/cb/ - College Bitches

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ULCA 10/08/2023 (Sun) 14:10:58 No. 37783 >>40825 >>46117 >>46150 >>49812 >>52311 >>55468
Post ‘em if you got ‘em
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J@den Whitm@rsh plz
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Esha A ‘24? The sexiest Indian queen I’ve ever jerked it to
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Anyone got Yuna?
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(S)ami (b)rielle?
>>38433 Bump
>>38178 bump
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>>38432 Such a good slut
>>38178 More pics?
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Anyone recognize this slut?
Who got sami
anyone have Zoe P class of '22 has been a bartender since she has to have "alternative" income based on her insta
>>38740 wanna ch4t abt her?
>>38790 05aa3f799db5ab8e895 f451fd69b797e534a3e 0234152f2d661a8f7c5bc1c62737
>>38178 TwoTime
>>38794 what site
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>>38178 ch4t ehajahlb on t gram
>>38812 s3ss10n 05f3f786c078c35326e25fa6d04b8e9e3efedb41511a4f3f1fc0dedd4aeec0d850
Would give my left nut for Yuna or Zoe wins
>>38987 Keep your but neither exist. Don’t believe any of these retards in here that say vids or wins exist of these chicks none of them know what they’re talking about. Same goes for the fags in /ca.
>>38986 d15c
ch4t bobj223 on t gram
>>37865 Does she have wins you know of?
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Someone’s gotta have cl@!r there’s no way a slut this big doesn’t have wins out there
>>38890 Just talk or actual wins?
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C/O 17 anything?
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>>37783 somehow way better than the usc thread
Anyone got wins of these two cheerleaders?
>>38356 BUMP
>>39371 Bump on her and her friend group
Let’s t4lk abt zo3 or her friends. My t3le and d15s are above
>>41490 Who is this?
>>41749 hot as fuck
>>41749 sounds amazing, so gushy
>>38488 OF - friskyblonde1
>>42016 who’s this?
>>42029 bump
More em plz
>>42051 One of those trains had to have been recorded there’s no way this slut hasn’t been fucked on camera.
>>42115 how do you know shes been trained?
Any good undie run pics from last night?
>>42331 I hope so there was so much good white ass to look at
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Bump this slut
>>42016 bump
More em e plz sir!
>>42016 bump
>>42051 Anyone know if there’s any validity to the sig chi halloween party rumors.
Anyone got M1ch3le Y4ng co 2016 had huge tits and fucked around. Gotta be wins
>>43237 Bump this bit titted ho and her friends. Her bf had wins
>>43237 Post pic I wanna see what she look like
>>43577 Shouldn’t be hard to find. Need a hero to drop wins. Can’t believe there’s no UCLA sluts
Enya V?
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Any H4rk0mal T00r?
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Any leaks of Vanessa? Former APHI pres. rumor has it they exist
Cmon UCLA sl000ts
Who w4bts to ch4t
>>44748 whats ur s3ss10n?
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Anyone got N@r@h M0nteV!irg!n?
>>37783 Any of b@i13y h3rb3rt from the swim team?
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>>37783 anyone got MC?
Any ell@ lur!x?
>>46022 Need em
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Only win I have. Got more?
Bump Ami!
>>43237 Bump. She had a fat ass for an Asian chick
>>41490 >>44978 Bump Vanessa
>>42051 bumppp! such a baddie
>>49181 u know her?
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>>37783 I know this slut has wins, anyone have MC’s?
>>42051 Tape and the other nudes need to be dropped yesterday
Post Em
Still waiting for that T@l@ Ahm@di leak… 🙏
Anyone recognize either?
>>50477 Bumping for swim winz
(738.22 KB 1170x2064 IMG_3712.jpeg)
Big tit UCLA slut
>>49839 I made an entire thread about this on the Cali page. No activity. So odd. anonib al ca res 33944
>>50642 Bitch is getting kinda fat anyway
Let’s see some undie run pics from tonight
>>50564 She was at the undie run
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Ju1es is so perfect anyone got wins?
>>50564 I dont think you understand what big tits means but bump anywaya
i got triggaatee/tr4cyle
>>37783 M@y@ wins?
>>42051 Bump for the OG UCLA thread
>>52294 bump
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j0rd@n 8r3tz?
>>52492 Drop ur tg
jur1 k?
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Anyone got leyah? Heard she knows how to ride
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Gotta be some wins out there of M0nic@. She was a total whore in college.
Any wins of this swim duo?
>>54060 Bump
anybody have r1ch3ll3 k1ng1?
>>54060 Bump
>>42051 what board was she in
>>55361 Those were posted in the 916 Cali board, dying to see more. The poster seemed to imply those were a bit old and only part of what was leaked on her. We wanna see the rest :)
>>37783 Who’s got undie run pics from last night.
>>55383 ts wasn't archived?
>>55555 Where would we search for the archives?
>>55600 I already did search like 3 archived 916 cal threads from 2021,22,23 and found nothing are you sure she was in that board
>>55652 Those pics were from a few months ago on the CA board here. Should be the 916. Maybe look in 209 as well. Which zip code is UCLA in? That is your answer.
>>52294 >>52492 Any chance you still here?
anyone got any of wasianvriska
>>54776 i know she goes by em but how do I find more of her? what does one look up?
