/cb/ - College Bitches

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Drop the wins. Roll Tide!
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Sidn3y Ab3l 057da1ab8f01ba458858344c3dd707e4d324dc8991ed15f9e8663bc3f7b0ab6123
I have 23 sets, where is everyone smh
>>51628 List your sets...
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Kyra G 057da1ab8f01ba458858344c3dd707e4d324dc8991ed15f9e8663bc3f7b0ab6123
(489.76 KB 1290x1466 session-2024-04-01-114350.jpg)
this slut is sexy
(104.33 KB 897x1536 session-2024-04-01-175457 (1).jpg)
(96.31 KB 886x1536 session-2024-04-01-175457.jpg)
>>51751 More pls
Her set is nice, lots of nudes, and vids
Where can I find the blowjob vid? She swallow? I saw the other ones they are great
>>51770 057da1ab8f01ba458858344c3dd707e4d324dc8991ed15f9e8663bc3f7b0ab6123
>>51772 Someone is mad he didn’t get the set.. it’s fire, he has been sharing them all.
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(1.32 MB 1290x1774 IMG_6358.jpeg)
057da1ab8f01ba458858344c3dd707e4d324dc8991ed15f9e8663bc3f7b0ab6123 I have there sets^
Post S1dney
Post Ryli3 Gow3r
>>51781 if anyone has kyr@ go1dst3in, let me know
>>51775 PSA: avoid scammer and anything you give him (he resells or posts online)
>>51784 Bump
Have a decent collection 0554c667345fac3948aa67fbea7ff84921f488a6aa573061d5694d38ea011efd59
Any g@bby 1mperi@
Micc Barbuto
>>51757 >>51770 >>51773 i see all these comments anyone you actually have the set then?
>>52064 Yes I do 057da1ab8f01ba458858344c3dd707e4d324dc8991ed15f9e8663bc3f7b0ab6123
>>52068 sorry but i was told you are a scammer anyone else?
Any alpha phi girl leaks?
>>52079 That guy is just mad because I didn’t give him free hand outs. Lmfao
>>52107 that may be so but i talked to two people that i have dealt with before on s and they both said the same thing about 057da1ab8f01ba458858344c3dd707e4d324dc8991ed15f9e8663bc3f7b0ab6123 if anyone else kyra, let me know
Anyone have Emory s gamma phi 13 Rumor of some vids
Anyone know sydn3y kais3r? Goatman1783
Bump for more kyra
Any Lilly roehrig?
S. E .—- S 05c7e85fc467826fec471e89210135ebf83606f7a28c6b438db4deb8a3a9cbbe03
Anyone have her? Sure she got around just like she did in North al
anybody have anything h@lburns
>>51614 AOPi freshman?
Any $@mmy nev1n$? Been dying to see her nude forever
Rachel Kovens tapes went around our fraternity
>>51614 Anyone have Br00k3 S@nt3rs?
>>51614 Any R8yl3igh 5tr1pl1ng?
Bump for R8yl3igh 5tr1pl1ng?
K._._k have a lot of bama
K._._k lightskind20
/d /9d sts0
Where access that links? I'm new
K@lie Hoskins 05c7e85fc467826fec471e89210135ebf83606f7a28c6b438db4deb8a3a9cbbe03
Ava Lutz wins ?
A Cl@rk sophomore sorority? She’s newly single and been moving through the frats
h@lle burn$?
Marybeth O?
>>53225 name
Anyone got Tr1n1ty B@rn3tt?
Will pay for kyl33 pulman0
root link?
>>54016 Bump this
(1.29 MB 1284x1470 IMG_5131.jpeg)
>>54030 Your playing a dangerous game with that one buddy hahahaha
Anyone have jaliyah
>>54120 How can I dm you?
>>54122 What do you have. I have insta and snap
>>54122 snap @bluepanda099
>>51995 She’s nice
>>51614 Any of alpha phi’s P@r1s Gr@y or k1nlEe 1ngr@gm ?
Anyone have L1v Turn3r. Just graduated
05c148a20654838ee7973f372a8b3dd600f87dd4129b0d84ace5d9e47397a74031 I have tons
05c148a20654838ee I HAVE TONS 7973f372a8b3dd600f87dd4129b0d84ace5d9e47397a74031
Any of cheerleader K4yl4 W3bb? Recent graduate
>>52459 Anyone??
Bump 0598ac949b2170df714a10d036de76ea6c552fd649d06996906b90e7dfdba35710
Bump 0598ac949b2170df714a10d036de76ea6c552fd649d06996906b90e7dfdba35710
>>54893 What are all these codes?
