/cb/ - College Bitches

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Anonymous 02/26/2025 (Wed) 18:25:57 No. 67914
Any College of Charleston winz?
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Juli4 H just graduated last year...major talent
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Co 2020 C@r0l1ne B
>>68237 more of her!
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any 8rittany K? Was a huge slut in HS and college
M0rgan hull or h@nn@h wils0n
>>68314 bump
Anyone got $cyl3r? Bump for any CofC.
M@rg0 Hutt0n?
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>>67915 juli4 h got dem milkers bruh
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Jo€!!€ G0r’s tittays anyone?
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>>68514 Bump
>>68514 dayum her and Julia need to do a wet tshirt contest stat
anyone got s13nn@?
>>68534 You think there’s only one? Lol
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>>68534 Can someone enter in her sn@ps or slide in her !g to get her on here? Damnnnnnn
>>68547 What’s last N
>>68551 G0r@ln!k
>>68535 s13nn@ p freshman
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Contest going, first w!ns of Joelle Julia or Sienna…
>>68658 haha hellz yeah ill literally send $500 in crypto to anyone with a single win of Juli4 H fuck me
Z03 kurtz was around 2012-14. she transfered to towson and got a breast reduction sadly buy huge tits and huge slut at CofC hoping for wins/stories
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>>68641 lets hope this lucky bastard is saving pics of those sloppy tiddies for a rainy day
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>>68951 one more ;)
>>68723 What’s Julia’s last N
>>68959 h3sl1n
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