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Anonymous 08/26/2024 (Mon) 13:13:30 No. 40761
Can someone start an oceanside dc or tg? Have lots but don't have anywhere to share
That’s what this is for. Post them
>>40765 I'm not finna post on this shithole site lmao. My k¡k is bicepquail for anyone who wants to tr@de oceanside and surrounding areas
Someone make oneeeee
zen_badger_91768 On dc
You got any Cassie Williamson, used to be Butler? Oceanside class of 17
>>40938 Lol everyone has cassie's leak set where have you been dog
>>40989 Ive only seen 1 pic. Hook it up
>>41015 What will You post for kt
Lydia M
I'll post the cassie pics/vids if someone posts good quality laura boutin and/or julia bartlett
I dont have either of those unfortunately
Got more than a folder with a name to show you have them?
>>41040 Iykyk, they were all over the old boards and dcs. Honestly surprised there are people who don't have em. Nice try to get free wins tho lol
>>41037 Then get some?? Jfc
>>41050 Lol I remember those but I don't have them saved so I'd like to see them again too. I can post aubry andersen
>>41037 Then make a list of who you have and I'll tell you who to post for cass
>>41054 Hello? Post ur list. I dont have all day
>>41056 Nobody knows who tf lydia m is dawg
>>41059 My point stands. No one know who that is
>>41060 You not knowing doesnt mean everyone doesnt know. I dont have anyone from oceanside. All of mine are central. Rylie B1anchet Savannah B0uchard Miranda N1cely Thalia C0uture Kayla Spr0ul
>>41063 You're in an oceanside thread bub. No one wants ur trash. Get some oside OC if u want cassie
Keep trying to get something like theyre playing cards. They hold no value. If you dont post them, ill find someone else. Keep jerking yourself off though
>>41066 Ok little bro
>>41068 Cute try. Meaningless but strong effort. Keep it up.
This Cassie dude is a fucking loser he's been at this for months ignire him everyone
Doing the same shit you did asking for specifics earlier. You dont even have them.
>>41072 I have the cassie snap set too I'll post it l8er if I come back to a nice oceanside thread going. Post up boys
Can we stop bickering about the old ass cassie wins and talk about getting some new content for once? Cassies shit is redundant atp
>>41077 Post it up and its over Only way to sort it out or hes just gonna keep looking
>>41078 This was posted by the cassie guy himself btw
>>41080 Unless youre a mod and drumming up business Or you got a hardon for the dude Either way this is dumb
>>41081 K11k is dumb
>>41083 Ur dumb and we all know ur irl name
So is anyone gonna post or you two just gonna touch tips
>>41102 This site is for fags. Make a dc and i'll post hundreds of wins
Any local slut fans?
Midcoast!! Ed77MqjU
Midcoastwinz qbcDNbkB
Oceanside! s29nrz6G
Oceanside only!!! mUDG4uMMwD
>>41241 NEW server JOIN JOIN JOIN!!! Full of UNSEENS!!!
>>41241 PS8Cbh2WYF
New : nMqzezzcDr Admins not a douche
>>41298 Bumperino
No verification oceanside: JdpqZqN2B9
New inv?
What's the inv for the knox lincoln one that was up a few weeks ago
>>41395 This one is legit admin's not a douche canoe for once and there's actually wins inside
>>41395 Bumpppppo
Holy shit this one's actually lit BPZUyTxVyZ
UnseenOceanside on k¡k
We're coming for you Kyler Holt. May you never know peace again. You're done. We have EVERYTHING we need to END you...
Oceanside! ZgktNYtehe No verification required!
