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University of Georgia UGA 10/06/2022 (Thu) 00:09:16 No. 15704 >>16791 >>17672 >>22633 >>46724 >>51900 >>55042 >>55102 >>59630 >>60325 >>64371 >>66141
Lets get this one started
Does anyone know or have Lexi Bump
Blair W(a)ll-s would be amazing
Any one have cayla M 0 r r I s?
Looking for Heather S t r 33t
Anyone got @l@-n@ b00th, M@d-$0n ¢@$tl€, or K@t-€ H0rn€?
How is there not more than this?? So many sloots in athens
Cara Gates or Maggie Weir?
olivia sheffield? she had her nudes leaked and nuked all the socials.
Wow I’d love to see those Olivia leaks
(Uga slut dg) €MMA br00$ I belive you can get the maga on state₩ins,pk share when you get it
(Uga slut dg) €MMA br00$ I belive you can get the maga on state₩ins,pk share when you get it
Freshman Sandra anyone got her?
Slut sold nudes and sex a while back... no longer does. got to see them huge tiddies but never got to save. Anyone got them?
>>15704 Olivia b311? H@nn@h m@nn1ng? Rayn3 p@ti11o?
>>17672 Bruh just spell out their names. Nothing on this site shows up in a google search.
asian sorority sluts
>>17712 Yes, it does, actually
>>16850 Bumping for olivia sheffield wins
>>15709 Bump for Lexi or her sister Reagan
Anyone have m£gh@ń w@lsh
Maggie Weir Cara Gates Alaina Oregan
chinese here are whores for white men somebody has a mega
Allie D. ?????
>>15704 Freshman thetas ??
Lindsey G?
>>16850 >>16879 >>19891 4th request for olivia sh effield
Gingersp@rkles who has wins?
Kylie smith? 5th year
any whitney tang?
Any Avery (L)ockett
>>24988 Seconding
Julie/Juliana Wiley?
R@chel Ch€s€br0? In DZ rn
H@nn@h D0nahue? Gotta be selling, maybe even SB/s-corting?
(272.76 KB 437x800 Zoe Bryson 0084.jpg)
gf io d PLHSdf
>>16130 A dream
Add up on sc @disprettyboy for more 🥵 drop a message saying “georgia”
>>19924 Would love to see either of them two
what else does she have?
>>29996 get a real messenger sc? lol
Maggie Weir has a great ass
J3$$ cook?
Bump for Nicole! Messaged you homie
Anyone got @bigail (hilders
>>34616 bump gotta see those huge titties
L0ul!e h@tt@w@y
>>35885 Need more wins!
Use this u n d r e s s . a p p / r e f / 6 b f 9 5
J0rd@n G0ldr-ng wins would be absolutely amazing
Schw@rz sisters?
pls bros we need some wins
>>36496 Bump!
m@di$on f?
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Girl who drank her own p1ss? Think she was a cheerleader named Z0e
Who do we want to see wins of from here(current students)
>>37385 any and every one bro
>>37408 get one going
Je$$ cook?
Ansley F?
U have t———gram
Make a Georgia t——gram or is their like a college girls one?
>>37666 anybody have any, hot as fuckkk, from GA orig too I think
>>36496 Bump J0rd@n G
aditipatell on IG sells under the name luckyclover981 on some popular apps check her out
>>29596 Reup?
B@iley W!gg!ns??
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>>38210 Are there any actual nudes? Nothing looks active on that front
Zhol! Ro3??
>>37230 any more?
Would love to see Dev@n H if anyone has those!
Anyone know or have these UGA sluts? h0lly ch@fin, nic0le @yers, @utumn p€LL€tier, m@ddie j@cks0n, ril€y m€€h@n, t0ri h€ck, m0rg@n @lex@nder
I know 0livi@ P@yne was a big $lut at UGA, who else smashed or has pics?
Morgan Kaplan??
anyone know or got ju$tine fïtz? big slut
@shley Mill€r? Busty $lut works with football team
Lauren Young?
Any Asian sorority girls?
Snap slut
>>41118 name?
Morg@n Kaplan??
Anyone have @$ht0n b0nn3y?
>>41842 yes I have Ash. What’s your snap? I’ll add u and show there
Got any of Skylar logan
Who’s got some Devan H@mmack? I know she got around a lot
Bump for Devan H, would love to see if anyone has!
Anyone got $ydney c0ttle? thick slut
>>42335 What about her hot friend Ana? Would love to see those
>>42719 Bump for An@hit M3hranian
Anyone have Blythe?
(902.84 KB 1536x2048 1238649721546.jpg)
any of Em3rs0n.
(1.74 MB Download (1).mp4)
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would love wins of morg@n k@pl@n
@nn@ Wynn€?
Any D Phï € s0r0rity $luts??
M@di grįffįñ?
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She’s sexy! Got any wins?
@v@ sl0@n?
Linds€y gri€r?
My.ah Quinta.n@ Southern
>>15704 Avery W?
(83.40 KB 425x703 IMG_9353.jpeg)
S@r@h B@rnhill?
Have some, who are people looking from here?
Post whatcha got
>>46946 Love those tiny tits. Got more?
Anyone got or fuck $ydney L0verde? Big $lut
>>46319 Southern freshman? Anyone got some?
Reese B in phi mu anyone?
Reese B in phi mu?
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>>41844 sirhammondeggs on snap
>>48385 Guys please don’t message me if you don’t have the Ash wins
Bump for Myah Q at southern
Anyone got Jenna from PhiMu?
