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Anonymous 11/09/2023 (Thu) 09:55:03 No. 209553 >>209856
this is what $400 gets you
i’ve fucked her 3-4 times now, she’s had a couple boyfriends but let’s me use her whenever i want so long as im paying
>>209555 so youre no longer a virgin? congrats
Who is she and where's she from
$400 to fuck in the back of a 2001 Toyota Camry. Damn! You totally robbed her
What a boring fuck..
Dudes dick looks like a boomerang
>>209665 Twitter or redditor?
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What a waste of $400. My boner ran away watching this crap
I think the op is implying he paid $400 to have sex with her
>>209553 Thanks op. You have the money and shared here.
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