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Chapman U 02/15/2023 (Wed) 09:56:27 No. 23469 >>28364 >>29624 >>42373 >>52132 >>58772
Who’s got those wins from Chapman University??
what year you want? and do you want dodge girls?
>>23471 anything youv got. any sports girls?
nah no sports girls sorry
>>23474 >dodge is fine!
give some names and ill tell you if I have them
Grimes sisters?
>>23476 got h@nn@h fl3tch3r?
>>23476 Juli@nne R0ller ?
Anyone got R0xy @mir@zizi
>>23642 Bump
@11y h0ck or n@t@1ie g1@u$i?
>>23476 d@n!elle rem!ngt0n or s0ph!e rub!n?
Jessic@ Phelp$?
Ema k?
Gi@nna g?
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any krische11e?
Any kri$che11e d?
>>24472 clearly not
Any Josie Rouser?
Tin@ K?
>>23471 Dodge girls pleaaaaaase, especially any from like 2016-2021
3lyn L@m? CUSP slut
Bump for R0Xy
say some dodge names u want and ill see what I can do
plz more ema k
agreed any dodge girls 2016-2020 would be great to see
>>25034 kamla, julia, willa, tessa, madison, deming, hell anyone from the class of '20 or thereabouts, doesn't really even need to be dodge tbh
>>25451 Bump for Kamla
>>25034 bumping for the wins, any from dodge class of 2021?
>>25034 h@yley sc@r@n0? class of '19
Anybody recognize
Anyone got Samanth@ Kenn3dy? Softball slut
>>25820 Yes!
>>26738 Initials and how do you know?
>>25820 I recognize. First name starts with a G
>>26833 mikehawk1003
Anyone recognize?
Kir@ B@ird?
Allie kryd3r?
>>24059 >>25061 Wins on the cali 415 thread but it won’t let me link lol
>>26722 her and her roommate/teammate M1r@nd@ M are both great... think wins areout there somewhere...
Any of J@smine l@b?
Bump juli@anne r0ll3r
>>28016 There are wins out there of all 3 of them, heard about it from a few football players. Also theres a third roommate/teammate, her name is M7r@nda(M0) L7nch and she's also sending and hooking up like crazy
>>23469 >>25034 let's get some dodge girls pleaseeee
>>28303 I know there are wins, but there's also some d33pf@ke$ out there as well... anyone have those for now...
>>25820 name or socials? I have her nudes
>>28467 We need them. Where did you hear/find out about the d33pf@k3s? I haven't heard anything about that, I've heard just wins. We need a GOAT to drop it
Bump for the three roommates
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>>29002 Nice ones! Now we need the real Wins of them
>>28490 Gabby I think post ‘em
>>23526 Bottom left, c0l3tt3 cucin0tt@ anyone got?
Bump, need more of the roommates
S@m@ntha K3nn3ddy posts kinda often in just a bra/lingerie on her BeReal if anyone is interested. She has posted a few nip slips too. There has to be more on her cuz she's for the streets
>>29569 whats her berealll
>>29624 her @?
Anyone got R0xy A?
>>29604 Pretty sure it's just her name or some variation of it(like extra m or y)
>>29831 You are right, it’s samkennedyy
>>29286 Bump
Who wants to talk ema k
>>30124 who wants to talk lol i just wanna see that bbc-loving pussy
>>30365 Drop something
>>30431 another tr@der
Still want to get into ema k
>>31156 Yes please. Great hips.
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>>31175 how ya know her? whatcha know about her?
>>31202 Just think she's sexy and slutty. Did you hit it?
>>26722 My friend just went on a “date” with her. He said “she’s the biggest slut I’ve met, she brought up fucking 5 minutes into meeting each other for the first time”. Apparently she’s hooked up with double digit bodies and she’s “obsessed with black guys and her type is “black only””. He did end up fucking her after the “date” and said it was really good sex but it was too obvious the amount of guys that have hit it. He also said that if you’re black she’s really easy to get nudes from especially if you have a bbc. I’ll keep up with any updates. Also heard one of her friends is a total slut cuz her bf broke up, not sure which miranda it is tho but she’s hooking up “every other night”
>>31402 Wow how old are you that you think fucking >10 people is a big deal? You need to get laid my guy
>>31603 i meant to say ug not hs(20 years old)
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Heard some stuff about the softball girls, how are there not wins on here yet? they sound like the biggest sluts on campus at the moment
heard some crazy things too
>>31938 what crazy shit have you heard?
any tori immel?
>>31989 s n a p fawk2399
>>32154 i don’t use that, get me at read it blckdsb
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Anyone got more Ashley Jen$en?
Anyone got Erin w from dodge?
bump for sam and friends
bump ema
>>33621 As always you get in touch with me for Ema K I c above
Any of links beside all1e?
>>33690 nobody wants to fucking message you bro. weird af. i'm surprised you're not already device banned for all the tr@ding requests...
Prof pics and wins?
>>33608 Buuummpp for Erin W
Bump for 0F links
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Damnnn, more? Wins?
@llis0n S3il3r
Where are S@m K3nn3dy's leaks at. I know a few guys that she had stints with got it sent daily
Does anyone have Sw33t L0u?
