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Anonymous 01/25/2025 (Sat) 21:39:18 No. 32063 >>32064 >>32065
Wtf do you do when you can't get someone out of your head?! I cannot avoid her, and I'm too ugly and fucked up to get anywhere near her. I wish I could find her somewhere online and bust just 1 pathetic nut and then maybe I can't forget about it. Mother fucker it sucks to fucking suck.
>>32063 Just jerk those feelings off and smoke some pot lol
>>32063 What he said. I feel you homie. Find a suitable female within your league. She's out there. Gotta play the hand you are dealt. Once you find the right girl in your league and fuck it out some it will get better. Won't be the girl you want but it'll get better. Life ain't fair sometimes my dude.
>>32065 You guys wanna jerk off?
>>32067 Oh no i meant jerk off to some wins I have
>>32068 Well fuck yeah brah. 🤣🤷‍♂️

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