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University of Tennessee UTK 01/26/2023 (Thu) 19:23:19 No. 22247 >>23275 >>40770 >>56339
Anyone got any wins of T0ni C0x? i know she SCs them
>>22247 Bump for UT sluts
Ev!e New@ll
what about 0l!v!@ Haggar c/o24?
Ashton Fowler?
Anybody have Holland white?
any Emma T@ub?
Bump for anything
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alexa p c/o '24
>>31737 Is that Giannapriolo?
Add up on sc @disprettyboy for more 🥵🥵 drop a msg saying “liv”
>>31741 drop them here or on the bird app, sc is crap
Bump for vids of UT sorority girls getting trains ran on them
Anyone have (k)at (m)eadows?
M@dis0n B!rmingh@m??
>>31747 Agreed. bump for her here
any wins of M@h@ Zuba1r1??
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m@l3@h j3@n c/o '24
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more of m@l3@h j3@n
>>32510 Damn moar
N0el Harr!man?
Anyone have @udr3y we@ver?
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M3gan L@rson
Pretty sure she works at Smokerings, I’d love to see more
Anybody have Gi@nna S
last name?
I have b sitt0n
H@ley H@mbrick? Worked at copper cellar
What is last name for gi@nna
K(alei) H(ollingswoth)
kayla wadsworth?
>>35118 Sm1th
Anyone have k@t m
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H@iley M0tter wins or stories?
M3gn4 Bh4kt4?
Anyone got h@rley b0yatt?
Any Ztas
H@lli3 M@rsh?
Any adpi c/o 21-22?
Any wins from etsu?
Kortney Dunbar?
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3mm@ M1ll3r anyone? Fucked around a lot
>>22247 >>23577 Yes add my Sn@@p easttn2023
Sydney Royce class of 23
Any n@t@lie v@n hu$$? She was a zta, graduated in 21
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Any more nudes from @insley?
Kyl13 Cr@ne?
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any 3mm@?
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Any wins on Abby Bradford?
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willing to p@y for wins of Maha
bump maha
>>47920 pls let there be wins
Any Sydney Ch@mbers??
Any Br00ke Tipp3tt?
>>47920 bump for Maha Zub
Anyone have L!ly?
>>53642 huge bump for Maha
>>32510 Ig/@
Any e m3rr1ck?
>>34014 Any moar??
Lol who’s got Li1y L@ng?
M0lly m0sk0vitz
bump for Maha
Anyone got c@$$isdy h3rd0n?
>>22247 Any 0l1v1a Z1mm3rman?
Sy4ney W3r0n
Any wins of juli@nn@?
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Toni Lynn?
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Would love to see if Rachel cruz3 ever had nudes out in college. Nice bikini shots here With nice tits
Any Rebecca Du0rey
Not sure if this works but will report back if it does AEK9pyYwkh
Any wins on Syd M1nnier?
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Any P@rke3rH1n3s?
>>61862 bump
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Anybody have Amb3r D3marc0
Anyone got j3nn3y m0rg@n? Bbw and heard she was a little slut sorority girl there
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I need every story and detail cause god damn she’s fine
>>40770 i added you Anyone got any @shton F0wler? Got leaked a while back
P3yt0n L0llar?
natalie anderson?
any wins of Maha?
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Any cl@ire r@in? Slept around a lot before she transferred
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UT hottie 😈 add up sn@₽ @disprettyboy for more and drop a msg saying “UTK”
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K¡r@ W@1sh anyone?
kyliemmore? huge pair
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need M@h@ wins - willing to pay
>>64754 Lol I used to fuck this slut all the time, terrible head but fucking incredible body
>>64850 Got any pics?
>>64764 What's her socials?
>>64863 @mahazub
UT?? Dc: 4dYC8PwD
Anyone got faith huskey. She was in the band
>>64864 huge bump on Maha!
>>64862 got a few
>>64911 gotta share K¡ra bro she’s so fine
L1lly Cumb13??
mahazub bump
I got a Ev!e New@ll sex tape if anybody wants to exchange
Any ķ@ťìè ĥèŕn̈àn̈ďèź wins ?
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Anyone got any @nn@ $kyp3¢k wins
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anyone have carr13 and3rs0n
>>68218 Don’t have wins but have stories, she’s a dumb slut
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wins of l3x1 a5ht0n
>>68223 what stories do you have??
>>68233 Roommate took her to formal, she got fucked by 4 guys in the hotel that night
>>68223 >>68235 >>68235 no wayyy. so she is a slt
>>68236 Huge slut, one of the easiest fucks. Took no effort to get her in bed
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>>68218 I saw ure post and pics the 1st time, ive no idea why it got wiped by our overload uni
>>68218 bump any nudes? pim3y3s didnt find anything spicy :/
>>68246 Pics from that night? Didn’t take any
haha any nudes period
>>68247 it's all made up - fake news
>>68218 gonna need these fake Knockers
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any katr1na v0c1 wins?
>>68261 they are nice tho have to give her that
>>68256 It’s easy to tell who the virgins are, they think everyone has nudes and vids of literally every girl they’ve fucked
>>68230 bump
anyone have any >>68262 heard she’s a slut anyone have any wins?

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