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Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 20:23:03 No. 13809
Is there any Julie Renner from strafford?
If you would’ve posted some good ones I would’ve helped you out but it appears everyone’s just here looking to mooch 🤷🏽‍♂️
If I had any to post i would my guy, just hoping someone's gonna be cool enough to help a guy out
Damn Cbna sucks anyway I gottem but taking risk with no benefits doesn’t make sense maybe someone will help you out
Well if you post that will entice others to as well. I'm not being a cunt I just don't have any to share or I would we're all here for the same thing
Dudes on this site saying he's got wins but won't post lmao just say you don't have anything dude it's okay

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