>>38417 What her OF ?
>>40557 It's not worth it guy
Anyone got any of madison redmon or her mom
Does anyone have any other sumner county girls like girls from Gallatin or Bethpage?
I can't believe no one has anything.
>>40726 We do but only two people posted good shit so it died
I got a few more I stole from E St@ff0rd
Hell your anonymous share people
>>40739 But what you got to send
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>>40952 Lol wtf is that???
Anyone got sìeŕŕa sĥrùm?
How about maďďison çarñeÿ from Gallatin?
>>36604 this steph@nie h3ster?
Anyone got Kelly or Kasey Brown
>>38329 >>38329 Wait.. M@dd!e Booker? What’s her insta now?
>>42694 Pretty sure I have more and didn’t even even realize it who it was
Anyone got vids of k@t gri.ffi.n from gallatin?
>>42696 Lol thats cute thinking you posted her
>>42696 >>42788 >>42788 I didn’t post her, I seen those pictures before. lol
Someone please just be a hero
>>43345 Fuck off
how many of e st@fford? id be down to exchange
>>43687 Who you got?
>>43721 a bunch. where ya wanna talk?
>>43731 I still would like to know some names before I send this shit to anyone.
>>43731 My guy whats up
>>43731 I don’t ever feel like half the comment stays lmao Tel TheAtomic369
>>43721 Where did this guy go?
Sïèrr@ T once more Merry Christmas some one throw something in for the holidays
I got Aútûmñ C if someone wants to actually chip in too
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@tųmņ č@rťeř. Please post good
Any Alita B?

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