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Looking for sluts in or around Claiborne county Claiborne wins??? 08/24/2022 (Wed) 02:26:37 No. 12120 >>14769 >>22060 >>29507
Who’s got some wins post them up for us
anyone got 3mi1y W3s7?
Any whores from Claiborne???
I seen her sister Ashl3igh. They was small but pretty good.
Kr1st13 or j3ssic@ gr33r??
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>>12218 Got the pics share them with us if so!
Sexy perky titties on her! Expose more of these Claiborne sluts!
Dirty slut from tazewell
Anone have 6ritt4n7 Mid11et0n's fine ass? She did only fans a year or so back
Bump post up guys don’t let it die come on!!!
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Supposedly from tazewell anyone know her?
>>12288 Who’s that? Got anymore?
Bump!!! I can’t be the only one posting lmfao
Same lol bump
Anyone have her?
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Also looking for the Greers. I know there's win but I didn't save it.
Wouldn’t go for kri5ti3 Greer She hot af no doubt wanna play with that pussy but her baby dad insane.
Lmao her baby daddy in here acting like someone else saying he’s tough! Stop the cap!
Anyone have sh@y he$$?
>>13018 Fr tho where them titties?
Anyone knows big titty Jamie still working at lee’s in harrogate drives 4 door keep she’s an easy layer
Theres a lees in harrogate?
Next to gondolier it’s a 24hr
Any of dest1ny w3st
That gas station whore is Jamie Minton I’m sure her husband tj would like to hear about this
Any c0urt Wild3r went to bell but fucked around with a lot of guys down here, her and her step sister
Looking for Bree bin it
Any of Em1lee Mspaman?
Em1lee Mspaman
Fine ass fitness girl from Walgreens or anyone from sanderellas?? I've got the colorful hair female from dollar tree if anyone interested. Also would love to see that zoe chick that worked at dollar tree or jazzlyn from same place
>>14046 Would love to see the colorful haired girl no one else has really shared any good pics since I have a while back lmao
Are you her??
@ndre@ D@vids0n?
Stacia from when she was posting on twitter anybody got more?
Anymore of Mahalla? Surely someone has a bunch of her slutty ass lol
Madison king/babymgirl1
Are there more local reddits?
>>12120 This thread sucks ass lol. No wins posted in weeks. Ya'll need to post something
Halo bar girls
Have some from her of she use to have and a sex vid she posted I’ll try an find them and post em
Any abig4il l1f0rd?
Let’s not let this die y’all expose these sluts!
Any of she@ h3ss? There has to be something floating around.
Any of @nde@ D@vids0n? She's got huge tits
Let’s see some of Jesse Callebs!
Who’s got some more sluts c’mon i know this town has some dirty whores go ahead and share them!!
Any of k3nzy M1chael@ mason, from greasy hollow down the valley? She's got HUGE titties
Does anyone have Bessie Beverly or her sisters Amanda Johnson Joni Barnett or Judy Barnett
Will pay anything to see ca$$ie brunn3r or chr1sta caldw3ll
Krystin Howerton?
>>18493 we would all like to see them K Howerton was a big whore at CGHS she looked good so i bet they are out there bet that pussy is beat now though since she always gave it up so easy
>>18616 More???
What y’all got? T@m@r@ T@yl€R
Whose got? krystin Howerton
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chelsea compton from cghs anythin of her?
Tayl0r w1lburn?
Anyone got any of andrea Davidson
Someone post the Robinson sisters. Fucked hannah back in the day. She was a decent lay
Any meg@n t@ckett?
Bre h@rguth?
Post more y’all I’d you want to see more! Jesus Christ y’all I’m the only one that’s ever posts wins lmfao
S@m sturg1ll now hill. I know there’s some out there
Any kr1styn l0ved@y?
Misty k?
Would also like to see S@m sturgill/ hill. WHERE could we fine them??
She used to fool around with some guys in boro a couple years back I heard
>>19039 Why is my fucking sister on here
>>20782 because she really needs to learn to stop fucking random guys at the bar in the bathroom.
>>20784 What the fuck is tht supposed to mean?
>>20786 last I saw her she was taking a DP from 2 black guys in the back bathroom at Walmart. Slut needs to get her tubes tied as she has had 3 abortions so far
>>20787 I heard she is pregnant now and only knows that the father is one of 20 or more guys who pulled a train on her at a Rap artist's party
What a bunch of fuckin bullshitters
>>20790 yep, I made >>20784 and >>20787 and >>20788 all up
any ril3y m@rtin, l3xi willi@ms, or 3mily h0skin5 from cghs? class of 2019 and 2020 had some fire girls
Any A$hley H0lt??
