/rmw/ - Rate my Wife

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My wife 06/08/2024 (Sat) 16:00:35 No. 18794 >>20762
42 teacher
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Any creampie
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She's so fucking hot. You should share her socials with us
Fuck me, dude. Your wife is sexy! I need more… can reciprocate
Beautiful wife. But do yourself a favor and don’t post her face or socials. These fuckers will run your life into the ground.
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See pic.
My lord she’s a goddess I would love to see more! If your into sharing count me in!!!
Come back my man. Your bride is so hot!
Bumpity bump
more pls. she looks incredible
How does Misty take it up the ass?
She's amazing... Please post more!!!!
-BUMP- so hard... moore please we are begging!!!
Post more!! She’s amazing!
>>18794 I want to fuck your wife! she made me cum so much.
I’m 23 and was wondering if you ever thought about a 3some or sharing her please post more
Saw this sexy wife in our town the other day. Wonder if she knows she gets shown off and how many of us thinks how great she looks.
>>21601 Don't spoil it and approach her leave it to our knowing.
Have any more husband??
Definitely need more of your wife!
Anymore of her?! Love her thick body.

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