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movement against spam on anonib Anonymous 09/02/2022 (Fri) 10:01:59 No. 48
There has been a lot of spammers recently (sn@agod for example) killing good threads by spamming which results in good threads being driven down and eventually lost. However, if even 2-3 anons came together and ctrl + v warnings so new anons dont fall for the scam it would completely kill any profits and hence incentive for spamming. I'm curious whether this could work and whether any anons here would be interested. Photo atached is the spammers ads so you know what I'm talking about. Mod edit: Thank you anon. Report this faggot's account
Edited last time by taurus on 09/02/2022 (Fri) 10:03:43.
mods can only mod so much, and everytime a scam is spammed it pushes one good thread into deletion, hence why this should concern us coomers.
The only reason her scam has any appeal is because the unseen content she teases isn't available. Make it available and she will go away. Instead of dropping ctrl-v warnings, post Mir links :)
Bump - heard these leaked Post it!
