/rmw/ - Rate my Wife

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(135.16 KB 516x1213 Snapchat-1578399820~2.jpg)
Anonymous 10/13/2024 (Sun) 22:43:30 No. 22475 >>25149
Rate my girls booty, she's tiny and needs to do this just to look in the mirror
Damn!! How tall??
5 ft
Damn, looks nice and thick for a tiny girl
Got any more?
Yea, tons more
Post more
I'd love to handle her tiny ass, show more for sure
Yea that a$$ looks perfect, post more dude
Short girls with nice butt's make me hard as a rock
Mines 5'2 100lbs
(373.77 KB 1170x473 IMG_8883.jpeg)
So nice ;) mine is 5ft and fun to toss around
^^^^^^ she’s hot as fuck..let’s see more
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I like to show mine off too ;) tell her what you think
>>22475 Tiny girls are the best. I fucked a few in Manila, in their teens, not more than 5 ft. You can just toss them around like sex dolls.

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