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Anonymous 05/22/2023 (Mon) 15:19:07 No. 5770
Her name is Charlene. Anyone else has more?
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Oh I know this hoe!! Wow! She’s the biggest slut. Easy to fuck too! She’s from the Bronx, Grand concourse area.
Oh wow! It was a matter of time before her nudes leaked! I know this hoe
Yessir!!! Me n da homies passed her around at a party one night. Good slut tho frfr
>>6124 Nah she sure was! She’s been with some guy for a while now. But I miss piping her out when I wasn’t with my girl. Best side piece ever. You have any pictures? Trying to see what pops up lol
I got you man boy. One of my homegirls follows her. Easiest bitch to bag. In less than a week I was hitting it with no effort.
>>6346 No pics video but on my old phone If I can find I'll post She couldn't get enough soon as we'd slow down she'd say next & said u better hit it hard like gah damn bitch lol
>>6350 Bruh! That’s crazy!! Lol My boy was piping it out in back of my car. Like nothing. Titties all out! Bouncing around!
>>6350 Did you know she’s good friends with K3llz, the infamous hoe!
Did ya ever met her “cousin” melissa! Petite bitch w huge tits!
>>6351 U didn't play with her tits? Sure she'd let u Party we was at she let my homie dad get a turn on her I'm like this bitch a straight hoe like fo real Awkward af really but that was the only way he'd stay quiet & leave us alone so she let him go on her I'm like anybody can get this pussy lmao All of us had our whole body hurting the next day had her in a pretzel lol good night
>>6352 Damn nah I ain't know that that's wzup tho makes sense
>>6360 Yup they both that stupid cupcake tattoo on their shoulder. As if it’s their hoe badge lol I remember the first time I went over to hit! She had lube on the floor. Like damn I’m definitely fucking tonight. I wonder how many bodies she got! lol And at what age?!
>>6359 She was definitely a hoe! Those huge tits! Nice lips. No ass tho! lol If only her man knew how many dicks were inside her.
Nah I know this chick! Bump!! Anyone has more pictures?
Anyone have her spooky appp name
>>6421 Don’t think she has one. I’ve requested her on the app shown n nothing. Anyone has messaged her?
I have she doesn't sell she's trying to get money after she knocked someone out, robbed them, and she has her psycho bf whoa a known felon selling drugs to minors trying to get wins because they two suck at parenting and are trying fuck others cross country Rob them and have another baby like fucking sick retards
>>6424 Post some current pictures Tim!
She sounds like a typical cum bucket!
Anyone has pictures or videos?
>>6424 My homie used to chill w her. I used notice how guys would just look at her. Like they knew she was about that life lol I hope my homie wore a condom lol
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Here’s her best friend k3llz
Bump! Anyone has more?
Any updates?

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