/cb/ - College Bitches

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Anonymous 01/01/2023 (Sun) 19:38:23 No. 20792 >>24198 >>24211 >>30368
Anyone have anything from Michigan State?
Any k@tie hor0vitz
Any J0rdan F0rm@nczyk
J0rdan F
bump for molly m! Graduated in 14, super hot.
Any K@tr1n@ 3l@kkar! ? has a massive rack and seems slutty
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>>20792 Anyone have J3nn M@dd3n?
>>24210 name?
any wins? sydn3y Dug4n
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Alpha Chi slut's nudes are being teased on greekrank lol
They just got posted lol
>>24514 I have all the content
Looking for the video of Tiffany G having the train of black dudes ran on her
>>20792 G1g1 C0le
Looking for C@ll@ Mic(hal)ek
>>27008 Tiffany l@st?
>>24493 >>24500 Share them here, or a link
Chelsea W- huge tits-2011 grad slut
Any T3ss Mcm@n@m@m?
Kaya K. CC and track team I think?
>>30372 Bump
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Hannah K
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Any Wins Sophia Pandelos
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Does anyone have Georgia?
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Anyone have @very @rther? Shes got a wide account, not even sure what that is? like a OF?
>>24210 bump m@rissa
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Any z03 zie1ke wins?
>>24493 Greenrank?
Any L!ly b0yle?
Somebody has to have Katie watterss 🙏🏽
A Slutty nerd🤓
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>>42265 Bump for more
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>>42280 more showing her trimmed bush? Here's a cheerleader in return
Honors college 🤓
Nerdy sluts are so willing
Anyone got Katie singer?
Anybody have her? Pi Kapps playtoy
>>44007 Bump. Would love to hear stories too
Anyone know S@l@m Sm!d!? Went to their Detroit campus for med school
>>44007 Bump
>>44007 Bump 0549cbd80b6c9537ff5a04c35c17c2b21614457d820981845845ce57582761c74f
>>45645 What does that mean?
Ally P, Riley O, Cassidy R 2018 Grads from Up?
>>24211 Would give my left nut for her.
Ruby K?
>>46472 Agreed. Need them
anything from p1 beta ph1
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Anyone got Karalyn P? Rave slut with huge tits
>>44007 Bump
Any one have Keeg@n Sn0w
bump keegan
will post @very @rther for Keeg@n Sn0w
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Any one have serenity bonill@?
>>44007 Bump
bump K3egan sn0w
teresa g?
bump K3egan sn0w
bump K3egan sn0w
(89.40 KB 1080x1080 FB_IMG_1713368710499.jpg)
M@llory M, class of '17?
>>44007 Bump
Marcy C? Stories?
>>44007 I don't remember name but I remember her tits are great on insta, love to see more
>>54192 Initials KL. Big fan. Wish there was more or some stories
>>54228 Ah found her again, ty!
@v@ B0yd wins?
Anyone know @riean@ h3rnand3z? Got her nudes? She was an RA.
Anyone have cait knight?
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Whos got em, big whore from state
>>44007 Wow. Bump.
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Phenomenal ass, heard she used to send her titties out as well, who’s got them
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Physics major
>>56923 nice try, but anyone who can do a basic rev img search knows that this is a fake
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Mariam needs start doing p0rn, easy bread for her
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Yess!! Bump!! I can’t believe it, Mariams so fine
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Should we make a separate thread for her?
Ali U?
Who’s got the d3lani3 h@rkn3ss leaks?
anyone have anyone named Ali? class of 24 i think
Any softball sluts??
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J@cklyn R will be attending this semester! Her tits have got to be the biggest at MSU. Get em out boys! Need to see them
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Cl@1r3 Sm1th?
>>58782 Damn, i think we ALL want to see! And not just the tits, EVERYTHING
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>>37999 Bump. I think she's engaged now but would love to see those big slutty tits exposed
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>>59134 You need a better deep fake app lol. This is still obviously a fake but makes it fappable 😂>>59134
>>59041 zoeebella on snap if anyone's interested
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Any k@yl@ @lk@t1b
>>58782 Pretty sure her friend D3vyn already has some stuff leaked
>>59189 Damn who's got that arch?
Bump for sauce
g1@nn@ p class 25’ anybody got anything
Any chi o sluts
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>>59041 her tits are insane, someone must have wins?!
Gymnast harknes?
>>60207 woop
>>60207 Managed to get her leaked tits filedenzu .com/018daSd
>>60207 bump
>>60506 how about a bunk r of go fle?
>>44007 Bump
Anyone have Gi@?
St3rling G0ddard?
Any p@1ge @nders0n? Freshman
>>63183 Any K4ti3 5ing3r? Heard she was a huge slut
Any k@yl@ @ndru?
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P@ige D1ck1ns0n anyone?
>>42474 Bump for KP
>>30368 Lol went to hs with Gigi
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>>59189 Any more?
Any chri5tin3 pitt3l
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Someone have any wins??
>>65415 any more? Pls share all. Love her
Would pay for ell@ 6r@ndemihl
>>65415 Any booty?
>>65487 I have a vid
>>65415 bump for more
>>65492 Got TG?
>>65543 What you got?
>>65544 dc or k'1k
>>65546 theprot@gonist7140 change the @
Any @dy$on n@eb3ck? Freshman
m!@ v@rr!cch!one? sleeps around a ton
Any P@ige H@dl3y
>>63506 Need the middle
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Anyone have C@r1¥ ? Shes been leaked before
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Any Emily w?
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spartan nerd
>>68430 More please!!

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