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Anon 03/01/2023 (Wed) 13:16:39 No. 24399 >>32312 >>57513
Any Buffalo girls
Any Tori Majka? Short blonde with massive tits
Have a k W@lsh looking for some sorority wins
Anyone got more Alice?
Any SDT girls or alpha phi?
(5.35 MB 1242x2688 1677587072516488.png)
anyone have this tiktoker
T@yl0r Wi11i@ms0n former dance major 22 grad?
Any m@dison mcd0nough? On swim team,senior, big pierced tits, heard she’s an anal whore
Any @nik@ fiors or h3ath3r tr@sky?
︍︍Н︍︍i︍︍!︍︍ ︍︍I︍︍ ︍︍l︍︍i︍︍k︍︍е︍︍ ︍︍s︍︍е︍︍х︍︍ ︍︍Y︍︍о︍︍u︍︍ ︍︍с︍︍a︍︍n︍︍ ︍︍f︍︍i︍︍n︍︍d︍︍ ︍︍m︍︍e︍︍ ︍︍h︍︍e︍︍r︍︍e︍︍ : ︍︍sk︍︍
>>25140 bump
Anyone got J3nn@ J0hn$on?
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got @m@nd@ kn3pp31
>>25621 Can you upload and share a link? Looks like ero took it down :(
damn who is this chick?
Share Amanda K if you got her bro
you have a link to her?
anybody have y@si?
Anybody have s@vann@h sigm0n? dance major who graduated in 20
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>>25652 @m@nd@ kn3pp31
>>25895 Would love to see that video of her getting bbc!
>>25895 yeah bbc loves her ass
nice closeup at the end here
>>25917 what's her of name
Bump K W@lsh
As seen on Not allowed. Can anyone name the girl in the orange and girl in black?
Here you go fellas. Looks like they deleted their OF tho, name used to be Tyandcat1 then got changed to Therealirlovers. Look it up on f@pello com
Anyone got @m@nd@ sm00k? Her wins are floating around
Bump any sorority wins??
>>24537 Bump sophia
(100.72 KB 576x1024 snapsbuhiojhot Copy Copy.JPG)
T@ryn B? Heard she may sell
Nothing worse than a fine ass white girl that fucks black dudes.
Big bump
>>27346 go walk into traffNot allowedf you're so upset about it loser
>>26816 bump smook
>>24461 last name?
>>28387 I'm not the poster, but that's Liu. I need more of her though too, she's hot af
Anybody have Jessica Hillman?
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Haley D.
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>>28687 Wish someone had vids.
Any more of her? That pussy is amazing
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Please God tell me someone has Lexi S
Lydi@ P? 2022 grad
Anyone ever get the k w@lsh?
Anyone got some AST girls? @lexis H1LL, L1z@ F, h@nn@h T
Anybody have S@v@nn@h $igmon?
Dyll@n @m@to?
>>24404 guaranteed u don’t. I’ve never taken a nude not even for my bf . Get a life
>>32150 Post it plz?
>>27228 bump anymore
>>32260 sounds like no one actually has it. I’m calling cap because if it was real people would have actually seen it by now
anyone got ros@ m0rmin@?
Any n1col1na r1card1
>>32312 Amazing. Please tell me there is more.
>>32312 W@lsh? Body seems right, just no freckles or anything to be sure hahah
Am@nda Kw@ndra$?
Any more wins? Would love some recent grads
M@ri@ G@mind3 from akdphi?
>>28688 Anyone have anymore? I know there are vids
Anyone have anymore of her? I know there’s vids out there
Anyone have N@dine Fisk3? Amazing body.
>>28688 What is her last name?
Le@h 0verh0lt
Bump k w@alsh
>>33497 Bump for K Wal5h
(3.02 MB 828x1792 img_9681.png)
Maria j anyone have her in the fishnets picture
Sloppy drunk slut Abby Alger. Anyone get her?
>>28452 Anymore he@ther?
Any SDT? Looking for C@yl@ S
>>29007 BUMP!!