>>34956 A few of my friends know that ig @d_visionary3 has her pics if any of u guys wanna reach out to him and send us the results
Any 3mm@ kr1v0sh31n?
OF links?
>>35211 Can you reach out to him or your friends? Also has anyone else reached out? She looks like she got a hella solid body
>>34956 Need someone to clutch up. She's the one on the right
Anyone got Prinny Martinez C/o 2024
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Edited last time by mod1 on 11/28/2023 (Tue) 21:45:08.
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söfi@ & häñņ@h
Bump for R0xy A
Kira Baird?
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anyone have g3mma w or marl3y T?
>>41161 Just post here
>>41365 bump
>>41161 bump
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anyone know şï3na Cħaç0n?
Anyone know who has OF?
Prove that you have Kira Baird. Blur it out or something
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anyone know Niki?
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emeli@ A ?
>>23469 Anyone got wins from the Undie run last night?
Anyone know 5h@nñ0n mçärthy or l3x1 k05t1c. Or her younger sister t0r1
Kira Baird?
Any Hëlën M?
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can anyone trade wins from here?
>>42061 Also looking for these. I can generously reward anyone that posts some of Emeli@
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will trade if anyone has 3ll@ c0nw@y
Any cl0e j0hns0n class of 23?
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Anyone got anything with these 2 baddies?? Rylee n Angelina
>>46549 Buuuummmp
>>46549 i wish they’re so hot
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Yess! I agree we need those two chicks. Bump
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>>46687 anyone know her c/o 22? reward if u do drop a user
s0phi3 burr0ugh?
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>>28016 need to reup Samanth@ Kenn3dy and her roomies...
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ashley crum?
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Marley T sold me nudes lol
>>49510 d i s c smashpump1234 ill trade u
>>49512 bump
>>47710 Her nudes have gone around Chapman athletes, heard from a friend at another school that some guys from the basketball team were spreading it to other athletes. Seems like she's only sending to black guys. I was able to see one at a party and it was solid
>>49512 bump
Any Alina B!tter?
i have ky1@ T anyone know her?
What’s the story with c@itlyn fu
>>23469 bump for dan1elle r from 2015-19?
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Found c@itlyn’s vids too
>>52284 Bump for C@itlyn’s vids
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When did c@itlyn graduate?
>>52100 bump on cait’s story! btw anyone knows her socials?
Bump for c@it
softball freshmen?
Kir@ B@ird stories?
>>33621 what hero will drop ema wins
>>29624 Last name ? @
How about Ch3yn3 H@fn3r, supposedly fucked like half the hockey team back in the day
>>54828 ass go crazy
>>55980 yea its fat as fuck. no wonder the black guys love her
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k: bikinilover1235 for ‘20-‘22 girls
>>56130 have nude and nn mesg me
>>56248 u have ema
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Sydn€y Richm@n ‘19? Dodge?
Anyone have $4r4h kr1$hn414h?
>>57167 are there nudes of her?
D $h0rr?
>>57167 >>56130 message me i have some of her friends and all her nn
>>57213 message you how?
>>57237 look at the message i linked lol
>>57343 Post them?
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anyone jerk to m@dis0n?
>>57405 >>56130 message me for 2018-22
>>24004 >>23476 You Got E@lla M
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>>58768 her?
>>23469 >>58769 No she a brunette Ell@
ell@ C? c/o 2021
>>24000 Bump
>>58769 Bump, anyone got her??
anyone have $@r@h kr1$hn@1@h or emel1@ arnh31m?
Any Leah J?
>>58884 never heard of these sluts having nudes
>>59074 don't ruin my hope, especially with S@r@h since i heard she wears next to nothing at parties
>>59112 what about emel1@?
Kir@ B@ird?
Caitlyn used to go by caitlerz but I think she nuked her acct
>>56130 bump msg me
any l@ur3n h?
>>60364 so hot, love her
Any wins on C@stor Feinburg
>>60415 Any Danielle pearlman leaks?
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Any 3m1l@ych0?
heard ky1a Tůrn3r has lots. anyone got?
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Any M!ch3lle Kut$an0v?
>>64344 No wins but did fuck her on the beach in Newport lol
>>64351 Damn that’s wild. She’s got a bangin body how was it?
>>64354 body is definitely amazing, head wasnt great but she is a solid fuck. pretty wild
>>64361 Not shocked by that. I found her on TT and was hoping some wins were out there
>>64363 I wish I had some, and wish I could fuck her more lol was always fun
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>>64169 she does, anyone also have hannah?
>>64409 fucked hannah in the stadium at night lol
>>64430 wow, how was that
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these 3 my god
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Bumping thread Does anyone have Dodge 2020 - 2022?
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That cumshot is fucking incredible..idk who that is but I need more lmao
>>64813 Need more of this slut, I'm gonna cum all over her.
>>64817 I also have a short bj clip but the file type isn't being accepted
>>64815 Her name is Sha3l1n K311y
Anyone jerk to @udrey or m@ddie grimes?
Anyone jerk to gr¡me sisters?
Someone gotta have 5ar4h kr15hnai4
Any stories or wins for m@ryk@te w1llis?
Bump Any of the Softball team from the last couple years?

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