
Type: Report closures *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: ms

Time: 03/04/2024 (Mon) 01:08:35

User unicorn closed a global report for thread 7577 on board /ms/.

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: ms

Time: 03/04/2024 (Mon) 01:08:35

User unicorn deleted the following threads: 7577 and the following posts: 7577/7614, 7577/7629, 7577/7630, 7577/7637, 7577/7638, 7577/7640, 7577/7642, 7577/7645, 7577/7654, 7577/7671, 7577/7722, 7577/7733, 7577/7739, 7577/7744 from board /ms/.

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: ms

Time: 03/04/2024 (Mon) 10:16:35

User unicorn deleted the following posts: 2495/7747 from board /ms/.

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: ms

Time: 03/04/2024 (Mon) 10:34:17

User unicorn deleted the following posts: 2495/7748 from board /ms/.

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: ms

Time: 03/04/2024 (Mon) 12:20:24

User unicorn deleted the following threads: 7750 from board /ms/.