/cb/ - College Bitches

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Anonymous 09/16/2022 (Fri) 15:07:31 No. 14974 >>15225 >>38801 >>56832 >>63266 >>64668
need those slutty "christian" girls
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looking for k1m pin@ graduated 22
@lyss@ d?
Please someone! I would love to see her!
Anyone got S@r@ S@nders?
She posted vids with her ex-bf. They split up and he took the account, but his ()nly was m()untain-man-xx without the dashes. Probably still has the content.
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need athletes
Any Kami Mi113r?
Any Kami Mi113r?
>>14974 bump for the desert
beach vb sluts?
Softball tits and ass? Kaylee P. Thick ass?
Any gfunk?
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>>15593 right
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who has the beach volleyball leaks?
>>15672 slutty
slutty christian girls on halloween?
anyone have the $ummer $ilve$tri leak? heard she has a mega floating around
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Anyone have anything on K@te D@meron?
>>17586 More of her? Great blonde
soccer or volleyball?
(2.08 MB 4000x3000 tiffany.jpeg)
Fishie named Riley S?
More of Tiffany or that entire album? Wow
Lexy Coons. Who has the video?
>>19600 Hot! Is there more?
>>19618 doesnt look like it
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>>19600 Damn she knows hot to suck cock and the balls too!
volleyball or beach volleyball?
Any Cheyenne R
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>>19887 supposedly got passed around by the basketball team last year
Riley S33ly - freshman slut. Loves cock and loves to me filmed. Tight cute little Asian slut
Ciar@ Bi@nchi
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>>20319 beautiful, anything else?
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anyone recognize? have anything good?
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>>15010 Bump
>>17599 She was from a few years back…she’s a MILF now. I helped a buddy w his laptop and I know they went there for while. Have more but need to get them off a drive first.
Desperately need k1m p1n@
need pics of girls laying out at the pools
Need Cheyenne C
(1.57 MB 1438x1789 1650849463712.jpg)
any slutty pics from wastemanagement?
Anyone got Sel1na N1coletti?
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Riley S. Tiny Asian slut that needs to be used. Gotta be more. She sends nudes like candy
What is Riley S. last name?!?!
>>24530 socials?
>>24118 nice pierced nipss
>>24530 more
>>21187 >>24118 need more of these types... grad pic or gameday fits
>>15082 Bump
>>24530 Does anyone have more
Seely is the last name. Just give her a lil attention and she'll let you film her while you fuck. Past your wins here
>>15082 >>14976 >>14975 more of that sweet puss?
any athletes?
need cute girls in their easter sundresses
Sarah lindstrom
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anyone know her and have the unblurred version?
M O R E Riley S ...
post grad photos of your favorite girls
Savannah hazlew00d
K@ylee P. Softball PLEASE!!
@lli3 wh33l3r?
Amanda c?
>>30652 last name rhymes with?
>>30665 Fl1n0w1th
Jenna h**** class of 26
>>24530 BUMP!!!!!!!!!!
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Amanda. Anyone have her?
any nursing school hotties, in and out of their scrubs?
U get any nudes of amanda?
post FCA closet sluts
>>24530 MORE????
Riley S whats her insta?
>>32124 None in scrubs but fucked her in nursing school
Anyone have more of Analicia? Class of 22
>>33507 reminds me of shrek
>>14975 Anyone have more of her? her name is G1@nn@ n1c0l3tt1
(396.72 KB 2048x1364 DE6X6TwV0AEV5ea.jpg)
>>34424 she's cute
any FCA closet sluts?
Emily Darwin?
post your favorite sluts from welcome week parties
>>36023 anyone have n1c0le b4km4n?
(387.58 KB 1080x1343 A.jpg)
Any aun@ h@v3ns?
any freshman athletes?
>>37158 cute
wish i could find pics of the cute TA from my psych class
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>>38398 Name?
Love them redheads
>>14974 >>15082 Anymore?
(1.18 MB 1535x2048 vsco_051023 (1).jpg)
Anyone have Abbey P
>>38917 post a nn of her
>>36275 fuck she's cute af. any stories of her?
>>36275 I nudified @un@ using that photo and it came out pretty flawless. lmk.
