/rmw/ - Rate my Wife

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Anonymous 02/04/2025 (Tue) 17:11:34 No. 25166
Boat fun
She’s very hot! I definitely hope you’ll share more of her.
Let's see her nudes.
>>25169 Yes by “more of her” I was implying that I would love to see what’s under her perfect little bikini.
Post nudes
I NEED to see more!
It appears some m 0 d is deleting your pics… tap on that h y p 3 r above and let’s have a convo.
Where they go?
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More boat
>>25216 So I guess if you only have pictures of her from one day on the lake, she must not be your wife?
what else ugot
>>25232 So if my deduction is correct based on the lake pics and the “cute” pics, she is somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 years old today
Let's see more
>>25246 You know her? What name? Location?

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