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(1009.78 KB 640x1045 IMG_8486.PNG)
Kayla Randall, let’s get it going.
Let’s see more of this young lady
Erica d
(41.77 KB 118x255 IMG_7449.png)
Erica, Need a hero to drop the vid.
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Any of this girl from only ☝️
I’ve got loads, let’s get this going.
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>>24980 More Kayla
Nice! Does Kayla have any pussy shots? I posted the original.
Any dru m@rsh ? She has the site
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Em. Wilcox
Damn nice Kayla dump, someone has to have pussy shots.
Whitney H, why the fuck is it so dry here. So many sluts around mount pleasant, post them up!
(311.43 KB 680x1222 IMG_8625.jpeg)
Any Brooke d or any of her friends?
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I’ve got everything I could save off of Brooke’s OF. A few others as well.
Damn post em up buddy!
Maybe instead of freeloading, post shit yourself.
If I had anything I would? Lol
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Then don’t demand us that do, post more. Other than Brooke, I’ve got some Whitney, Ayla and Kenzie.
Bump for Brooke d she has her own thread but no one’s posting
Josie A.
Any josie vids?
Caitlin G(ar)za?
Any kayla w0nch?
(212.52 KB 950x1685 IMG-5574.jpg)
Crazy, I posted half of this shit and nobody can contribute. Just a bunch of beggars. Come on y’all dump whatever you have.
Bump more Kayla please
Kayla W
I guess I should have clarified more. Kayla R. please lol
More Brooke d
More kayla wonch
You posted half then I posted the other half. Ha yea guys post, this thread has loads of potential.
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More Kenzie A
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Payton s, Josie a, Kenzie a, Ayla R, Carley h… come on y’all…
More Brooke d!
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What pics belong to who? Here’s a Carly, Cayla H, then I have some Kristina and Sierra. I think they’re from around here.
Bumparoonie is the guy that had Britt H@rden here? Use to bang her, would love to see that body again.
More kayla w
There is so much potential here, why is this not exploding???
Kayla w will send to literally ANYONE. Who has her Not allowed??
Any wins of Helena K floating around?
>>26761 Dead link, who was the vid of?
>>26772 Kayla W
Kayla w
I got kenz adams throating but I need MP area wins
Would you happen to have Brooke d getting piped or suckin dick?
No but give me MP wins and you’ll see something
For the right price anyone can have kenz throating.
Anyone have Jessica ⭐️ ??
Kayla w0nch
I’d love some more Brooke d. anything
>>26153 What do you have of Siera?
>>26137 4 CH
>>27245 Just some underwear/lingerie. Never saved her nudes.
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>>27295 Wanna drop em? Here’s more A Shattuck
Anyone have Tehya Anguiano?
Brooke d and Alexis u please!
Anyone got any of Greenup sister
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Kenzie sucking dick Let’s see sierra!
Who’s got the Taylor stall
Nice more Alexis I and Brooke d there’s gotta be vids!
More kayla W!
Kayla w cheats on her bf and she fckd a dude behind his back. Anyone got her s. N. A. P. ?
Bumping for more Brooke d
Brooke D
Any Megan Louisell? C/O 23
Fuck yeah more Brooke d! She’s pregnant someone get nudes of those big pregger tits!
Bump Brooke d
Bump Brooke d and Alexis u!
Post some videos already. This went dry quick
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This is a dead thread. We need new pics and vids. Anyone got these girls?
Any wins on Lindsey B or Makayla k? CMU
>>25340 whos this
>>25366 who are all these girls ESP the 1st girl
>>31706 who is she woah
Post them casino girls
Bump 👀
>>25340 Wh!tney Henry
Need more Brooke d(Avis) she’s preggers let’s some vids of her
Bump for Brooke d(Avis)
Brooke literally has her own thread on here.
Yeah Brooke has her own thread with nothing in it
>>33823 So you think it’ll be different here?
It’s worth a shot
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>>33834 That’s fair, this thread has died a bit. If it hadn’t I would help you out.
Ah dude! Have any good vids of her? Or any of her friends? You could help the thread out!