>>39209 then post it
>>39213 i'm not publicly posting a photo like that
>>39224 post more nn of her
any good slutty Halloween costumes?
>>39297 seconding this req
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>>36275 do you know if she actually has wins?
>>40863 every girl has wins. it's just whether or not they leak
>>38398 post her
>>41543 anything identifiably gcu for her?
>>41543 Bump
None of you retards have been able to get more Riley S? If someone gets something I'll drop vids of her sucking cock.
>>42179 looks cute. but idk her. need someone to post nn of her, also
>>41543 The little bit of poo that comes out at the end lol
>>38808 moar
(878.95 KB 1366x2048 vsco_030923 (3).jpg)
>>38398 >>41540 here's one of her on the right. anyone else have classes with her, or know her? anything to share?
>>40863 moar @un@. She must've been very fun fuck in college being cute and fundsized.
>>17586 >>17599 >>22095 I know her for sure! She is still pretty cute for her age as well. Wouldn’t mind seeing more of her, maybe more in a set??
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>>45220 Meant to add if you guess know this gal. She went around the same time as the gal in the other post. they were a ways back.. like from the late 90s (97 or 98 I think). This picture is pretty old to..like 10y plus.
>>41543 Yo that girl is a minor who got blackmailed into doing that
>>17586 >>45221 Jump for the older classes!!! Thinking these two are class of 2001 or 2002…lots of hotties from that era! Please have more of both!!
plz share if you do find more of Lex1, redheads are my kryptonite
>>43134 right is cute
>>14975 Does she have a leak?
>>46519 just the one vag pic from earlier in the thread i know of
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Any on Michelle h?
>>24530 sends 'em out like candy, and no update or additional images? C'mon...
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On topic of Christian College girls: here’s Ju11@ P from Taylor U
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Would you like one of her with a cock in her mouth?
That last message was supposed to be a reply to the guy questioning that she gave them out like candy
Riley S
Riley S
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Anyone got @am@r@isabel3 on ig?
>>53431 nice
Kelly sevold or lexy t?
bump for more
(1.77 MB 1170x2532 IMG_4579.png)
Taylor Parsons
Cadence Lucas?
>>38755 lord please tell me somebody has k0bi3's nudes
>>55082 are there any more of her?
>>55498 She has videos on xvideos
(103.79 KB 733x1100 DanielleAlayne.jpeg)
(2.11 MB 1179x1379 Dani.png)
Entire boudoir shoot out there, best of luck finding it. I couldn’t. Modeled under Danielle Alayne name
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(3.26 MB 1179x1463 Dani2.png)
>>55484 been trying to find content leaked from her short-lived OF for a while, no success
>>56394 good luck my dude. i been looking for years
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Anyone know this sexy woman? Find me at "Roughwinter" on app that starts with T
>>33471 she's cute... more?
>>56260 any chance you know the photographer?
>>56646 All I know is that it was part of the Boudoir Inspiration magazine. She uses Kayvar for a modeling platform. I found the image on a site called fusker
>>14974 '21?
>>56832 more of her?
>>56956 yes her!
>>15308 We need the softball sluts
>>24530 bump - where are the nudes compared to candy OP speaks of?????????
>>19598 >>19600 She does OF now
what’s her OF @?
bell@ m@rtinez dancer @ gcu?
>>57467 Not a bad price at all
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Any of the 2 on the left?? ‘19
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>>56832 oh anymore of her?
>>25236 What’s her socials? I think she deleted her insta lol
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M3g/K@it B1ckh@us?
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>>14974 Bell@ C?
>>58093 Still looking!
K@yli3 wh1sp3ll?
>>14974 Bump
Any savybrooks
Anyone from 2013-2018?
>>58093 Stillo looking for the 2 on the left!
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Any wins from C@r0line A.?
bumping thread. not the awful last post
>>65331 I don't have any nudes but I have fucked her a handful of times
Bump for Sel1na n1colett1 cuz I grew up w her and I know she has wins
Anyone know B3thany S?
>>67067 You mean G14nn4? What's her story? I've been looking for her leaks for years
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Anyone got this girl?
Anyone have J3ssica $yracuse graduated in 2016
>>68416 Bump
>>20319 >>68416 Used to have a ton. There’s lots out there I’m sure.

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