/rmw/ - Rate my Wife

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Anonymous 01/02/2025 (Thu) 19:51:16 No. 24426 >>24433 >>24572
Thoughts on the wife’s titties?
10.. any videos?
Saggy floppers but nice also anymore of that bush?
God we've seen enough of torpedo tits help her roll them saggy ugly tits up and quit posting🤢🤮
Dont listen to that last poster. He doesn’t like real women. Keep posting
>>24430 Haha, I also have been calling her Torpedo Tits for a while now… however, I am not opposed to seeing more. She’s a fun MILF. Please continue, my good Sir.
>>24426 It’s like a dumpster wrapped in sadness.
>>24433 These are the type of classic comments from anons that only fuck their hands. This is incel rage.
>>24426 can we see her ass
You won't see anything new the a$$ clown keeps posting same pics of torpedo tits

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