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Hunter Biden's laptop Anonymous 08/26/2022 (Fri) 16:12:37 No. 26
So when will this be released or leaked? You know there's a lot people want to see
Who gives a fuck? Only retarded trump maga faggots
Imagine being so pathetic that you worship a wannabe dictator that broke more laws than any other previous president? Don the con has his maga beta males bent over the table. It's honestly hilarious how desperate these people are.
>>28 He just sent out a new round of eNO PRIVATE - HEREs asking for monetary support in the name of "ultra maga".. They really are the most retarded inbreds ever.
look at all these NO PRIVATE - HEREe antifa comments lmao
>>28 >that broke more laws than any other previous president? Name 10 you seething kee-eye-k
>>27 >>28 >>36 Look at all these salty FORBIDDEN e s. hahahahahaha
I've been on this board for 10 min and you guys have some gnarly dedicated trolls. HB laptop has been out for how long now. It's never gonna get mainstream attention because it's too real. Same like the ghislane trial being sealed.
>>39 Fuck antifa.
>>27 Did pol just become a dem's 4chan?
>>876 Fuck off faggot. Nobody cares about your fetish.