>>33839 What’s your opposite of punch? Or d c? I might be able to help
Hell yes it’s kombu93 on opposite of punch
(80.45 KB 640x1136 Snapchat-1951792340.jpg)
What’s Abby’s last name rhyme with?
Bump for Brooke d
Whoever said they would send me Brooke d on opposite of punch straight lied
>>34321 Yea that was someone else that replied to you. Not me.
That’s okay but that being said if anyone has more Brooke d please post!
Bump for Brooke d and friends
Whos Brooke d?
Brooke d(Avis) from St. Louis/alma lives in mt pleasant now
Bump Brooke d
Post more Abby
More Brooke d!
>>27519 Got more?
I’ve got tons of Kels. Do you have anything to share?
Damn where’d that dude that had Brooke d go?!
(982.22 KB 852x1844 IMG_0547.jpeg)
Come onnn
(4.18 MB 1170x2532 IMG_1869.png)
>>34912 I have about 8 videos of Kenz getting fucked Most are about 3 minutes long
Anyone have Brooke getting fucked?!?
>>35070 Please
>>35070 post the kenzie videos.
It says my file type is not supported when I try to post the videos.
Send to us through opposite of punch
I put my opposite of punch above. Message me and I will as long as you have something to share
Where is opposite of punch name?
Payton B-ford?
>>35263 Bruh, what you do with your feet
I was talking about his username stupid
Bump for Brooke d
Where did the Paige L pics go?
Bump god damn
Anyone have Paige moyle from shep?
What is Paige L’s last name?
Rhymes with towlie
Anymore of Kayla R? She had an OF before. kandicerowdy
>>36417 Had I known that, I would have spent some bank on her.
>>36423 Same. Just found out about it and can’t find anything
Any aubree Phillipson?
>>35647 L0wery
Anyone come up with more Brooke d pics/vids?
How about Jessica starr? We need a hero.
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Whos got em
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Why do people keep asking for B Davis? She’s a mud shark and got knocked up by a sooty. Definitely drops her in sexy points. Give her a bit and I’m sure she’ll be back on OF trying to support being a single mom.
>>25229 Any more?
Hmm because Brooke D is hot as fuck and I have yet to see pics and I know there are videos out there that haven’t been leaked yet
If anyone has brook d or her friends please k!k me kombu93
>>33839 Damn, I'm not even from here and I want this. Lol
Right? She’s so fuckin hot
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Anyone got any of lex1 h00k?
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I’ve got some Britt L.
Bumping for Brooke d
Can we get back to the hot chicks like that ones at the top of thread?
Any p@ige l0wery
>>38660 Agreed, Kayla is a goddess.
(139.06 KB 1200x1920 Snapchat-1653988880.jpg)
Brooke Davis st.Louis biggest slut
>>39235 What’s dat OF?
>>38557 Friskyblonde1
>>39316 oooo
>>39318 Face
Yes can we please get more Brooke?!
Does Kayla R or Brooke still have 0F? What are they?
Brooke d no longer has OF
How about Kayla R?
>>39579 Neither does Kayla
What’s Brooke socials?
Anyone got any onlyfans girls from this area
>>41575 @mamibadonka
>>41583 who’s is that?
Long shot but does anyone have P@ig3 Moyl3 now married last name white.
Anyone have M@riah Mcdon@ld? Went to CMU
>>33839 Post the redacted folders
>>42611 Na, I’m good. This thread is dead. >>42611
And this is exactly why.. >>43015
I’ve still got Carly H, Kenzie Ad@ms, and many more. I’m waiting for someone else to post because I’ve posted most on here.
>>43140 Who else? I think between you and I, we’ve posted 90% of this thread.
kianna a, kameryn d, chelsea s, got sn@p because we totally have lol>>43822
>>24980 >>43843 Hey, cmon fellas! Keep it goin. MP got some baddies
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Bump, thread is on life support.
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Nice wins. Here’s a couple Kianna, would love to some Kam3ryn D.
>>43942 The best fakes I’ve ever seen.
I got kiannas whole catalog ;) >>44022
(365.55 KB 2560x1440 IMG_20160511_165214.jpg)
Okay, Ja5m1ne Br0wn then..
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More payt0n S for Kam3ryn and Mt. P
Kianna catalog you say?