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l1ly b@i co19. she said her ex leaked her nudes online.
Any of br00ke k1rk? She is a cheerleader
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Does anyone have B3ll@?
bump for more l1ly b@i
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^Got the vid? Found a similar one but doesn't look like her
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>>42051 Needs to be hacked already
i have her nudes
nudes linked here yw erome jqVeYPBT
>>42051 What’s her @
>>49839 Name
>>51958 Who is this
>>56561 What’s her @
>>56561 Bump
^Thirsty as hell
>>56775 j a d d e e l i z a b e t h
3lla j0lley class of 22?
Post Em if you got ‘em
>>44748 bump 4 H4rk
>>56765 >erome jqVeYPBT re-up please, Ive been looking for that for a long time
>>56765 bump please, she is so hot
I heard m1r@cl3 ch4nd has some vids
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>>38178 Heard esha was a Regular trashy whore that threw herself at everyone when drunk. Theres gotta be wins of this slut
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>>60021 also heard she was a whore for younger guys and the doormat fuck for class of 2025. Lmk if anyone wants to ch4t
>>60073 what's your sess?
Does anyone know 3mm@ b@nc1la or 1sab3ll@ 0c0nn0r?
Bump more esha
anyone got k!l3y phung also goes by w@s1@nvr!sk@ online
Any Julia s@v@ge? Hot cheerleader
>>61191 Anymore topless images?????????/
>>61213 moar
>>60233 bumpppp for kiley. someone has her wins
>>60233 bumpp she talks to a million guys someone must have something
>>42051 Anything new on Jade?
>>56561 Still looking for Jade
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basketball team @m@nd@
g°F¡|€ /d/oyfVPu
>>61829 I saw a request for her in a cali thread lately, It got deleted. She may of been DCAM'd I hope for the best for her, and ffs I wish anons could contain themselves and not contact these beauties. But alas humans are a cesspool at times. I really hope someone will share the rest. And I hope she looses weight too
>>60233 bumping for k!l3y phung
>>62090 who is she?
>>62459 she’s a naughty girl that’s who
>>62090 another Hollywood plant sent to drive the men wylde
anyone recognize kiley here
>>63058 She's hot
>>63058 So sexy aka wasianvriska Any nudes?
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K3nd411 k?
/d/oyfVPu (who is this ucla chick?) g°F¡|€
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>>49812 M@ry C1air3 T0th aka MC
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>>38178 Esha made me blast
>>62090 Reup?
>>63058 bumping for kiley
>>64425 /d/L7LxYY
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Any pics of her at the undie run? Maybe some wins?
>>64916 Yes she was, fat ass
$tevie $wizz from the softball team?
Need Em album gf link re up
I'd be surprised
>>64916 Any more pics?
Natalie buhner?
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@sh c. Nip slip -class of 16
>>42051 Any updates on this one?
>>65595 Hasn’t been anything new for years I’m starting to think that original nude isn’t even her and that all these stories are bs
>>65607 Tit pic is for sure not her, I wish it was.
>>65607 I always figured a girl like her that clearly knows how to dress and pose would take a better nude than that, doubt its her too. Also assuming the "train" stories are bs... because duh lol
>>65612 Yeah those stories were always clearly the fantasy of some retard on here that had to imagine what happened at parties and c sesh. She really wasn’t a notable slut especially when compared to other aphi girls. Slept around? Maybe. Gang bangs? Not a chance.
>>65614 seriously, one of those guys that thinks porn is real life. Girls dont get gang banged lol threesome is even a maybe.
>>65616 Eh I wouldn’t go that far, there are definitely some frat favorites that have handled 3 at a time, but yeah for all intents and purposes the average girl like her isn’t gonna be one of them lol
>>65611 Ah that’s unfortunate for sure. How do you know it’s not her? Anyone wanna say more about her K’1k or S’ess?
>>65623 whts ur keek
>>65624 foasterco
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any of these asian sorority girls?
>>65667 I have Amanda
>>65671 would love to see amanda
>>65672 not here
>>65673 where then?
>>65674 k!k?
>>65611 Why do you say it’s not her?
>>65700 lol ^^^ did you not ready anything above
>>65709 Well we know her snap was hacked and I’ve seen her in those exact shorts on multiple occasions on campus. I don’t see how you could be so definitive in saying it’s not her just cause it’s a “bad nude”. Plus if you reverse image search it, nothing else comes up, so if it’s not her, who is it? Not saying it 100% is her, but just offering some counterpoints.
>>56820 Bump for Jad3 Has she gotten fatter or is she loosing weight?
>>66803 She definitely did put on a few by the time she graduated. Can’t speak to if she’s lost any of it since. It’s a shame too as a freshman/sophomore she was definitely one of the hottest chicks here.
S3ll1ng 3mm1 on t313 ss3thp3dro42
>>66812 I see her pretty often, friends with some of her friends. She has for sure put on a good bit of weight over the last few years and not just in her tits lol
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Anyone banged her?
>>67023 undie run she was there
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>>63058 bumping kiley
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Any of Am3r!ca?
>>41490 >>41490 Who's this
>>67569 bump
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any recognize?
>>67803 no but shes hot af
>>67803 more or @
>>67952 keep going
>>42016 bump
Hell yea more of her?
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>>68657 don't stop

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