Any m@ry lipf1rd?
Any $h@n0n D1$on?
Anyone got any H@ley W7nn wins?
Any of andrea davidson?
Any of ca$$ie Smith
Any of brittany middleton
Let's see some chubby bitches
Any frostys girls?
A$hley Atkin$/H0lt?
Any big dicks in Claiborne?
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Whos that ?
That’s Kristies gr33rs fat ass tiddies
Nice are there anymore?
Yeah but you gotta pay for those lol>>25555
R@yv3n L wins?
>>25565 Give us the link then lol
Tell me more about Jamie really Interested
Gas station Jamie more info
>>25957 I would love to see pics or vids
I would love pics or vids
>>13319 How do you know any pics or anything
Any Samantha Mayes
>>26256 I would love to see some of her
Any pics of Jamie from lees
Hot LMU girls there has to be some
CHS c/o 2015
CHS class of 2014? Preferably Lindsey Cooper?
This thread sux
It’s dying that’s for sure
>>27176 Gina who?
Any k4telyn cl4rk
>>27176 Is she from here?
Any Melanie Jones she’s married not sure on here last name went to pvhs with her fine ass
Any Chelsea Gilbert
Who is the hottie that works at water wheel sales/Barren Boots. Nice ass for sure.
Who in Claiborne has an onlyfans?
Post some of these factory whores I know you guys have them
Tayia Bush
Carra m Sabina p
>>29047 Homesteaders,Srk,englands and bushline all have some good looking women
Tenile c… who’s got ‘em?
>>29105 Bump
>>29301 Bump
>>29301 Who’s this?
Anyone Have Courtney Owens? >>12120
>>20247 Bump
Any Haley carb0ne?
M1a Tuck3r, J3@n3@ Tuck3r, Ch@n3yr@ Tuck3r
>>13319 Any pics?
A$hl€y from englands?
>>29635 Bump
>>25957 Bump
>>29635 Which one? One of them got fired for dress code I heard
Bump for anyone
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Nola Nelson goes by mechanic memory on 🐦
>>29878 Bump
Bump for R4Yv3n L0V3
Bell. cZ4GNG97 Claiborne
>>30089 bump for rayven. There have to be some out there people.
>>30102 what does cZ4GNG97 mean
Any Mackenzie Wagner??
>>30344 Bump
Samantha Mayes
Crystal Partin
This thread is dead
Somebody post some milfs
Any Kord 🔗
Somebody gotta have her
>>31282 Who is that big and sexy babe
Come support the cause bell/Claiborne FTpbvy89 Way better wins
Emilee morgan?
Bubba brews girls?
Katie Arnwine I know she’s a bbw slut
Bell YZs3RJzN Claiborne
Any M@ckenzi3 Mir@cle, H@nn@h Gibbs0n, 3mily Mcf@rland, or 0pie P@ul?
Any kords that’s not ran by dickheads that will delete for no reason the bell and Claiborne one is great but those guys are dicks that run it
>>32104 This is scam dick wants your pics then boots you out
New kord link?
How are there no wins of shay hess, someone please post them if they're out there
Samantha Mayes
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Jamie Minton
>>32918 Goddamn that’s fucking nasty as hell
>>32918 Whoever is fucking that is a Neanderthal
>>33031 even Neanderthals would fuck that swine
>>32918 Got anymore
>>32918 I wouldn’t mind seeing her tits
Bump for anything
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Jamie Minton
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Jamie Minton
>>33397 Damn hell yeah
>>33397 I knew they were some out there
Any Bethany schooler?
>>31282 Weebslayer42 on tt
Anything from Middlesboro? Too many sluts in the area for no good pics or videos
Any Bubba brews girls
Any new kords
Anymore Jamie
>>34405 I have a some she sent me while she was at work
Anyone got any Nicole winstead? Works at NT Walmart
More Jamie minton
Any of Connie sutton shes a milf for her age
>>34487 Do you have any of her
More Jamie!!
>>34514 I got you
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I would rather never see a bitch naked again if I have to see those big ugly titties and muff one more time. WHY are y’all down so bad for Jamie Minton?!