Oh yeah more Kianna that’s needed
>>44032 Awesome, any more Jazz?
Leah M?
Most of it for sure! >>44179
>>44203 Let’s check it out
One of the ones that’s been keeping this alive here, wondering if y’all have the Sam K0v@ch that was posted before?
any more Kayla
B@iley w from alma?
>>44022 Last name rhymes with what for kam
Last name is @ndr3ws >>44283
(350.12 KB 2208x1102 IMG_2396.jpeg)
>>44237 you the man. You don’t have all of them? Here’s jess ⭐️.. hoping for that Kam3ryn D or other mt.p Beal shepherd Alma
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>>44032 bump Jasmine YB
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Here’s more Kianna in good faith for more wins..
(1.35 MB 1284x2545 IMG_7811.jpeg)
More $tar
(828.60 KB 1079x1990 Screenshot_20240327_093529_VSCO.jpg)
Jessica ⭐️
>>44356 More! Holy fuck
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K!m Anymore Jess ⭐️?
>>44375 This is all the good stuff I have on Jessica ⭐️ If anyone has nudes, please send lol
>>24980 >>44350 Damn, bump for more F1nn€rty. Gotta be more Beal girlz. They all fine as hell
(804.28 KB 1079x1078 Screenshot_20240327_154238_VSCO.jpg)
One more of Jessica ⭐️
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We are starting to thrive again. Keep it rolling. Let’s build together. Jas B, payt0n s.
Would anyone be so kind to dump Aubr33 Ph1ll1ps0n?
Payton’s last name? Kenz!e Ad@ms
>>44283 let’s go man drop that Kam!
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>>44384 Sull1v@n. There’s tons of Kenzie on here already but here’s a couple. What you got to contribute?
Forgot to attach file haha
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Trying l3x h00k again some stories would be nice too. Had an onlyfans too.
>>44292 Anymore nudes of Jess ⭐️?
>>44402 Where did you get these? She have anything that actually shows anything? I’d post my brooke for more of her or Rylie R.
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@m@nd@ mCmull€n and S¥d @nder$on
>>44423 hell yeah big bumps for syd A!
>>44413 post what you have like the rest of us.. maybe someone will return the favor.
we slacking
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Fakes of RM and SA
Anyone have any vids of Brooke d?
Bump this is boring
>>38739 Kill yourself, simp
Looking for Leah M
Bump for Brooke d Alexis u
Will post J@sm1ne Br0wn from behind for Eric@ D, B3th H00rnstr@, Aubr33 phil, K@m D@v1s…
>>45133 Got any from the front?
Ally R@m0n?
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Everyone should know these two. CB and PS - anyone got the real stuff?
>>45133 Post your jasmine brown from behind and I’ll post some doepker vids.
Any p@ige l0wery
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>>45469 got u. & Some more Br00k3 D Cause why not..
>>45237 do you have anything to add?
(62.85 KB 366x743 IMG_1430.jpg)
Anyone know who this is, have more?
>>45487 Mallory.bump for more plz
>>45488 last name?
>>45487 It's not Mallory. Mich@el@ Sl@ter
>>45469 I have two more of Jas B.. let’s see these vids.
Any Kaylee Z*ker
>>45469 if you aren’t a man of your word you ain’t shit.
(7.34 MB 1170x2532 IMG_2525.png)
>>45714 Won’t let me post the vids. Here’s a SS of them. Any ideas?
>>45786 M 3 G @ * lol
>>45770 post the M 3 G @ ?
>>45770 if you’re not willing to post the m 3 g @ I’d really appreciate some clear ss of her goods. Not sure of another way.
(1.76 MB 828x1792 IMG_2750.png)
Anyone have tri$t3n $kym ??
>>45770 A go file or Bunker link would work if you can’t use the M 3 G A. Also dying to see those Jas wins.
Mikael@ Myer$?
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Back to the top, we gotta see these Er!ca vids
Post Brooke d sex vids I know they exist!
>>46014 seems like the guy was just playing me for jas wins. Sad day. Did my part..
