/cb/ - College Bitches

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Ohio University 02/22/2023 (Wed) 21:36:54 No. 23966 >>30407 >>35688
Lots of slushy OU bitches
Anybody have T@r@ M?
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random girl i found online
>>26596 mas mas mas mi amor, me gusta much tu sabor
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Used to have OF notrelatedtobritney
>>23966 swimmers?
payton vet0 or makayla d3yling?
Pretty sure she's on a pole somewhere with dollar bills in her G string
daria obrienn?
went to 3 colleges in 3 states but never got more pussy than OU
all! ben3d3tti?
>>23966 Maggie O?
Any Jilli@n H@rtm@nn? News anchor in Pittsburgh now, went to OU
any j0elle k3nnedy? massive tits
Anybody have b janks?
Any lexi lape?
Kaylee A aviation and bartender let’s see some of her
>>36699 bump for lexi
>>30470 What year was this?
K0urtney Gwilliam$ 2013???
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Any Savannah? Used to have an 0F (blondie_babyy) but deleted it.
Abby marshall or Alexis dalponte ?
kellyanne s?
>>26596 She’s hot AF! What’s her name?
Looking for Christine from 2007
>>26596 M@dis0n V€lten.I know there’s more out there of her too. Her tits are amazing. And I think she spent more time on her knees than in class at OU lol
Sadi3 B.?
Any Amanda B? Would’ve been around 2009
>>46524 Bump Sadie. Would love to see some wins from her.
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looking for christine 06ish to 08.used to bartend
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Michelle P0w3? Graduated around 2020
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remember her?
Lauren from softball wins?
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>>53262 bump tori (d)orne
I always bump for t0ri. Has to be out there
OU '21
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looking for M@ry L
J0rdan W3lls wins?
Any lexi lape?
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K@r1i Wi11iam5 Any W's,?
>>55074 Bump
>>55074 Bump
>>53944 she definitely has wins
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Looking for any Annmarie P. Nice body on her.
>>55074 Damn. She fine. I'd pay to see her
>>56021 Facts
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Add up for more of her and drop a msg saying “davia”
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Ari@nna G ‘19, found on a different board (pic from Scott Quad)
>>56433 Please post a link to the set here 🙏
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Bump j0rd@n w3lls
any noa r ?
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Any wins of Sydn3y Ke!l???
>>58613 Bump
Anyone have zayva m
Anyone have makay d3yling?
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>>60867 What initials and what year at OU?
Any more band bitches?
>>61068 Who you lookin for
>>61080 All you have from 2017 onwards
>>61096 favs you looking for? c o rd?
>>61102 t0ri d0rn3
>>61110 She was 110?
>>61111 no but still my fav
>>61121 what 110 girls then?
>>61123 am4nda w3isbr0d
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>>61345 Oh she’s been used lol
>>61349 so do you have nudes or pics we can all find easily
>>61354 I’ll dig something up, you have any nudes then?
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>>61349 LOVE tiny titties! The smaller the better!
>>61123 All!s0n Z!nk lol
>>61428 lol, I wish there were nudes of her, would be unreal
Any Gr@c3 H3llm@n around? Cheer team captain from a few years back.
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Bump 110
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Wild Ohio babe set 💦 add up SC @disprettyboy and drop msg saying tori
Bump grad class ‘18-19
k@tr1na macgil’17
S@ndy Sl3nker? She got around
>>61935 D3v@n Sm1th has to have something, with an ass like that.
>>56433 Bump
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Chr1stin3 anyone?
This board is nothing but requests and bikini pics this sucks
How about Molly B? Trombone player in the 110.
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>>62640 Anyone else know?
Christa s? Use to play trombone?
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Need more band girls
>>64116 Bump
Bump band girls
Any talia w
Forever bumping for 110 girls
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Anyone got any wins?
Ryl13 Mcintyr3
>>68371 Reilly*
Elen@ P0p0vich?
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Any one got 3mma h@userman?

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