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UCSB 04/13/2024 (Sat) 20:33:20 No. 52464 >>56688 >>57999
Any Santa Barbara?
Anyone know squishthedish on OF? Def went to ucsb.
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Olivia B
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Anyone got Maya T, class of 17? Fucked a bunch of dudes.
anyone have K3lly W@ll or M@ggie D0yle?? just graduated
G1g1 p??
>>55672 amazing hangers. More nd last name ?
>>52464 I have Ed@ Yilm@Z and Gr@ce D@wson from KKG and am willing to share if others post some other KKG girls
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J3z. Anyone got anything?
>>52464 Any wins on Kylie?
>>56675 Looks like an of whore. Reverse search the image and you’ll get her handle mia_apples. Can’t find her full or real name yet though
any1 have J3z4h S?
>>57940 I hooked up with her a few times! If someone posts some nudes i will share my videos
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Got one
Is that Rachel P
>>58306 Who's this?
>>57940 Still looking for j3z!
Anyone have any wins of this one?
>>58306 More
>>58306 It’s Amy
>>58511 Still trying to find Jez!!
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Any stories
>>58003 >>56675 0l1v14 B1v3rt
>>57940 I would love to see her juicy ass and more of it
>>61097 Allison??
>>62855 I've only ever heard her called Ally, but she could be Allison
>>62895 Lol yeah she goes by both, I'm pretty good friends with her and her friends. She's really nice but kinda shy and def prude. No stories or anything
>>62898 yeah lol I was on the guys lacrosse team as a freshman when she was on the girls team. Everyone was so into her but it was pretty clear she didnt put out at all
>>62899 I was really hoping she'd loosen up in college, but no luck
>>62900 Not at all, seen her get a little 'crazy' and drunk at some parties but nothing ever happens. My gf is in her sorority and even thinks shes boring
>>62901 If anything ever changes, know that she has fans here
>>62902 I'll be back if I hear anything
Amber(left) anyone? Or Ariana (right)
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Anyone got/know more of Ol1vi@? I know she was pretty out there her first couple of years
>>54263 yeah she did, lived across from me during the 2023-2024 year; i went to her apartment once for a party but don't remember her name sadly
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class of 2024
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Anyone got wins of R0byn V (c/o 24)? One of the biggest sluts I saw in my time here
>>65478 Dont have wins but have fucked her plenty of times, she is a huge slut lol
>>65515 k'1k or s'3ss??
Bump for Robyn V there has to be wins
zoe S. kappa kappa gamma?
Nice win how did you even get it lmao >>66319
>>64208 any leaks?>>64208
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>>57940 So hot!!
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Any wins or stories
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moar 4mber pls
lets gooo any more nudes of 4mber?
>>66552 no wins, plenty of stories. Shes wild
share with the class >>66667
>>66669 Saw her getting fucked on a bunch in peoples park late at night
Any L1ly S?
Any Lauren “Peach” W.? Tight little slut.
>>66919 Last name Sl0@n
fi0n@ D. Alpha Phi?
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>>67117 nice. Got more?
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>>67131 those ain’t her
>>67132 first one is literally from her lol idk who posted the second one
>>67133 Yea the first one I can see. What else you got?
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>>67147 lol I appreciate the response but come on dude
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>>66319 Moar 4mb3r
>>67138 Thats all I got from her
helzz yeah bump moar 4mber whats the story on the sauce?
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>>67362 Oh damn I've been looking for wins of J3nna, the girl on the left. She's got a great ass. Got any thing?
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Any vanessa c/o 24
>>62957 from a cam show a while ago it looks a lot like amber
>>67426 Any of her ?
>>58308 >>66931 drop ur s3ss
>>67426 Any of this cutie?
>>67627 "s3ss"?
>>67998 What?
>>68014 What does “s3ss” mean?
Anyone know this girl on the track team?
Anyone have S@j@? Sexy middle eastern bitch
>>67808 I hope there is
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Has to be some $0phi€
>>55672 Anyone know more on Olivi@
Major bump of anyone has the twins kèĺĺÿ and jàçqùèĺÿn̈ çà§ťèĺĺoʻn̈
>>68327 Bump
Anything with sus@n cl@y?
>>68917 Major bump

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