>>45789 If I post my MEGA, y’all would have access to like 1500 girls around the area. I’m not doing that lol
>>46024 Your whiny man. Jas wins? Didn’t you just post one picture? I’ll figure a way to upload some vids tomorrow. Like I said, I don’t check this everyday.
>>46037 appreciate it. Posted two but the second is about as winning as it gets lol.
How do i get at erica for sales? Ill buy some vids. Whats her sn@p? >>>46014
>>46036 Really edging us with that 1500 girl m3ga comment, how does one acquire such a file?
Back to the top for those Erica vids
Brooke d and Alexis u have sex vids
>>46037 wya ol’ son?
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>>46036 Pretty sure you can directly link one specific folder and not give access to the rest
>>46560 yeah dude was full of shit leveraging wins. Fag hoarder.
I have some good pics of a girl that gose by the name of dru
>>46679 Does her last name rhyme with harsh?
>>45770 come on guy own up to your end, be a man.
(172.70 KB 235x810 IMG_2861.jpeg)
Will someone drop Kens1 Garv3y please. She went to Ferris.
>>46624 It’s shit like this that made me not check this as regularly like I use to.
>>46830 yeah that’s a bit much. I asked nicely and then just asked if you’d post some ss if the vids won’t work. Most of those comments come from ppl who don’t even post. I’m chill just been looking for those wins for a year.
>>46830 I still have two decent vids of jas throating and taking dick.
I have a few Toledo hoes taking dick
>>46834 Legendary. Let’s see em
>>46834 holy shit gotta see those
If you’re willing to send those videos my k I. K is plumlee03 I have some good content to swap.
>>46967 nah this shit is dead. You can post here. Not even considering it until the Erica vids drop but besides that nobody is posting anyway. Going to need to see some solid stuff. I dropped a ton of gems on here already and got hosed.
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>>46833 I guess I never even saw the SS them post. Here’s some SS’s for the whiny fucks to wank to. Vids are so much better with sound. I agree though, this is dead. There’s so much potential in our area. No one posts. I’ve posted my fair share and got hosed too so I’m just a little less forthcoming.
>>47074 appreciate it man, and I get it. Lots of her tits out there was looking for a good pussy shot or two for the jas post if you would be so kind. We’ve posted 90% of this lmao
>>46991 haha alright. I’ve got vids of some of the girls above but won’t let me post on here. That’s why I said K. I. K. All good though
>>47088 That one vid ss continues and goes frontal as she’s playing with it. Then a few others of her vent over, etc. just a ss doesn’t do justice without hearing her moan and being dirty. I’ll think about it though.
>>46761 Yes vary mush so lol
More Je$$ic@ $tarr?
Do you have the Brooke d and Alexis u and Olivia c videos?
Anyone got Ana H? Went to CMU 2014-19 and again 2021-23. Pale, black hair, very fat ass. Very involved with hockey
(108.48 KB 720x1235 IMG_2749.jpg)
>>47129 Just looking for a couple clear shots of this sir.
Another jas b for you fucks, come on y’all post some shit let’s go we can all win.
(8.22 KB 236x206 2024-02-05_17-11-42.JPG)
>>47129 posted another jas for you brother. Lemme get this one cleaned up too?
>>47178 What is Olivia C last name?
i have carly h whole catalog wont let me post
(89.93 KB 898x567 IMG_2950.jpeg)
C @ r l 3 y H.
>>47236 try a couple times, use spaces and symbols.
Olivia c(ostilla)
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>>47196 Ohhh, you want these? Or mainly this video. Yeah, idk.
I have tons of tr@des, c @ r l y h, k1@nn@ a. K@m D. And more for 3r1ca!! >>47259
>>47259 lol, douchebag.
Jacqu1in3 Jos3ph from lakeview and Montcalm CC?
(340.49 KB 1080x736 Screenshot_20240508_105609.jpg)
K W0nsey
Any heroes in here with D@kota R1nz or H@lona L@mbert?
Bump for Brooke d Alexis u and Olivia c
>>47437 Moar?
Any of that miK@ela Helmk@ chick
Brooke d Alexis u Olivia c!
>>48282 How about some others that haven’t been mentioned oh you know over 100 times.