Who has the girl from PhiMu that sold feet pics?
(7.15 MB 1179x2556 IMG_8045.png)
Who is this??
Bump for Myah
anyone got j3ss3 w00d? in dz huge slut
>>50518 Yeah she went to GWA If you post Myah I’ll post her wins
BUMP for J3ss3 w00d post if u got!
bump for j3ss3 w00d!! post it plsss
C0llete Bl@ckmon? Gotta have some out there
>>48259 Damnnn thats hot
€rie St00key? Tall $lut
Bump for Myah Q @ southern
Who else at Georgia are people looking for wins of?
>>51379 j3sse w00d & cath3rine l4zenby & sydn3y s3n1cal
>>51379 Grace Lu
>>51379 T@tum C@110w@y
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anyone recognize this slut?
>>51547 Cute. Please more
Her snap was empty when I ran it sorry
For syd c0ttle
>>51547 oh I like her
>>51547 no, but she's cute. post more?
>>15704 Av3ry W!gg!ns? Al3x Ph!lpott?
>>29996 Does anyone have this set?
Bump. Would love to see the N1col3 N0rv3ll set
(1.66 MB 868x2220 Amazing Set.png)
>>52096 bump
@nn$l33 w@lk3r ??
>>41844 Bump
>>52096 What website does is that red text supposed to send you to? I can’t figure out the key
>>29996 Anyone have more of her?
>>51547 BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!
Name a sorority girl from here I should try and get wins from
Ell@ Ilic KD
jesse w00d
Anna Arthur? She sent to me before but lost them. She's in APhi
>>37736 Can any of y’all hack a snap MEO?
Snap yes, meo no
>>54614 I’m looking for help hacking a snap
>>54756 Tele @ord666
>>15704 Any recent phi mus?
>>15704 Any more of n1c0le n0rv311?
M@cK B0sw0rth anyone?
Any Le@h@ Eidm@n? So beautiful
Who knows girl on the right? Snap: random_s702
(1.25 MB 1066x1369 Screenshot_20240713-153840~2.png)
>>56662 I wish she's sexy af
>>56704 Bump she's got to have some
(1.71 MB 1080x1354 Screenshot_20240715-184846~2.png)
>>46946 What is r@chel last name? Any more of her?
(4.34 MB 1170x2532 IMG_2912.png)
Any of r@chel st3g3
bump for more rachel
>>56776 Damn anyone know her? I wish I did.
>>55042 C@r0lin3
Bump for Al3x Ph!lpott
C@Roline last name??^^
>>57397 cute af
>>57397 You have anymore of her you could post?
Need Avery Wiggins and Alex Phillpott😩
>>57397 bump. more ?
M@di Gr1ff1n?
€mily R@nd@LL or other DG alum from same time?
>>52082 Bump
>>44108 Bump for her wins or attempt to get them, she’s so fuckin fine
>>15704 Av@ Qu@rles wins?
Any kt ¢onw@y?
>>59656 bump
Huge bump
>>15704 >>41118 Lol is this M0rg4n M?
>>37736 Anime got Jenna in phi mu?
>>62813 Kik: anon4729284
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anyone recognize?
More plzzz. Link is always a dead end…
>>62892 Ero me a/vS1sXjBO
>>62892 >>62932 Last name?
>>62932 Name?
>>62892 Name is k4th3rine b4nick - pretty sure she went to app state not georgia
Ginny J@ackson?
Anyone have B3||a H@rris
(1.10 MB 568x830 11.png)
Any wins on aphi 2021 grads?
anyone have jesse wood
Any more C@roline C? Will pay
Anyone have Caitlin D0dson? Just graduated
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anyone have r34g4n g? phi mu sophmore
Anyone got? 4nn4 1ngr4m c4rly rUdn1ck C4r0l1n3 Br0wN Cl4yt0n M0r53 4rd3n Gr4nt R4ch3l V0y135 m3g4n h1v3ly 1i1y rh00k c j g4t35 r053 3ng31
Avery Wiggins!?🫣
>>63780 top tier titties
Ivy sholar wins?
Any current or former students who sell content??
(66.94 KB 423x747 2.jpg)
Surely M!@ T0rr3nc3 has wins by now?
>>64282 t.m e/lil y_mia_t orrence
bump @vdr3y brvn5
Bump >>29918
>>15704 >>63994 I have one of CM
post CM
>>66141 Yeah need that. She’s posted some NSFW-ish stuff on social before but would love the real thing.
>>66169 Heres CM from ig story
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Areil D ??
I know Diaz from hs lmao
Heard she was a freak with that tongue
fr? any more stories lol
Anything from Mia T?
>>41534 Any more of her?
>>57397 Last name start with B? Is right m0rg4n m?
Anyone have M@riss@ V@nH@ss3l?
>>19924 Bump
>>44108 gonna need more of her she is so fine
Any more c@r0line?
Any more C@r0lin3?
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>>67719 No way if that’s her I need all of it bump that shit
>>67725 It is, I took Emerson to formal lol
>>67726 You got anymore or a tg? Need that
>>67727 whats ur tg
>>67728 Adamjones123456
Anyone know Dallas from 2015-2017ish? Glasses and brown hair
Snap: anon202101 to talk abt uga
any current or former uga girls with an OF??
>>67728 anons85
anyone from RE:LAPSE dance group?
Any Gr4ce F? Current student
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Either of the kurtz twins?

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