/t/ - Teen(18+)

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Anonymous 08/30/2023 (Wed) 05:02:19 No. 195214
cute, how old is she?
>>195306 Do you need to know what her zodiac sign is too? How about her credit score? Like, who fucking cares?
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>>201911 Credit score isn't a turn on. Age is. It's a valid question. Ease up.
>>205022 So what the fuck does a number have to do with a picture?
This fucking moron can not be serious with these questions....
More importantly, What's her shoe size?
I'd like to see her naked
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>>205065 I...really have to explain it? Christ, man. You "can't be serious with these fucking questions" lol hell, if age doesn't matter to you, why are you here? Go look at some grandmas lol
Keep this thread with other young sluts
>>209919 Keep it Classy
Yes keep it classy, but share what you got
Cmon boys come through

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