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Abbeville Anonymous 03/26/2022 (Sat) 19:33:23 No. 1177 >>7672
Does anyone have any abbeville wins?
Post who u got and I’ll post mine
Just post them anyway
If you gotta say post yours and I’ll post mine. Chances are you don’t even have any to post
Anyone know this girl
Anyone have wins of this one? A$h1ey w1$e?
I have wins of Assley
Post them>>1405 >>1405
Anyone know a 337 link
qQa7 Z2 d5
Bump for Ashley
Bump bump
Anybody know ëmøñį hãrbør ōf?
who has wins on the shucks sluts. Tori G and Taylor L
Bump for Naomi r
has to be some Tori G and Reyna D wins out there
(1.60 MB 720x1280 reyna3.png)
heres reyna. credit to OP from last anon.
lets not leave out hottie Liv A from those wins
Tori G is by far the biggest slut out of those names mentioned. Bound to be wins
Peltier huge whore
Anything? A$Hlee wi$e and stripper from michaels (Barbiedollarz)
Bump for court sum and Ashley wise
J@d@ @lex@der
(618.97 KB 978x1577 tndr.jpg)
slutbox Tori takes to tinder for the D.
>>1686 Dump the Jada hardcore wins
Buuuuump Can agree on peltier
>>1686 damn shes tight. Would really appreciate some more of her
Bump for ka1ie j.
>>1686 Any vids of her?
>>1686 Bump for more of her
>>1737 What kind of wins does she have?
>>1686 bump for j.a.
rumor has it Tori G has an OF.. can anyone shine some light on that
Ra3 Ann b?
someone drop that Tori Gr33r OF link
>>2025 more jada pls
>>2096 Er0me-com(slash)a(slash)kM2GNlHa
>>2168 holy shit thats the motherload.. Would love it if there was more!
>>2273 whats this?
>>2273 Also interested but not understanding shit...
>>2168 Deserves her own thread
>>2025 >>2168 >>2381 fuck yeah I agree
>>2273 Someone figure out what this is? Not m3ga or g0file
>>2273 not m!r and not mless.. WHAT IS IT?
no surprise that she would be on here, however, would think there would be wins.. she would suck me off in the b-dubs parking lot when she worked there
Too bad you didn’t get any wins to share at bww
>>2511 i have some she sent, nothing too crazy though, it was years back so ill have to try to dig them up. shes been a bar slut forever so surely someone will post em
was anyone able to track down her OF name?
Tori free sucked and fucked so many of my friends in Shreveport I would like to see some nudes and vids they have to be somewhere
>>2577 know she had ran through all across lafayette, didnt realize she had made a name for herself in shreveport as well
R@e @nn and @$hley wi$e
>>2593 I know 3 different people who have fucked her, she’s all over
(761.64 KB 270x480 311299025.png)
(163.14 KB 469x696 311299036_.jpg)
these 2 halloween pics tells her story wellNot allowedom wanna be goodgirl to straight dirty devil
>>2770 Fucked her on first night hanging. such easy work didn't even bother trying to pics or anything
bump lets see em guys
Whoever had Ashley’s nudes, drop em, I’ll drop some too after.
Bump for Ashley
^^sure you will.. full of shit. Just post them and quit being a bitch
>>3147 i think guys be scared to post thinking "oh shit what if she finds out". but reality is she sent those same pics to 20 other dudes she was fucking. so just post em
Let’s g--o. Y’all need to post what y’all got too. I wanna see Ashley wise ( • ) ( • )
Show us the one without the bra now bro.
Somebody’s gotta have something. Pretty sure she has an of with some of the pics she takes
Wanted to see them tits for years. I’m sure plenty more are out there.
I have the same spams😂 It was a daily for a while.
What’s tori G’s last name?
>>3252 Still dropping them wins of Ashley?
>>3402 They are bigger than I imagined! Went to school with A$hley(.)(.) she has a even better ass I think.
being in LAF for awhile i knew of Tori G being a notorious slut, first im hearing of Ashley W
(42.34 KB 412x843 sltbuckit1.jpg)
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keep sharing boys!
