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Anonymous 07/14/2024 (Sun) 16:46:59 No. 12612
It’s a different person. They keep taking my posts down . Nothing wrong with wanting Abq wins and less @m@nd@ and J@$$y and Be1h@ny
Why does there HAVE to be less nudes of anyone if it doesn't concern you or your requests though? Kinda dumb. If people were going to post Abq, then they'd post it, but they aren't sooooo now no one gets nudes? Lol it's why these other two are throwing tantrums now, stupid thinking and reasoning
>>12618 People just repost the same pictures of Amanda and Jazzi over and over though. At one point there was a thread with a dude literally talking to himself about Amanda and pretending to be two different people. The Amanda obsessed people are genuinely weird af. She's really not attractive at all.
This nuked thread is the alternative so that's nice lol you're right, this is better, I like the tantrum man better. 50th in education- it's showing lmao
Screaming tantrum man from Abq that nukes thread > same reposts from Cruces but thread was healthy at least. Perfection lmao take it away Abq man, the floor is yours
>>12627 I'm gonna keep it real with you chief. I'd rather see nothing than see Amanda's fugly ass get reposted a billion times and have people begging for more constantly. It's like 2 or 3 dudes. Just go circle jerk somewhere else about her please. I would literally pay you weirdos to leave the Amanda shit alone. Creepy af
>>12638 You can't get called out in the other thread and then just come to this one like that other guy didn't just spit facts 😂 shows you'd rather see nothing- cause you're USE to nothing. Fag
>>12639 I'm not even that same person retard lmaoooo. Kill yourself dude honestly. Just say you get no bitches and are obsessed with Amanda
>>12641 "I'd rather see nothing" idk man. Sound like the same whiney bitch with the same "kill yourself" bullshit lmfao mommy's tits are the only tits you'll ever actually see in your life 😂 the fact that your "fine" with that kinda sounds like maybe YOU should kill yourself
>>12642 You're the dude who talks to himself in threads about Amanda aren't you? Probably her desperate ex lol. I bet I'm hitting the nail right on the head too
>>12643 I'm actually just a guy that's pretty pissed that you single handedly RUINED this state board. You. A single dumb fuck that can't get off his mother's tit and be a fucking man. "Hit the nail on the head", are you smiling ear to ear with that one little boy. Get off the internet and go tell mom to stop paying for the internet bill- you obviously aren't ready for the world, let alone a single state board. Dumb fuck- "go kill yourself"... like a damn 10 year old 😂
>>12646 I'm from cruces dumbass. I haven't asked for abq once. You think everyone on the board is the same person. You have to have an iq sub 80 bro. Wear a helmet
>>12646 "I've just been reading this shit". Your speech pattern tells me you're the same dude I've been arguing with, stop pretending to be multiple people dog. Shit I want the Delaney video too. I'm also pissed the board got nuked. I'm also tired of the abq whiner. But I also am sick of seeing Amanda on here. Enough is enough bro
I'm tired of people bitching in general- it's a site for posting nudes, not your fucking worthless opinion about what YOU want and don't want to see. Don't act like you can see "patterns" when you bitch about a mod deleting your posts like they're from New Mexico. Learn how this site ACTUALLY works and then use it correctly or get the fuck off. For fucks sake, again this is why we're 50th in education.
>>12650 Dude that wasn't me thinking a mod is from Cruces lmao. It's a global site. Bitching about Amanda was the only thing that was me
>>12652 BITCHING IN GENERAL will get this thread nuked again. Fuck- let me say it AGAIN. it's a site for posting nudes, not for you to bitch and complain. OBVIOUSLY with how you speak, you'd rather this just get nuked over and over again, fuck it up for everyone just cause you can't shut the fuck up- cause you need to be the center of fucking New Mexico. So AGAIN, it's dumbasses like you that'll ruin this time and time again. Let people post WHATEVER they want if it's nudes, and shut the fuck up unless it's to request a nude or post a nude. SIMPLE. If you need an example, go look at literally any other state you stupid fuck. God damn
And someone post the damn Delaney Video already
I hope you don’t have a job in speech patterns because you’re full of 💩. Hey let’s start another cruces tab fag
Says the guy who thinks the mod is from Cruces lmfao that's also the dumbest insult you could have come up with. A job in speech pattern? Did you just recently get your GED? Do you know how the world works AT ALL? Christ, you further my point of why this state is stupid lmao
Anyone got Jasmine S? Always posting slutty revealing pics on her IG.
