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Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 00:47:47 No. 30674
Looking for wins or stories
Why don't you just ask her... wouldn't it be easier
Why doesn’t anyone on this site ask the Ones they wanna see why am I called out
I hear she has an OF.
Bump for OF link or any other sites
Anyone have stories
Anyone wanna talk about her?
>>31760 Nah. That's even more pathetic than trying to see her naked here. Let's try not to hit rock bottom. We are already close enough.
Far worse woman that get requested and shared on here just sayin… have you seen the Fairbury thread…
>>31762 Have you been to Fairbury? That thread is an accurate representation of the town, a reason to not do meth, and the definition of rock bottom
This girl pops up as often as the guy that keeps asking for Timi and there is never anything new or worthwhile to ever post about... Have you tried meeting her in person? She doesn't seem too hard to get something from
Well I know somebody looking at either of the threads has wins or stories so maybe if they would share something we can all get our fix and move on
Bump idc if anyones mad anymore or not

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