I’m curious what did she do to you what did she lie about to you
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>>34540 ☺️
>>34540 I don’t understand it either she’s a fat old ugly whore give us some young hot bitches
>>34563 If there’s any pics of her big ass titties I want to see them post away my friends
L3ah Cl@b0rn? Used to go to lmu
Anymore Jamie
>>34543 >>34527 Fuck yes I’m glad to see these on here I tried to get her to send pics on the gram and she never would
This whole damn world gone upside down. Y’all wildin’ over hog tits!
>>34678 Orangutan tits lol
Blows my mind how all yall are so down bad for this ogre
>>34704 Post someone else then and quit bitching
>>34715 he don’t have anything at least whoever exposed Jamie’s whore ass put some pics on here
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Here’s more jamie
>>34764 The resemblance is uncanny
I'd rather fuck Fiona bruh
>>31282 Bumb for this fine thicc beauty
>>34543 Anymore real ones?
>>34704 The main reason everybody wants to see her is to match a face and body to a fat whore hell I got my shot a few times she’s easy but nothing to brag about just bend her over cum and go on about your day
Anymore Jamie I love those big tits
Kord bBeypKeP
>>35593 Gotta name I’ll hit her up
What’s so special about Jamie that’s all that’s on here
>>35999 She’s just a local slut that put out lol her pussy was good
Any Michaela hatfield/miller
New kord?
>>36275 K9ts42dY
Anymore Jamie
Someone hast to have some of c@ssie fergas0n or some stories. I’d love to hear. Would pay to see.
Any news on Jamie the topic kinda went away lol
>>31282 Anybody have her OF content?
I got her of does ne1 have bre bennit?
@$hley h0lt that used to work at englands?
Any shay hess?
WfFv9xuHhz Bell & Claiborne
>>19905 could you repost these they got deleted tried to make a thread asking for more and it deleted every image of her on the board.
EK62JAZfqk New let’s build together
>>38801 Bump
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Elizabeth Chumley since cords keep getting ⚰️
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Emily Johnson
I have lots more and will post as others do
Got any bri bennit? I got sum stuff if u do
>>39110 No bri Bennett but I have some good ones to post I just don’t wanna be the only one sharing
I got stacia if any one had Nichole kamin
>>38372 >>39230 Post up y’all need to see her
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Here a Stacia to get goin
>>39257 She doesn’t miss any meals
>>39257 More?
>>39247 Dead
Any new ones from the ones that’s posted here if so Post here F6RNvd44
A$hley H0lt?
>>40089 She’s hot
yWzEFm59 Claiborne Kord 🔗
UnhAd75Yke OG Bell & Surrounding
>>40441 Bump
Post Claiborne wins here R24a3sj7wd
Camron russel?
Bump for camron
What about nevaeh that works at harrogate lees food mart beside gondoliers. There has be to some info or wins on her!
>>41149 Yes these would be golden
>>41149 Also looking if anyone has them post here 2jpFqsYB
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Bree b need more
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I have tons of wins You post I’ll post
>>41618 Who is that?
>>41619 Whitney Holt my bad I forgot to post her name
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Holly L Stacia H Haven L
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Elizabeth Chumley
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Stacia H I’ve got more pics and vids for pics and vids of Bre B, Mallory c, or April mcn ew
>>41646 Need Stacia vids
>>41618 More
Tiffany ford
Jamie minton.. more 🙏
>>41646 Need those Mallory vids and pictures
Anyone got Carly sander? Katelyn Creech?
New kord?
Jamie Ramsey?
Any sar@h Flynn??
Anyone got Alexis lutz
Lauryn hopper?
Camron Russell please
Any Andrea love?
Anyone got Kendra holland
Bump jamie
>>45731 Jamie who
Ramsey huge tits
$y@nn bUi$??
R@che1 inM@n????
St@rr h0neycutt??
Anyone got Gabby Anthony
Any Stephanie Eden wins
Anyone have Kayleen Hopper?
Any girls from Food City?
Anyone have any of Holley that works at England's
Need new cord link
>>46112 I've got a few of her. She's a really hot fuck and takes dick like a champ. If someone else goes first or has good I'll drop some good vids
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Stacia H for some holly? I got vids of Stacia for holly vids
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Kayleen Hopper
>>46171 Damn. I'm not even from here and I want more. Anybody have more?
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>>46161 Here's a couple pics to start? You got some of her to?