Bump 0598ac949b2170df714a10d036de76ea6c552fd649d06996906b90e7dfdba35710
@th3Na M3g@?
>>51995 Tits
>>55049 Name
>>51995 More
>>55028 Jesus fucking christ those are perfect. More please
Bump 0598ac949b2170df714a10d036de76ea6c552fd649d06996906b90e7dfdba35710
>>54972 Wtf is the m3ga format? Isn't is m3g4 dot nz / f0ld3r / (the rest)?
It’s not m3ga it’s se$si0n
>>55088 And how does one use s3ss10n?
A phi freshman?
Still active here 0598ac949b2170df714a10d036de76ea6c552fd649d06996906b90e7dfdba35710
>>55049 Micc Barbuto Holy fuck post more of her
Anyone have the one on the left
>>55430 Bump
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Anyone got Hilary M?
Jesyk@ t0rres
>>55354 Bump
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Anyone have courtn3y m3y3rs??
>>55430 Bump
Kp0di ?
New Bump! 059df3d02e9a9a713c 3095d59c816c421b055b88d 14ec72f47cc2a6629a0601170
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Ik she has wins drop em
J@ylynn J0hns0n anyone got wins
(61.80 KB 1440x960 213sdazcxasd.jpg)
anyone have m!chelle
3lizabeth $kipper
Over 50 bama sets 059df3d02e9a9a713c 3095d59c816c421b055b88d 14ec72f47cc2a6629a0601170
What is that
Any @nn@ S or l1ly A?
Any 3lli3 Collin$
I have R1ley G0wer, Micc B, Kyl33 Pulman0, kat3 v0lin, and tons of other bama sluts. 059df3d02e9a9a713c 3095d59c816c42 1b055b88d 14ec72f47cc2a6 629a0601170
>>56295 Show them
>>56296 HMU and I will
>>56298 Where can I hit u up for them
>>56371 059df3d02e9a9a713c 3095d59c816c42 1b055b88d14ec72f47cc2a6 629a0601170
>>56376 How do those links work
>>56295 J0le@ sh@ver?
>>56501 She goes to Auburn but is a a fucking dime
>>56376 BUMP
059df3d02e9a BUMP 9a713c3095d59c816c BUMP 421b055b88d14ec72f BUMP 47cc2a6629a0601170 BUMP
>>56142 Bump
t€l€guard 9F25KKLZF UofA wins
anyone have Samantha W or Kelly W?
>>51614 >>56276 Nothing crazy
>>51614 Wins?
Bama Wins t€l€guard GNP4UDHAB
Any1 have 3ll3ry Ru553l
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R3agan Dyk3s who has some wins
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Ann@ &tripling
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C@rol1ne R@ley
Looking for the one all the way on the right. Her name is Ja31yn Don1in
>>57859 any vids of her licking her daughters cunny?
Anyone have J0l13 W@1k3r?
K@t1e sh00k?
>>51614 Any AOII
Anybody have DZ girls? K@dsidy trant, @lly oops
Bama wins FM4EVK8GY
Dęz R0gers?
L@ur3n d@ni3ls? c/o 24 huge slut
Bama wins ;) SR33ENRXX
bump l@uren
Any willow l€ach?
need those 0livia Urie wins
Cassie or Allie foshee?
M@deline Th0m@s? bi slut
Bama winss ;) T3legaurd SR33ENRXX
>>58818 Graduated in ‘17?
Looking for @very J
(425.55 KB 702x757 IMG_3669.jpeg)
Ka$$idy tr@nt class of 23 Was in DZ
Best Bama winss ;) T3legaurd SR33ENRXX
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Anyone have b@iley C, or her friend Mia D Both recently just graduated
Best Bama winss ;) T3legaurd SR33ENRXX
@l1y@ @tk1n50n. P1 Ph1
Anyone got m@ggie w@rren
Win by state u of a
Best Bama winss ;) T3legaurd SR33ENRXX
C@mi||€ M@$tro.??
Anyone got P!per Cl!ck?
Anyone have k€nn€dy kru7z class of 2020
Either of the Cu0m0 sisters?
Best Bama winss ;) T3legaurd SR33ENRXX
Hard to find since they’ll all be lesbians, but anyone have any softball players? K. Hunt. Will drop $
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Ri@nn@ De@s
(263.09 KB 902x1379 IMG_6837.jpeg)
C@r01ine R@ley
>>57929 bumpppp vball player recent grad
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Bama babe 🔥 add up SC @disprettyboy for more and drop a msg saying “bama”
>>60341 Who is this?
