/rmw/ - Rate my Wife

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Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 07:28:52 No. 22370 >>22416 >>22598 >>22768
What do you rate?
She's pretty sexy, love the tight body definitely creampie worthy. Would love to see nude
Ill post some nudes if anyone else wants some. She looks her best in underwear though.
Shes incredibly sexy!! 10/10. Please show us her nudes!
May we please see her naked body?
Damn, my man, she is gorgeous. I 100% want to see more… including nude!!!
Hell yes! She’s smoking hot, man! Keep going…
>>22392 Gorgeous! Nicely done!
>>22392 Please share those sexy tits, too!
Shes fucking amazing!! Yes, we definitely need to see her beautiful tits
Please come back, Sir!
>>22370 she's gorgeous... fantastic little body.. please lets more
>>22390 >>22390 >>22390 gorgeous, love love her pussy lips!
Her pussy looks massive on her!
>>22370 OP let's see her beautiful tits.
Let's see that ass bet she's got a tramp stamp
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Haha, no tramp stamp.
>>22603 What makes you think she’d have a tramp stamp?
*Anxiously awaiting her tits*
>>22606 I can definitely see why dude might assume that. She surely was on the beach in her late teens and early twenties when tramp stamps were in their heyday. I, however, being the same age recognize that she doesn’t hasn’t aged like the ladies who got the stamps.
>>22602 Dude, you are way underestimating your wife’s tits. Obviously you have a preference that she isn’t meeting, but they are obviously very nice and MILFy! Mom tits are great.
>>22601 Man, i lover her body, especially her pussylips,,, i would love to suck and run my tonques between those meat curtains..
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She gets quite shy when the camera comes out.
>>22370 More
>>22766 She is a hell of a lot sexier than most women half her age. She is a diamond, man. Thanks for sharing her with us and we look forward to seeing more of her.
>>22766 fuck she is super sexy love this body a huge plus when they don't think so and shy.
May we see more of this sexy lady?
Fuck she's sexy. My fat cock would look amazing in her fat pussy
>>22830 She’s only 5ft as well, so I imagine it would.
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Her sweaty tits after a day in the sun.
Her tits are so beautiful! So is the rest of her, but good night those tits are phenomenal!!
Please post more of her!
Rate a 12, she's sexy af
fantastic 11/10
shes hot af def gonna save and share to motherless so the pervs over there can have a wank to her
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need to see that pussy spread open
Would love to see more titties!
disgusting sheeeeeesh

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