They’ve been mentioned a thousand because the people who have them aren’t posting them
(316.46 KB 1170x2068 IMG_6857.jpeg)
You know, Kayla’s little sister has a decent OF.
>>48457 Kayla r’s sister? What is it?
Any jayden g?
(1.30 MB 1197x1744 IMG_7100.jpeg)
Anyone have bre’s stuff from when she had of?
Does anyone have Paig3 Moyl3?
D@kota Rinz?
>>47437 Which, Kelly?
Olivia p0ti3?
Anyone have any stories of Brooke d(avis) or her friends since they were such sluts?
>>45770 cat box seems fitting
Bump for brooke
Any Larissa delong
There was some good p@ige l∅wery in previous mt p but none in this one
Never let it die
Would really love to see Brooke d or Alexis u sucking some dick
(154.78 KB 829x1155 IMG_7757.jpeg)
Anyone have Brooklyn S?
Where the blow job/sex vids?!
>>44423 Please more Syd
>>50829 This
>>44605 >>45237 Stop posting this bullshit
Bump for Brooklyn s
Bump for Brooke D and Alexis U sex videos definitely exist we just have to have the right people find this site. Please post if you have them or anything else!
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>>52110 lol why Kaylee got the face of a 60 year old man?
Bump for Brooke d!!!
What's Payton s. Onlyfans?
Mercedes Tr0sbridge?!?
Had 0 F with different names Went to CMU
L0rien Phi11ips?
C@rly C 0 F names: Burbanhazedaze Sammy-xo Good_girl_sammy Chanelxo777
Who's got some casino girls??
(1.28 MB 3988x3988 1723336055428497.jpg)
Is this really who I think it is?
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Mik H3lmka is a goddess
>>56239 Do you have more of her?
Any lex1 h00k?
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>>56213 Wow. More of her
Someone hit up Brooke d and Alexis u for more nudes!
>>44025 How much? What are you looking for?
Any pussy shots? >>56320
Any1 got emi1y k from @lma? She had such big titties.
bumping for erlc@
Will post Kam3ryn D if someone posts Quinn Burg3r
Will post Kam3ryn D if someone posts Quinn burg3r
who has €r1n D0dɗ$
Reviving. Gotta be more.
Any Beal city wins?
Bump C@rly C
>>56239 Faggot
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Bump. Can we please get some more rolling.
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Cheyanne B found her on OF
Still here for Brooke d and Alexis u sex tapes there out there
💋Live Girls 💋 t.co/hqsLX9Umdc
What’s chey b’s OF? >>62723
Anyone know Momdd1998s name?
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K3nz A. Where y’all at?
Kenzie A. Need Kam D or more Shep wins. Have tons of Carly H content to
What’s the link?!? I’ll buy. Huge jugs >>62723
curyn n0str@nt?
Yes! This and Brooke d and Alexis u sex vids!
Any1 got beth r?
>>63059 Have tons of Beth R if you want to post anyone similar age from BC or MP
Anyone got lex1 h00k?
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old carly everyone seen already, add something new. I have her portfolio. >>63188
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>>63191 I posted new Kenz above also.. KF & PS.
who are they?!?! >>63192
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>>63114 Lots of wins here, doesn’t need to be complicated.. Beth R.
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>>63114 So you don’t have shit?
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Kenzie A
Everybody seen Kenz she Easy. Step it up >>63579
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>>63690 He isn’t wrong though, Kenzie is dried up. She’s mid at best.
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>>63694 Who cares. I rather see Kenzie than read through comments from leaches. Her pussy was never posted so I dropped that too. Then I dropped 3 new wins to get Kam D and y’all sit here and complain. >>63706 Nice, hard to believe kait doesn’t have any real wins out there.
>>63710 Posted CH. Only talking shit bc it’s earned
>>63712 Earned with Carley? Her entire catalog is on google. Post Beth R.
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More Carley what name did she use on that one site? And what name did Abby m use?
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Some amber g too
Post the amber g vid
Can we please get more broke d and Alexis u?!
Any pics or vids of Kerrigan reihl? Used to bartend at blackstone awhile back
Anyone got k3ll! D@n!3ls ?
>>62766 I ain't clicking dat shit

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