Best Bama winsss ;) T3legaurd SR33ENRXX
Any K@ylee C@rver?
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(8.62 MB 1290x2796 IMG_3229.png)
Any k@ylee c@rver?
Best Bama ;) T3legaurd SR33ENRXX
Class ‘14 tgu@rd A8TY2ENPB for her
>>60587 More c@roline?
>>60922 You know her?
Long list T3legaurd SR33ENRXX
Bump J3ss D!mas
Current student
>>61088 I have her T3legaurd SR33ENRXX
Any 3ric@ 5pahr? Went to Alabama. Would be a huge win if someone had a pic of them puppies
(136.68 KB 762x1356 IMG_9629.jpeg)
Any Br00ke Ellest@d wins?
>>51892 how do i use this ??
>>61230 S3ssi0ns @pp
>>61244 It’s out dated now T3legaurd SR33ENRXX
Starting a group for on tg @JTay1991 to be added
Was she gangbanged?
>>61412 Probably. She sluts it up on socials and posts payment links. Prob has nudes out there
HMU T3legaurd SR33ENRXX
She@ m got gangbanged?
She@ M got gangbanged?
05e2743fcdf23784 4d3ecaffcc00e3ef 5d3ffe8b2232f6286 5aed8b11a69f75e2f
Any g@bby 1mp3ri@
M3g Ga11agher any1
I have J3ss D!m@s . Tguard rynunyb76 for her
>>61653 I had a $100 vid from her then she deactivated her OF, rip
>>61653 You need to post ur Tg code not your user…
k@tie sh00k
Bump for Kyra.
What was her of handle??
I have Jess and Kyra Tgaurd: BT7AGQLMP
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(1.36 MB 1170x1324 IMG_8890.png)
Any got j0rd@n c@banban?
I have Jordan C Tgaurd: BT7AGQLMP
Any TG groups?
Bama Group Tgaurd: BT7AGQLMP
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>>61860 More of willow...anything real
Any current or former athletes especially softball?
Someone post Jordan c
Bump...someone on campus gotta have her (.)(.)>>61872
Oh my she is in college now...May the Gods have favor please>>61872
Any Ch3ls34 P?
Any wins from like '07-14
>>62210 Class of 13
Kyl33 pulman0 aka kypulm
Anyone have C@r01in3 L0ck3rm@n? She had a sex tape leak in college, somewhere around 2010-13
(330.99 KB 1242x2208 183746D.jpg)
>>62325 K W?
I got all the goods T€l€g@urd BT7AGQLMP
Nobody trying to reach out and out themselves. Either share or gtfoh
Anyone have Ash1ey or Tay1or W? Sisters
Anyone have 3m1ly f4rl3r
>>55385 Huge bump for micċ bąrbuto
You have anything from them, you fucking win
Best bama wins T€l€g@urd BT7AGQLMP
(474.97 KB 1290x574 IMG_7874.jpeg)
Who’s got the ring girl? She’s a bama student
Yall ain't got shit
>>63257 The world needs this.
(545.72 KB 490x907 IMG_7712.jpeg)
Anyone have K@tie Kl3ss
Any1 have C@l3y
Got Kyl33 sw33n3y and more T€l€g@urd BT7AGQLMP
Be a bro and drop Kylee she’s so fucking hot
Cl@ire @dams?
Someone drop something else. This ain't a swap meet
Got Kyl33 sw33n3y and more T€l€g@urd BT7AGQLMP
Bump for Kylee
Sydn3y Thomas wins?
or M@deline Th0mas
Bump for Kylee S !
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Would pay for Ka$$idy Trant nudes
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(1.79 MB 1290x1621 IMG_2998.jpeg)
Anybody got ally copss??
Anyone have Elizabeth d0b1s
(3.07 MB 1290x2796 IMG_3034.png)
(3.56 MB 1290x2796 IMG_3033.png)
>>64090 More of Kassidy Trant
(1.52 MB 1290x1577 IMG_0491.jpeg)
Got the kyl33 Sw33ney set T€l€g@urd BT7AGQLMP
Anyone have Karlee H@mn3r or Kylee Pulman0?
(84.04 KB 700x927 imageedit_1_3803872381.jpg)
Any M@rr1n C ?
Any of her? RS
(253.34 KB 1179x1970 IMG_5317.jpeg)
>>64457 >>64484 I’m looking for Rayleigh
Anyone have Linds3y Bl@ck c/o 2021?