Bump k w@lsh
>>35044 bump
Any gi@nn@ yurch@k
looking for m@ddi3 d@vis
@nik@ f0rs?
who is the hot girl that works at the ecrc?
who is the hot girl that works at the ECRC?
who is the hot girl at the ECRC?
the Asian sorority girls are sluts
Bump Akdphi and sigmas
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v@ler13 wins?
Anyone have Sar@h B@uer?
Anyone got Claudia S?
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Anyone got?
Anyone got d3ena or ang3lica?
Bump for deena >>48177
Somebody has to have Tori Majka’s huge tits
>>48604 Bump on this
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Any wins on Claire Bonilla?
anyone know Jocelyn Furer from a few years back? 2015ish. Used to get her tits out at parties
as requested, jocelyn furer
>>33820 Bump for Walsh
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What happened to all the wins? We gotta step it up
who knows this chick
>>50004 hell yeah brother. is this the only one you know of?
I think I have more Jocelyn. Anyone have dphie girls?
>>27346 Facts. BWC >
c@yla s@lti?
This page went down hill fast. Stop asking and just start posting wins again
>>50004 YESSS I was hoping this wasn’t lost. Do you have the others? Or other girls from that time? I remember j3$$ic@ p@r@b3ll0 had a few out there, god I hope someone has them.
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JF - there now let’s see some more sorority sluts from then
>>26556 Ew... coal burner
>>54450 hate mudsharks
>>54957 Who’s this?
Isabelle Li? ingenue_belle8.
>>24399 Cl@ire K0epnick?
>>50039 Anyone have more trasky?
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Bump. Any TW wins?
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>>58260 This would be too good
Any H@ley M0nt0ya? Her sister hannah works at barstool now
>>56479 Rachel Hockenberger
>>49144 Bump
>>48604 Any wins?
>>54014 >>35044 i’ll pay for her wins
>>32312 Any more?
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>>64552 Name?
K@tie Alice@
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Who is this?
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br00k3 pal3czn¥
>>67106 Got any more?
>>67106 Def need more br00k3!!!
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more br00ke p
>>66223 Bumo for her
>>67325 Yesss finally more ppl contributing! Keep her coming! Let’s get some others contributing too
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Graduated in 21. Someone’s gotta have.
Any Cl@ri€ B0nill@ wins?
>>67415 Yesss or any of her friends?
>>67446 Then start posting. Some of you claim to have all this but just keep asking for stuff and don’t contribute. If you have wins drop them
>>67448 >>67448 >>67448 Paid money for it but i’ll drop it for free foh
>>67452 not for the boys huh
>>67452 LMAO that’s a weird flex. It usually means you don’t have anything. Lol
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Ur a fucking clown 🤡 LMAO
>>67554 Would super appreciate the share, but damn with how expensive that site is it's crazy how many watermarks there stil are
>>67554 Geez you paid that much? 👀 are her b/g // doggie pics that good?
>>67554 post some bro
Post madclark , stop being a lib cuck
>>68431 🤣🤣 Buy it then broke ass
I’ll buy it but do you have the tapes?
>>68442 Anyone that wants it i’ll sell for cheaper then what i got it for
This thread has become lame since one guy decided he wants to sell instead of contributing like everyone else has been
>>68451 Yeah i’ll give a 400$ set away for free fucking retard
>>68452 Sheesh imagine paying 400 for a set lol
>>68452 What’s your handle
I just want the tapes!
>>68608 She don’t smash on video
>>68612 Another retard
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since that bozo won’t post madclark, here’s juliet s
>>68943 What an upgrade over maddie! 🤣🤣
(7.61 MB 1290x2796 IMG_4405.png)
Also bought it 😉
>>69143 What a hero
>>68947 my man! gotta drop more
Shocked no one has K4t1lyn W4l5h...
>>69143 How does she fuck tho? Usually these hot chicks suck
>>54957 Good lord
>>69214 What’s her @
>>69246 she’s got 2. k@it|ynw@l$hhh and k@itwal$hhh
>>69240 Heard she’s a freak but who knows
>>69297 Doesn’t she fuck in her set?
>>69251 For which site?
>>69298 She does but the jackass wouldn’t include them unless I paid way more despite telling me they were included
>>69314 Want Madi J?

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