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>>13490 Any info? Socials?
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>>13494 Nichole Selena
>>13490 More
Someone has to have some of Aowyn R*ssell
>>13489 More of Nikki
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13635 Do you really need to bump both the useless Nikki threads multiple times in one day? Jesus Christ
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
Anyone have Mspaman $pangler
>>13744 God damn who's that?
>>13745 m o r g a n $pangler
Post more of her!
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
Someone has to have millie
Is this all the oak ridge wins everyone has
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 More please
>>13489 Bump
More toni
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
Anal videos
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 What’s her name OP?
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Who’s that
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
Ne of je$$ica m@rri$on?
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
Some one drop some good M*rgan stuff. I'm older and don't have access to some of the girls y'all do but I know her and want to see them. Help your dads pal out man.
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>>13489 Bump
>>15110 Autumn has some damn good pussy
>>15140 got anything to share?
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Anyone got anything on Courtney Johnson? Works in Knoxville
>>15194 Who is she?? We need moreeee
>>13489 Bump
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>>13489 What’s her name
Someone has to have millie/mills
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
Any Taron L? Talk about a bad bitch
>>13489 Bump
Who has Destin££ T@ns0sch
>>13489 Bump
Who has this mega slut?
>>16389 she took a lot of her stuff down hard to find now
>>13489 Bummer
>>13489 Bump
There's a girl from OakRidge, thicc brunette with a nice ass. First name starts with a Z last name rhymes with "item"I know she dates a perv channer bf who would get off sharing her pics.
>>17186 So? Ask him for pics and get back to us since you know he’s cool with it ;)
>>17189 I don't want to owe anyone named "Tyler" anything. I want to spank it to his nerd GF without him knowing
>>17192 Then ask Z for them! She seems kinky as hell, come on bro be a hero for everyone
>>13489 Bump
Anyone have morg@n p0pe?
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>17744 Do you think bumping this thread every five minutes does anything? Like make nudes magically appear?
>>13489 Bump
Anyone have any of her
Anything from her?
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Anymore of SP?
>>13489 Bump
In dire need of k@tie h@gen pics. I have some of others around same graduating year from oak ridge can share in return
>>18193 I don’t have k8e but I’ve got some others, same graduating year. Who do you have?
Jess1e summ1e (alot from her OF), k@ren n, Kyl@ a, ton1 s, l@ur@ m@tt, m@ckenz1e rus. You?
>>18212 Lemme guess, old tumblr stuff? I’ve got tons of newer stuff on basically all of those chicks
Some but it doesn't really matter unless you have k@tie h or maybe someone else I'm interested in. Don't want anything else of these girls and newer isn't really better, none of them got better looking over time lol
Since everyone else is dry af lmao
Any one have her?
>>13489 Who is that
>>18221 Anyone? I’d like to see
You still around? Post more of her? I used to work with her big tease.
Anymore of her? I used to work with her, big tease.
>>13489 Bump
>>18218 More?
>>18485 Nah it’s someone else’s turn to post soemething other than “bump”
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>>18494 Name?
>>18497 As to not break global rule 3, no name. Initials, however, a bit more nebulous. Also not in OR any longer. KG
>>18485 >>18490 Here’s another local, now post more sp? 😁
I’ve got tons of her and videos too if this thread gets more of people I know I’ll share more
>>18545 I don’t know if I have anyone you know but I’d love to see more and the videos, I can post some if you want to swap?
>>13489 Bump
>>18218 Any more of her?
Anyone have any of mya paoletto
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Used to make my coffee. Not sure what happened to her but feel like there's gotta be some wins.
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
Who's got the chick's that work at crafters? Or know their names?
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
K@r3n n0rmile?
Bump for more Fion@
>>13489 Bunp
>>19515 What ever happened to her does she hav an @? If you google nudes from here she pops up
>>20049 what do I need to google? Not sure kinda dropped off the map
>>20069 "Post Tennessee Nudes"
>>18218 Where can I find more of her?
nice one op
>>13489 Bunp
>>13489 Bump
>>20487 What is the purpose of bumping these oak ridge threads? Honestly, just…why? It’s doing absolutely nothing. Post some fucking content or shut the fuck up with the nonstop bumping you lunatic
>>20509 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
K@yla deMori? Recently moved away.I know she got around.
Milf ass! Got more. Just aak
Any jessic@ beck stubbs or H@ven Wright Jenkins? Know they used to get around some.
>>21527 yeah man keep goin
>>21552 She's my wife. Do you like? We're looking for a special play buddy
>>21527 Post more of the milf she’s hot as fuck
>>21567 Come fuck my milf for me!
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>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>2185 She has great tits!
>>21855 Any of her getting fucked? I’m going to finish to her pics
This is all I got for now. Can get anything you want tho.
Here she is being a good girl
>>21858 She wants to see what your working with!
>>21871 Damn she’s hot, would love to see full front mirror picture
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>21855 no, no she doesn’t. Quit with your ugly wife
>>22136 Ok my bad. Just trying to add for people to ebjoy. Do you have better?
On ₭1₭
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>>22249 Does A11i3 have an 0F?
Vids of SP?