Any of C@Orline K.? Class of 2018 KKG
Best bama wins T€l€g@urd Q6FLXH6KK
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(1.36 MB 1290x1390 IMG_0855.jpeg)
I have the kyl33 Sw33n3y set T€l€g@urd Q6FLXH6KK
Any of S@m R0g3r$, class of 2018?
t. co/ZNbZRbZH43?girls
Best bama sets T€l€g@urd Q6FLXH6KK
Bumping M3ghan McC@rthy c/o ‘19. Any1 know her
>>65054 please someone share free
>>65054 Dude please drop Kylee that must be an unbelievable set
Need Kyra and Kylee. Bump.
anyone got?
C@roline R@ley
bump Kyra g
>>65204 HMU T€l€g@urd Q6FLXH6KK
>>65204 How can I hit you up?
>>65249 Just post on here?
>>65324 No shot
Marybeth OB?
>>65340 Why not? Must not have then.
>>65414 Nice try diddy
>>65454 Far from Diddy, but it's alright. I got them from someone else.
Best bama wins T€l€g@urd Q6FLXH6KK
>>62100 Year?
Best bama wins T€l€g@urd Q6FLXH6KK
Ğis3ll3 H00d??
T€l€g@urd: STDJF4SNT Have good amount
(1.40 MB 1290x1435 IMG_1080.jpeg)
HMU for the Kyler Sw33n3y set! T€l€g@urd Q6FLXH6KK
mmm willow is goat
Tons of bama sets 052a8d639f9a 0b1e37f5ff5d05 edbc7c15e0c1fb61 7a8ac27aceb00357181ca976
Any1 have 2019 zta sluts
(45.40 MB 800x926 IMG_3141.gif)
>>61411 Nice shot of her tight ass
Best bama wins T€l€g@urd 37A2BA53W
(1.29 MB 1290x1358 IMG_1349.jpeg)
Best bama wins 05e48114cbc8d06e1ea1 aa6ba5a391598e3a0249 4810e1c6dff460370f0e8f083c
>>66754 Last name?
I'm hoping somebody has Tina Lack. Graduated around 2017, I think.
How do I put these numbers into s3ss10n
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Best bama wins 05e48114cbc8d06e1ea1 aa6ba5a391598e3a0249 4810e1c6dff460370f0e8f083c
>>66788 Just delete the spaces
s3ss10n And T€l€g@urd still active
Someone post kyl33 Sw33n3ys tight ass pleaseeeee!
>>64484 who has Megan?
Someone’s gotta have her massive jugs
Class of 24 wins? T 3leg r@m - sq uid 279 4 - delete spaces
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Anyone have Jul!@nn@ G??
Wins to make us feel better about the L?
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Best bama wins 05e48114cbc8d06e1ea1 aa6ba5a391598e3a0249 4810e1c6dff460370f0e8f083c
Anyone know r3@gan mck30wn? Blue app anonnn1249
>>67279 do you have madeline thomas?
I do. T g - sq u id2 79 4
(946.72 KB 1290x1529 IMG_1348.jpeg)
Best bama wins 05e48114cbc8d06e1ea1 aa6ba5a391598e3a0249 4810e1c6dff460370f0e8f083c
What do the long codes do?
(1.42 MB 1290x1775 IMG_1618.jpeg)
Best bama wins 05e48114cbc8d06e1ea1 aa6ba5a391598e3a0249 4810e1c6dff460370f0e8f083c
Bump for Kylee S
Er1n Br3u3r?
(1.39 MB 1170x2532 IMG_2407.png)
used to go to bama sorta knew her she made an of if anyone wants to be a G n send some pics
What about girls you know made or had an OF at some point but deleted it or never posted? I can do some digging
(1.09 MB 1170x2532 IMG_2413.png)
Any UofM wins?
>>68412 What???
>>68413 University of Mobile
>>68414 Yeah you’re in the wrong thread bud
M@d3lin3 K. from AOPi
L31a S3b10n?
anyone have c@mill3 m@str0nardi?
>>68466 dont have wins but know her pretty well, shes fucking wild
>>68470 how so
K@yl4 T u n@jek HMU if you have anything. Will pay t€l€guard 9JNDL699W
(441.19 KB 1440x1800 IMG_8633.jpeg)
058b6a38701a36 2d2919d3eb82 f6d0362b555e62 32a10fa7b7f13e 14b3d4b7bb43
t€l€guard HK269H7MS
Bump for Kylee s
>>68466 >>68470 Bump for C@m I need to know more about her
I need the kyl33 sw33n3y set. HMU T€l€g@urd RGJKYPMXE
Anyone have K@t31yn K1r6y? Got a wild story about her
(115.48 KB 1080x1033 IMG_4331.jpeg)
>>69245 bump she’s hot
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>>69271 She definitely has pics out there

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