/rmw/ - Rate my Wife

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Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 04:25:40 No. 23587 >>23614 >>23644 >>23645
The dirtier the comments, the better. She loves reading what people wanna do to her. She a freak like that
Yum, anymore?
First start with stripping her down and having some fun she's looking fine
>>23587 I would pull those pants down, spread her cheeks and eat her ass while in line at the grocery store
I'd love to see more. Definitely wanna spread and lick her asshole
What an a$$
Bump! Post more dude
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I wanna spread her and bend her over. Nice ass for sure
>>23624 I would pull her shorts to the side and tongue tickle her asshole while she slept. Would love to know what it tastes like
Yea idgaf if she ain't into it... that girl getting anal. You ain't stopping me when you got an ass like that
>>23638 I believe that's called r*pe and I'm totally with you on that! That asshole is definitely getting used and abused
Yea.. she can get it
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>>23587 What's that in the back? Is that Anduril? The flame of the west? Forged from the shards of Narsil? I'd fuck this girl til the life of the Eldar leaves her.
>>23587 Yo she can take this dick anytime
Bump, post more
>>23642 This ain't my girl, idk why tf this person just randomly posting this
>>23644 It's the first thing I saw to. You have ur priorities right good sir👍
>>23727 A man of culture and good taste indeed! Any nudes of her?

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