/fa/ - Fakes/Xray

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Anonymous 10/03/2024 (Thu) 01:30:48 No. 42662
This one should be pretty easy to x-ray if anybody can help
I can see a little bit even without xray
shamneless bump
The fakes are great. Hoping for X-ray now as I can see some nipple I think but don't know how to X-ray.
Here are some more. Maybe some of these are better for X-ray.
>>42840 4th shot is the best one
Hoping an X-ray goes can help here.
(228.54 KB 1440x1800 IMG_5406.jpeg)
I like her
(390.87 KB 1440x1800 IMG_5407.jpeg)
Posted the wrong image lmao
>>43355 Post a way to contact you I’ll pay for custom requests, that’s great work!
(471.43 KB 1440x1800 IMG_5414.jpeg)
>>43356 Post more of her we’ll call it even
>>43358 I’m not the OP, also thought you were doing real x rays not fakes
>>43358 Op here. These are dope, I can post more of her later. Any chance you do real x-rays?
Bump for real x-ray and more pics of her
Bumping for real xray. I can kinda see nipples through that black top.
Still bumping for true x-ray. I'm in love with her style and I'm dying to see those nips
Not begging, but also begging for this slut to be xray'd
Any X-ray gods
Shameless bump

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