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4 d0t50n 11/01/2023 (Wed) 16:36:12 No. 208182
anybody got?
What the fuck bro. That looks like Reba McEntire's long lost retarded cousin. Just pull into a Tennessee truck stop and you'll find 15 of her.
>>208190 shut the fuck up retar post her shit here if you have it. who cares if i wanna jerk it to retards
>>208190 This is the most retardedly bizarre thing I read in here in a minute. *I mean seriously, how are you this triggered over an average to moderately attractive girl? And then the truckstop shit - what Podunk part of bumfuck Egypt are you from?
One of the best albums I've ever jerked off to. This girl needs to be baby trapped wifed up quick.
M Less G019F3B9

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