R@e @nn Buford??
>>3574 who has these tits
>>3402 Damn! We need more of her!
add lakecharles to her outreach. coulpe years back she was slutting at casino pool. few drinks and she was in my room.
Anyone have any K@ilee Bre@ux?
has to be out there
Any more A$hley Wi$e?
Hear Taylor L has nudes and gets nasty af
>>1463 Taylor gives the best head rumor has it, hella ass on that girl
Taylor l gives the best head tumor has it!! Her ass is massive
>>1463 Taylor l is a win, ass so phat and perfect
>>1463 >>1508 >>1508 It’s Kristi’s tits you should wanna see
>>1508 Any Grac L wins?
I worked there with them. They would go back n forth swapping stories of dudes they were fucking. Trying to 1 up each other.
Any j@ek@ j0ne$ wins?
Long shot, we used to fuck back in the day when we were in hs
>>4393 Which 1
>>4330 >>4330 She had a tape I’ve seen a few years ago low key freak
>>4330 both huge sluts, +ay10r body was insane before the baby.
>>4408 Girl had hella ass on her
(678.62 KB 743x1355 TLbty.jpg)
>>4415 hmm and those tight jeans she wears to work
>>4402 which of those sluts made a tape?
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whats her Only name, heard she sells
>>4441 Tay
(176.06 KB 1440x1800 2.jpg)
Who got kalie. i need to see that lil fuckdools big fake tits
Bump for Kalie
>>4540 wheres dem T0r! nudes
Any 337 or state GGs?
Yes da boot
What's the ¢0rd?
Any de$tini B0urque wins?
^^da boot
>>4663 Is it the regular link and then /da boot?
all their server are sluts, need wins!
>>4794 Manager has huge tits
Any ladies from riverfront? Gotta be!
Tay10r has that slut look to her, her sister Grac3 is smoking. whos got em
>>4807 Sis got a rack fuh days
Fake tit milf
>>4825 who is this?
(448.76 KB 979x1145 TLbty.jpg)
T L@b!t gettin the ass back
>>4921 Ass so phat always been soft af
>>4921 whos got her videos
Ass was clapping in the ones I seen
>>4921 I hate the face she makes in her pictures with a burning passion
Head game A1 tho her hoop earrings are a statement I know there are buku pics out
Who got grace l or Brayln landry
Bump tay who got em
Bump tay
Huge fake tits
Carly throwing ass
>>5815 How can there not be more of her out there?
(123.68 KB 1035x550 taydnk_20230509.jpg)
>>5053 tay far right
>>5837 Ass so phat
>>5837 need her nudes and tape
(849.51 KB 903x1482 VTLn-amtominsy.png)
Anybody has k@ilee Bro?
>>5837 She’s on the amateur catalog mirror pic
>>5937 link? or whats that mean
Kristi’s rack is A1
>>5937 are we sure thats Tay? did she get implants
Anybody k3lli v1ll3rmans only link?
Bump for Naomi rose
Bump fit mya C0nn3r
any more c@rly @nny
>>1177 Any e1iz@beth M@anuel?
>>7758 lost one?
(215.18 KB 1013x1226 torgrbday.jpg)
since its her birthday someone drop the nudes
>>7921 Happy birthday! Someone drop nudes!
Kay dee who? More?
>>4617 More?
Bump for k4llie j
(118.33 KB 1240x1240 FB_IMG_1703656982877.jpg)
Bet there's something
Jacquelyn or Jackie b has an OF jadefatale or something
Bump for Gabby
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>>1411 Need more of A$H/3y Wi$e Or JAIDE primeaux Lacey comeaux Maddi trew Tay Duhon
Drop the wins!
Give me some barbiedollar$. Danced at michaels and paradise! No chance there’s none out there.
Any wins if cin@m0n j0hn$0n
T@y10r Lab!t phat ass
Neww zvEmsJ3c
Any one have some wins of Meg@n Mout0n?
New coooor for the real ones VPg3RcHH
>>4307 OF for Grac L?

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