/cb/ - College Bitches

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Anonymous 08/06/2024 (Tue) 06:46:33 No. 57695 >>57887 >>58174 >>60377 >>60469 >>60988
Oregon State girls? Corvallis or Bend campus
J@de C@r3y would be an elite pull
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>>57695 Any of these girls??
Got some from class of 2019 to 2023
>>58007 Is that a question or a statement?
>>58007 who do you have from 2019? I have a few people.
Anyone got C@1tl1n @? Class of 2018 AGD
>>58031 Let see some of the 2nd girl!
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>>57695 Anyone have R@chael? Soccer player
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Anyone got mac@w on OF, M!k@¥£@ 0
Anyone have old sorority slut J3nny T@ylor?
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Mic4h S
>>58932 Damn who's this?
>>59687 This is for cord
>>59868 N1N4 L3tt or K3nd4ll J0hns0n?
>>59942 Got N1n@
>>60371 post em
>>57695 courtn3y k3nd4ll?
>>60371 if you got them why not post 💀
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3rica e 2011-2014 stoner slut had OF for a lil
>>60456 shes everywhere, google and reverse image on last pic
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>>60457 Yeah we want more than what’s been posted heard there’s vids from college of her getting spit roasted and more
>>57695 where’s nin@ at??
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Co 15
>>57887 I have some lrn (the girl in orange in the 3rd pic if anyone has any of these girls
>>60794 Yeah I got C.G.
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>>60862 Post your CG and i will post my lrn
>>57695 >>60948 Bump! Where N1N@ and C0urtn3y?
>>60862 Post your C.G. And i can post the nudes from Lrn
>>58031 They went to Tigard. Who’s got left
>>61120 Any CG??
any wind of 1sis l0wery? was a gymnast
>>61440 Still looking for cg
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Anyone have 3lsa h00kland?
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Would love someone from this friend group
Looking for any of these girls K3nn3dy St3v3ns, C0urtn3y Cl@rk, R@ch3l Kuhl, K@t3 Thr3sh3r, M0nt@nna 6ubrud (6 is a g) any wins?
>>61894 Yeetmcgee12 if you have any of them
>>62158 this is for gram^
>>61894 still looking for anyone in this group
>>60862 Would love some CG!
>>60862 Do you still have CG? Is there anything I could post to get some?
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>>57887 Will post my lrn for CG, K@y, or j3nn@
>>61447 Supposed J@d3 C@r3y set
>>63581 offer is still there!
Where did you hear this? >>63582
>>63581 if you have K@y, J3nn@, or anyone from that group msg.....mryan231
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