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olivia w 10/28/2023 (Sat) 15:29:39 No. 19499 >>21016
someone’s got to have Olivia W from EL
I’ll trade Shea C for Liv W all day long
>>19957 Post what u got of shea c
Got anyone else from el?
No only have shea that’s why I’m looking to trade
>>20619 let’s see what you got of shea then
How can we trade with you
Post for post, post what you got
SC bjohnson86753 and we can swap if not I’ll just post them up fuck it but rather know I’m getting something in return
>>20803 post what u have of Shea here then you’ll get Olivia here too
dk why i’m the only one posting pics
>>20893 Because anons typically don't have anything. We come here to see girls we can't have. 99% of anon are incels just trying to fuck our hand to something we can't have. Reality.
Post shea or cap I call bs
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I got a few more as well
>>19499 good man.. got 3m s@ved for sh@rin. and wow she is still beautiful.
Let’s get this thread going again dump what you have from whenever East Lyme girls let’s go !!!!
im happy to post more once someone else finally does.
I have the video
Liar she don’t have vids
She does. Check her name on Mom less
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>>21015 you got more of shea?
>>23065 this is for shea?
hook us up shea is absolutely incredible
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anybody have more of shea?
Bump for Olivia and shae
Bump for east lyme girls
Anyone recognize? EL c/o 17?
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anybody have more of shea? she is so damn fine
Bump for el girls

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