>>22253 Who is sp?
>>13489 Bump for Allie
>>22342 The very first pics in this thread. I'd love to see them
Anon Husband, Post her in reddit knoxgonewild and i'll hit you up
>>13489 Bump
>>22353 I know but what's her name
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
Anyone have any of emily patterson
Who’s got Blair thurston? K()k me bcarnes15 will - or pay
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
Any Toni Sh33ts?
>>13489 Who is that
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>13489 Bump
>>15110 bump 4 autumn
More Toni sh33tz
got any of her pussy?
So hot
How about Raeliegh that works where you get a tan. She's absolutely gorgeous. Those nose rings...😍
>>13489 Bump
I think I might have some for more of her
Any Amanda Webb
>>13489 Bump
>>21527 post more i like what i see
>>13489 Bump
Toni sucking
>>26045 Y- post the rest man, she’s a babe
Je$$ica B0str0m Lives in knox hangs out in OR sometimes. I need to see that big ass! I know someone has them.
Anyone have any of emily patterson
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Post more tbk
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Any got summer sexton
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@lyssa@ hendri×
Bump for summer
come on oak ridge
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Anyone have any of alexis webb
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Anyone have any of lakendra smallwood
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Any Sasha Benj@min?
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Anyone got Abigayle H@nkins. Or snaggletooth as I used to think of her. I know she had some stuff being shared around a few years ago including her doing anal,but I only saw it once on someone else's phone.
any k@ti3 $t3w@rt?
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she has such a complex about her teeth she'll do anything to feel attractive
(91.59 KB 720x535 Orr12bms.jpg)
Big time cutie
>>28962 bump:/
Taylor w!lson???
Anyone have lakendra smallwood/wilson
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T!ff@ny Fr@k3r or @$hl3y M!LL3R
this thread really fell off
>>30216 That's who we want right there my guy
Someone be a hero
>>30275 Would love to see her wins! Name is T@ylor Wils0n
Anyone have any pics of libby from pawn shop
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Anyone have arawen mercer
Kenzie H?
Bumping for Taylor will son
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Someone be the hero of the year
Steph@ni3 Ph!ll!p$
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Bro someone has to have jessie.
>>28257 holy shit girl was a freak. Blew me in the bathroom at Sit3l on break once but I never got any pictures.
You get a blumpkin?
Id literally pay for w of jessie
Anyone have any of nurses
>>15193 wish someone had real wins
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Anyone have (T)ylyn p4ss? Will - gabby for her
>>32576 K 1 k me burnern22 looks like you got some I lost lol let’s - her
Bump jessie
whos go @lex M.?
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>>33555 What’s her name?
>>33555 S@§ch@ lol post em
Anyone have (T)ylyn p@ss?
Anyone have n!kki rhod3y? Lives in the bricks and a huge slut!
All the girls yall are asking for are hot. All the girls you got wins for are fat or busted. Yall must be a bunch of ugly, no pussy getting losers.
Except for that one. That one's dope. Bravo, one guy in Tennessee.
V1ct0ria B? Had an 0F
Does anyone have M!llie Obr!en from Oak ridge?
I got $100 for Millie O’Brien nudes
Bump for millie
>>34821 Why am I not surprised this bitch got a chirping smoke alarm while she's riding a bbc
Also is it worth paying for the subscription on this site ?
>>35151 If you wanna end up in prison sure go ahead
H@nn@h W1ll1@m$
looking for m@ckenz1e r
I.sabella L.awson?
is there any Ƙ@ťi3 $t3ŵ@rť
Good luck getting Katie bruh
Anybody know where to find Love P?
Anyone got le@nne asbury?
Any of Emily Spitzer
>>36048 Bump
Any of anyone works at walmart
Jessie summie??
Who is the girl in the original post pictures?
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Anyone have this bombshell? Name is K@i
>>36940 that’s no bombshell that’s a pig in lipstick 🤣
Anyone got christin@ h0w3ll? She’s fineeeeeee
Bump christin@
Pr!ncess B@t3s?
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Damn whos that ^
T0rrie Rìgsby?
>>38172 A gross nigger
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Matched with this chick Julia on Tinder. Anyone got any of this school teacher?
damn this thread fell off
Still looking for some taylor wil$on
Any wins on K@itlyn McMurr@y
I got some from 2018 but I haven’t seen any in here
>>40830 Who from 2018 post what you got
Anybody got J0urdan on H@yden C@ntrell???
Any orhs classes 08-10 some has to have Kris10 h@yes or @rzelle
McK3nz!e Scott?
>>39579 P R V x q 4 k x
Brianna seiber ?
Got to be more 865 / oak ridge girls / XWjNbwny
Lyric ha13 win??????
Maybe I'm dumb...but what are the letters and numbers people keep posting? Part of a URL?
I heard he newest bf will share her nudes, don’t know how true >>15189 >>15189
>>47421 bump for this
Someone should message Autumn to fuck, 70% chance she will
>>47818 Got any wins?
>>47828 ChZNzXjB
Anyone have Kendra taylor
>>47841 just share here.
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Best UJWw9B8J
$@mmy $3xton?

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