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Here’s some Looking for Bree bennet too
>>46195 Do you have any of Holley
Just Stacia and some Bre
>>46199 Damn I want to see her pussy
Me 2
>>46200 I'll hook you guys up with some of her this evening
Why does everyone want to see fat bitches here makes me sick
>>46195 Post Stacia vid?
I’ll post 2 vids of her if anybody has Bree bennet I haven’t seen yet or Aubree walker
Anyone have breanna carmony
>>34383 Yea that’s what I’m looking for..any wins of Taryn Carter?
>>46452 I second this, we need some Taryn Carter wins
>>46448 you think police deal with copyright claims? sad you get so few sales that you know who it was too
>>46456 😂😂 I have faith in this forum..someone will become a legend..soon
k@trina wE$t?
Anyone got Chaneyra Tucker?
Who sells pussy?
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Who is this cumslut from Tazewell? She loves creampies while her husband watches!
>>46511 Is she on birth control? Id knock her up for hubby ;)
>>46539 She's on fetlife if you actually want to fuck her. No bullshit or anything. Walk in bust a nut inside her and leave
>>46196 I have some pics and vids I'll post of her. I'm going to fuck the shit out of her tonight so maybe I will take some new ones to.
>>46707 Where’s the goods
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Is she clean or should I be worried?
>>46777 Who are you talking about?
Thank you to whoever posted the holley wins I see her every day and wonder if she look good naked. Nice tits and never would have imagined her having such a nice pussy. I know there has to be more than that floating around there's to many people fucking her not to be let's see what everyone has.
Anymore Whitney Hlt?
PtUnh59Kjq Bell & Claiborne only
Anymore K4yl33n H0pp3r?
Bump for more Whitney hol..t
>>46193 That's crazy I Just met this girl in Walmart a couple weeks ago and the same night she snuck me in her back door to let me hit it.
>>47279 This just sounds like bullshit.
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>>47292 Seriously why would I make it up.
>>47317 When you get shot for fucking around with someone’s ol lady remember you bragged about being a homesteading faggot on some illegal website full of garbage humans.
NctY22FzTv Come on boys
drop Bell here too since KY is down
>>47317 Need to post the whole convo for us to enjoy
Someone has to have shay hess
Someone has to have s@r@h Flynn Gr££n£ she has a fat ass on her.
Kalyn Singleton?
Lillie Cox or Cydney Russell?
Lillie Cox or Cydney Russell
How about share some. Everyone just wants to drop names they want to see.
Any m0rg@n d@n!el$
What’s new with Jamie Minton I haven’t heard anything in awhile
Bump the last 2
>>47907 Bump
She’s back at the gas station
>>47951 Any new tit pics from her she’s rough looking but imma titty man and here are melons
>>47953 Hers*
Who has @l!v!@ gr@ves??
Post anyone let's see some nudes
>>47907 Need some new pics
Anyone have Amanda Wasson/ Tucker she’s a lesbo but could possibly have some wins floating around
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Tenile Stevenson
>>48159 Fuckkk those are good
>>48159 Anymore
Need more of her
I’ve been trying to hit that for a while. You’re the goat if you fucked her
>>48190 I fucked her while she was on the phone with Chase’s bitch ass
No way. Was this recent?
We need more of her!!!!
I been trying to get her to meet up after work
She’s easy just getting her away from her little bitch boyfriend
Anymore of her?
I had her lined up to fuck about 2 weeks ago said she kicked him out. She went silent on me though
Can you get more of her?
Anymore Jamie, Katie, Bree or Stacia I’m into the chubby bitches
>>48159 Moar
>>48232 Bump
>>48232 I might have some Holley none of the others though.
Bump For Jamie!!!! There’s more pics out there don’t be shy guys she’s exposed now
>>48303 Bump
Brand new YxdTFV7c
Anymore of Nola Nelson?,I can dump a few if so
😈😈😈 t.co/hqsLX9Umdc
>>46161 Is there a way you could dm me so I can talk about something that doesn't need to be posted. I can drop some good ones I know for a fact nobody has ever seen after.
Bump got to be some wins floating around
Bump for more stacia
Who cheats on their man?
Cortnwilder local milf, she will send if you’re nice to her😂
Any bbw women
N4me on the 455 above?
Most recent photo is br1tl3igh g
>>49073 Too small to be her
>>49106 You mean too big. That’s a fat ass
any one got alisha barison
J@d@ Eid$on??? From Rogersville someone gotta have at least one win
e5GBhpBFEp Bell & Claiborne here
Let's see some more of Holley F from englands

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